Place of Sacrifice

The Place of Sacrifice stood on Coruscant after the planet's transformation into Yuuzhan'tar via Vongforming. Constructed in the Ancestral architecture style, this structure served as a site for significant sacrificial rituals conducted by the Yuuzhan Vong. A cone of Yorik coral, reaching a height of one hundred meters, crowned the building. This spire featured carved stairs and channels designed to direct the blood of those sacrificed to the ngdins, who consumed it in service to Yun'o. Remarkably, vegetation flourished at this location, despite its unsuitable latitude, and crab-harps continuously roamed the area, generating music. Sacred artifacts were kept in a location opposite shrines dedicated to the deities. Before the Defense of Mon Calamari, the Yuuzhan Vong sought to gain divine assistance by offering one thousand prisoners as a sacrifice to their gods. Nevertheless, adherents of the Jeedai heresy successfully liberated three hundred of these prisoners, thereby disrupting the intended ritual. As a consequence, Supreme Overlord Shimrra commanded the execution of three thousand Shamed Ones as retribution.

