
Kunra, a Shamed One from the Yuuzhan Vong race, functioned as the primary lieutenant for Nom Anor within the insurgent movement centered around the Jeedai heresy.


Background and character

A towering and skilled warrior, Kunra’s Shaming was only evident through his abandonment of adding to his incomplete warrior tattoo pattern. Displays of cowardice were also part of his character. By 28 ABY, he held the position of leading male within a small group of Yuuzhan Vong outcasts. These individuals resided deep within the decaying lower levels of Coruscant, separate from the main Yuuzhan Vong population on the Vongformed surface of Yuuzhan'tar.

Kunra's good health was not unique among the outcasts. While some experienced Shaming due to failed biotic implant grafts, others were seen as having violated caste due to their involvement in unsuccessful operations during the war against the infidels. Exiles from Domain Esh were particularly noticeable. They had been Shamed after the female warrior Niiriit Esh's participation in a failed mission, despite the fact that the mission commander, Executor Nom Anor, was actually at fault. These Yuuzhan Vong, whether officially disgraced or escaping punishment, considered their Shaming unfair, resulting from corrupt and incompetent leaders. In contrast, they began to view the Jedi Knights not as adversaries, but as liberators who would spark a revolution in Yuuzhan Vong society and restore their previous standing. As outcasts, this belief, combined with the long-held desire of the physically Shamed for physical exaltation, gave rise to a mixed religious and social-revolutionary movement known as the Jeedai heresy.

However, Kunra was distinct among these Yuuzhan Vong. Unlike many others, he didn't use his domain name to defy his Shamed status, nor did he disclose details about his past or denounce the injustice that led to his exile. While he never disputed the other heretics' belief that the Jeedai could restore their status, he generally kept his thoughts and opinions private.

When Nom Anor himself joined Kunra and Niirit's group after his disgrace following the Battle of Ebaq, the former Executor realized that cowardice had been a factor in Kunra's shaming.

Time with Nom Anor

Kunra openly expressed his distrust of Nom Anor upon the former Executor's arrival. This was partly because the high-ranking Intendant replaced him as the leading male, and his jealousy intensified when Niiriit—whom Kunra was attracted to—began to favor Anor's company. Close collaboration between Nom Anor and Kunra only began after their camp was discovered and destroyed by a Warrior raiding party. It was also at this time that Nom Anor became aware of the Warrior's cowardice.

According to Kunra's account, he was speaking with the camp's night watchman, Yus Sh'roth, when the warriors attacked. He fled, leaving the aging Shaper to face the attackers alone. When Kunra was injured during their escape, Nom Anor saved his life, believing that his understanding of the warrior's weakness gave him leverage, making him a compliant and valuable servant.

As the only other survivor of their group, Kunra was the only Shamed One who knew Nom Anor's true identity. When the ex-Executor adopted the identity of Yu'shaa, Kunra, along with Niiriit's brother, Shoon-mi Esh, became one of his lieutenants in spreading the Jeedai message and inciting revolution. He later saved him from an assassination attempt by the jealous and ambitious Shoon-mi. Kunra admitted his suspicion that the "Prophet" would abandon them to regain Supreme Overlord Shimrra's favor. However, he told Nom Anor that he believed his leadership also offered the Shamed Ones a chance at redemption, and he was therefore willing to support him.

Over the following months, Kunra rose to become the second-in-command of the revolutionary underground on Yuuzhan'tar. Officially, he served as Yu'shaa's bodyguard and herald. However, he also led the secret terrorist network within the Heresy, which quietly and ruthlessly eliminated dissenters, opportunists, and infiltrators. An unusual dynamic developed between Kunra's cynical pessimism, his knowledge of the heresy's hypocrisy, and his willingness to assist Nom Anor, along with his hope that the revolution could succeed.

Leader of the Jeedai heresy

Shortly before Nom Anor departed with Tahiri Veila and Corran Horn for Zonama Sekot, he noticed Kunra distorting his words during meetings. The former warrior seemed to be pursuing his own agenda. Away from Coruscant, the revolution became irrelevant to Nom Anor, as he betrayed the heretics and secured his restoration as Prefect of Yuuzhan'tar. In the meantime, Kunra assumed leadership of the movement and contacted Galactic Alliance agents on Coruscant, including Wraith Squadron operative Baljos Arnjak. When Nom Anor once again posed as Yu'shaa to discourage the heretics from attacking the Place of Sacrifice, his former lieutenant manipulated his words, driving the Shamed Ones into a greater frenzy.

Following the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar, the Shamed Ones finally gained their freedom, with the Yuuzhan Vong promising to abandon their warlike practices and ease the caste system.

