Niiriit Esh

Niiriit Esh, the crèche-sister of Shoon-mi Esh, existed as a Yuuzhan Vong Shamed One within the shadowed depths of Yuuzhan'tar, which was previously the capital of the New Republic. Having once been a Warrior, Niiriit experienced shame following a loss during a battle in the Yuuzhan Vong War, yet her inner strength remained unbroken.

As a member of one of the numerous, autonomous Shamed One factions, Niiriit held the Jedi Knights in high regard, viewing them as the potential redeemers of her race. Upon Nom Anor's arrival to her community, she initially regarded him with distrust; however, with time, she came to understand the advantages he could offer. Furthermore, she grew to appreciate his presence, and Niiriit stood alone among the Shamed Ones as someone for whom Nom Anor seemed to demonstrate a degree of respect. Niiriit gave her life for Nom Anor and the other members of her group during a nighttime assault by warriors. The sound of her death nearly compelled Nom Anor to remain and engage in combat—but this feeling was fleeting.

