Quorealists were Yuuzhan Vong who dissented from the invasion plans. They supported Quoreal, the Supreme Overlord, in his reluctance to conquer the galaxy. Furthermore, they stood against the ascension of Shimrra Jamaane to the position of Supreme Overlord. Their conviction stemmed from the belief that Quoreal and his Priests held the correct view regarding Zonama Sekot's potential to annihilate the Yuuzhan Vong. Even after Shimrra attempted to erase all knowledge of the living world's discovery, the Quorealists were among the select few who safeguarded records confirming its existence.
At the onset of the invasion, marked by numerous triumphs, the Quorealists temporarily suppressed their reservations. They entertained the possibility that Shimrra's coup against Quoreal had been justified. However, with the rise of the Jeedai heresy and the continued sabotage of Vongforming on Coruscant (transforming it into Yuuzhan'tar) by the World Brain, the Quorealists once more voiced their opposition.
Drathul, holding the position of High Prefect within the Intendant caste, was the most prominent Quorealist known to be within the Elite. Harrar is also speculated to have been a Quorealist. Czulkang Lah, the previous Warmaster and a close associate of Harrar, had previously voiced his disapproval of the Galaxy's invasion, although his allegiance to the Quorealists remains unconfirmed.