Shoon-mi Esh

Shoon-mi Esh, the sibling of Niiriit Esh, shared a crèche with her. He was a Yuuzhan Vong Shamed One who dwelled in the shadowy, hidden areas of Yuuzhan'tar, which once functioned as the New Republic's capital city.


Shoon-mi belonged to a group of Shamed Ones; many of them held Jedi Knights in high regard, believing they would eventually save his people. However, he chose to remain instead of fleeing into the depths of Yuuzhan'tar, resulting in his sister, Niiriit Esh, disowning him.

Shoon-mi was committed to ensuring his group's survival, especially Niiriit's. Unfortunately, a hunting party of warriors discovered the Shamed Ones, and only a handful managed to escape the ensuing raid. These included Kunra and the individual later known as Yu'shaa, who was actually the former executor Nom Anor.

Nom Anor, posing as the mysterious prophet Yu'shaa, started to rally the Shamed Ones against the higher castes, whom they considered their common foe. Although Yu'shaa gained a growing following, Shoon-mi began to question the Prophet's true dedication to the cause. He feared that Yu'shaa would merely replace one form of slavery with another for the Shamed Ones.

Shoon-mi, along with a small group of Shamed Ones, made an attempt to assassinate Yu'shaa while he was sleeping. Concealed by an ooglith masquer, Shoon-mi intended to seize the Prophet's role. As Shoon-mi held a coufee to Yu'shaa's throat, threatening his life while speaking to him, Kunra, Yu'shaa's assistant, suddenly appeared and stabbed Shoon-mi, saving Yu'shaa. Yu'shaa then finished off the incapacitated Shamed One by strangling him.

