Yomin Carr

Yomin Carr, a Yuuzhan Vong from the warrior caste, was a male individual. He served as an advance operative, dispatched from the Galactic Rim by the Praetorite Vong's vanguard force to set the stage for the impending invasion of the galaxy. In 25 ABY, Carr, disguised as a human male, infiltrated the research team stationed at ExGal-4 on Belkadan. This team of scientists was dedicated to the search for life beyond the galaxy. Concealing his true nature and objectives, he awaited the arrival of a Yuuzhan Vong worldship, which he knew would emerge into the galaxy at a specific location known as Vector Prime at a precise time. When the ship was detected entering from the Intergalactic Void, Carr, acting on instructions from Prefect Da'Gara, a leader within the Praetorite Vong, persuaded his colleagues on Belkadan that it was merely an asteroid.

Despite Carr's explanation, a trio embarked on an investigation from Helska IV. During this mission, the ExGal-4 team was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong. Back on Belkadan, Carr employed dweebits, insect-like creatures from the Yuuzhan Vong, to transform the atmosphere into a poisonous environment. He also sabotaged communications. While the toxic gases eliminated those who ventured outdoors, Carr revealed his alien identity and brutally murdered the remaining personnel. However, the Jedi Masters Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker arrived on the planet shortly thereafter, responding to a distress signal. Upon landing on Belkadan, Jade engaged Carr in a fierce battle, ultimately killing the Yuuzhan Vong warrior.



Belonging to Domain Carr, Yomin Carr was a male Yuuzhan Vong warrior, a member of the Praetorite Vong, the advance force dispatched to lay the groundwork for the planned invasion of the galaxy, having already established a presence at its edge. Following orders from his superior, Prefect Da'Gara, he infiltrated the research team at ExGal-4 on Belkadan, utilizing an ooglith masquer to appear as a Human and a tizowyrm to facilitate understanding of Basic, the galaxy's common language. The station was staffed by several individuals, headed by the scientist Danni Quee, all hoping to discover life beyond the galaxy.

Yomin Carr

His colleagues at the station perceived Carr as a dedicated and hardworking individual, consistently arriving early and staying late. He maintained a distance from the others, rarely participating in dinners or recreational activities. Tee-ubo Doole, a Twi'lek member of the team, found herself attracted to Carr, believing him to be a Human with a mysterious nature. Unbeknownst to the crew, Carr was plotting to betray and eliminate them all to prevent news of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion from spreading. Carr selected the ExGal-4 site because he knew it was the location where the Yuuzhan Vong ships would enter the galaxy, through a small opening separating the galaxy from the Intergalactic Void, known as Vector Prime.

In 25 ABY, after a brief period working at the station, Carr detected an object emerging from beyond the galaxy, signaling the invasion's commencement. Carr contacted Executor Nom Anor, another Yuuzhan Vong instigating unrest elsewhere in the galaxy, informing him of the invasion's start. Following Anor's instructions, he then sabotaged the station's communications tower. He also released several dweebits, beetle-like life forms that would deplete the atmosphere of oxygen, replacing it with poisonous gases. Upon re-entering the room, he was greeted by Danni Quee, who informed him of the extragalactic object they had spotted. Carr feigned curiosity as the group debated the object's nature, eventually concluding it was an asteroid. However, some argued that it was impossible for an object to enter from outside the galaxy, arguments that Carr fueled, suggesting it could be an asteroid reflected off the border. He insisted on confirming its extragalactic origin before contacting the New Republic, to avoid potential embarrassment if it was not from outside the galaxy. The rest of the team remained unaware of Yomin Carr's true intentions.


Yomin Carr

The team decided to send three members in the old Spacecaster ship assigned to the outpost. Danni Quee chose to go, and invited Carr to accompany her, acknowledging his diligent work. However, Carr declined, claiming that his short tenure meant others were more deserving. His true motive was to eliminate the remaining crew, and he was under orders to avoid approaching the Yuuzhan Vong base. Ultimately, Bensin Tomri and Cho Badeleg were chosen to accompany Quee.

Before the ship's departure, Carr worked on it, ostensibly repairing the pressure pump. However, he was actually sabotaging the vessel, disabling its communications. Carr then retreated to his room, where he contacted Prefect Da'Gara using a villip, a Yuuzhan Vong communication device. He informed Da'Gara that a team was heading for Helska IV, the location where the "asteroid" had crashed. Da'Gara promised to destroy them, but agreed to grant Danni Quee an honorable death when Carr suggested she deserved it. Carr also assured Da'Gara that the other workers would be dead within a few days.

Shortly after concluding this conversation, Garth Breise knocked on Carr's door. The station transmitter was malfunctioning, and Breise and Carr were tasked with repairing it to restore communications. Carr knew his sabotage was causing the tower's electronics to fail. He could also detect the methane/sulfur mix released by the dweebits, but knew it hadn't reached critical levels and that no one else could smell it. Breise discovered several broken cables at the base of the tower, and, noticing the massing dweebits, believed they were the cause of the problems. The two ascended the communications tower, watching the Spacecaster lift off as they reached the top. As soon as it disappeared from sight, Carr attacked Breise, pushing him off the tower, causing him to fall one hundred meters to the ground. Watching him fall, Carr felt gleeful, though he regretted that Breise might land on some of the dweebits, which he considered his pets.

Four station workers then ventured out after receiving a call from the Spacecaster, warning them of approaching strange clouds. After Breise's body was discovered, they decided to investigate the massive storm, which was actually toxic clouds of methane and sulfur. The group soon realized it was poisonous and deadly, as their jetpacks failed due to lack of oxygen. Realizing someone needed to warn the rest of the team about the toxic clouds, the group decided to sacrifice their oxygen so that Jerem Cadmir could return to warn the others. Cadmir encountered Carr on his way back. Initially delighted to see him, his joy soon turned to horror. Carr revealed that he was responsible, and that the planet would be overwhelmed within two days. Cadmir was stunned by Carr's betrayal, but then the warrior revealed his true form. Removing his ooglith masquer, he told Cadmir that for his efforts in attempting to warn the others, he deserved an honorable death. He then killed Cadmir by breaking his neck and headed back for the station, not bothering to reapply his disguise. Lysire Donabelle, a scientist, encountered him and was swiftly killed. Carr then proceeded to murder the other members of the team. Meanwhile, Yuuzhan Vong coralskipper starfighters attacked the Spacecaster above Helska IV, killing Tomri and Badeleg, while Quee was taken captive.


Carr battles Mara Jade Skywalker on Belkadan.

A short time later, the Jedi Masters Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker arrived at ExGal-4. They had received a report from the Jedi Kyp Durron that Belkadan's communications were down, and decided to investigate. Carr observed the visitors from the shadows, but sprang into action upon seeing the droid R2-D2, which he considered a perversion of life. Carr pursued the astromech until he encountered Jade Skywalker. Carr mocked her, then attacked, throwing a thud bug at her. Jade dodged it and shot him with her blaster. However, his vonduun crab armor easily deflected the shot, stunning her. Jade then drew her lightsaber. Carr responded by throwing a dozen thud bugs, all of which she blocked. He attempted to immobilize her with adhesive blorash jelly, but Jade cut through it, freeing her feet.

She charged towards Carr, lightsaber ready. The warrior countered with his amphistaff, a Yuuzhan Vong melee weapon. After a brief duel, during which Carr recognized her as his equal, she killed him, stabbing him in the heart.


The Yuuzhan Vong would lose Helska IV, though Belkadan remained under their control for eventual use as a shipbuilding world. Many Yuuzhan Vong blamed the Praetorite Vong for the loss at Helska IV, accusing them of overstepping their bounds in attempting to control the invasion. When the main fleet arrived, the species retaliated swiftly, taking the war to the New Republic for four long years, though the Yuuzhan Vong were eventually defeated. Carr's death highlighted the skill of the Jedi, who could defeat even elite warriors. Mara Jade remembered him as a fierce fighter who pushed her to her limits.

Personality and traits

While Carr appeared to be a quiet Human dedicated to his work on ExGal-4, he was much more. Viewed as a mysterious newcomer, Carr was actually a cunning warrior. He desired to kill all the workers at the station and struggled to control his bloodthirsty instincts. However, he respected Danni Quee, the station leader, and persuaded Da'Gara to grant her an honorable death. Carr would extend the same fate to Jerem Cadmir, recognizing his strength and resourcefulness in returning to the ExGal compound under extreme conditions.

Though the Yuuzhan Vong despised technology used by the galaxy's inhabitants, Carr worked with it frequently. Although he disliked touching it, he knew it was necessary and became one of the few Yuuzhan Vong to utilize non-organic technology, even becoming proficient in it, able to perform maintenance on spaceships. However, Carr still despised machines, especially droids.

Carr was devoted to the Slayer god, Yun-Yammka, the Yuuzhan Vong god of war. He kept a small statue of the god in a coffer.

Behind the scenes

Yomin Carr was created for The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime, the first book in the New Jedi Order series. He plays a role similar to Executor Nom Anor, stirring up discord, albeit on a smaller scale. Although Vector Prime notes that Nom Anor infected a group of New Republic diplomats with coomb spores, Galaxy of Intrigue mistakenly states that Carr was responsible.

A miniature figure of Yomin Carr was designed for the Star Wars Miniatures' Alliance and Empire expansion set.

