Drathul was a Yuuzhan Vong member who held the position of High Prefect within the Intendant caste.
As Prefect of the worldship known as Harla, Drathul, despite his own reservations, consented to allow Nom Anor to remain the leading figure in the invasion. Following the assassination of Yoog Skell, Drathul was promoted, or escalated, to the role of High Prefect within the Intendant caste. He faced considerable humiliation when Intendants were falsely implicated in the Jeedai heresy, a scheme actually orchestrated by Nom Anor. When Zonama Sekot made its appearance at Yuuzhan'tar, Drathul, identifying as a Quorealist, implored Anor to assist in discrediting Supreme Overlord Shimrra, but Anor refused to provide aid. During the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar, Drathul accompanied High Priest Jakan and Master Shaper Qelah Kwaad to the Well of the World Brain, with the intention of sacrificing Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, and Harrar to the entity. Shamed Ones then breached the atrium, and Nom Anor proceeded to strangle Drathul.