Czulkang Lah
Once hailed as one of the greatest warmasters of the Yuuzhan Vong, Czulkang Lah was a celebrated figure among his species. He was a seasoned commander who masterminded many of the strategies employed by the Yuuzhan Vong warrior caste during their invasion of the galaxy. As warmaster, he was responsible for leading both the warriors and the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. However, Lah eventually dissented from the planned assault on the New Republic and its surrounding territories. This disagreement caused a rift between Czulkang Lah and his son, Tsavong Lah. Ultimately, Tsavong deposed his father, seizing the warmaster position and relegating Lah to teaching strategy to younger Yuuzhan Vong warriors. The former warmaster spent years in this role, growing old and frail by the time the invasion commenced in 25 ABY. Disheartened by his fall from grace, the aging warrior yearned to once again lead warriors in battle.
Two years into the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Tsavong Lah presented his father with an opportunity: command of a substantial fleet to attack Borleias, a planet that had been reclaimed from the Yuuzhan Vong by elements of the New Republic Defense Force. Finally having his aspirations fulfilled, Lah established a blockade of the Pyria system, initiating a prolonged siege of Borleias. Soon, the veteran warrior received information indicating that the New Republic garrison was developing a superweapon known as the Starlancer Project. Consequently, he opted for a strategy of observation to fully assess his adversary's capabilities. However, Tsavong Lah, closely monitoring his father's actions, rejected this cautious approach and demanded an all-out assault to destroy the garrison and its superweapon. This resulted in a devastating defeat. A stalemate ensued in the system, culminating in a final, extended confrontation between the former warmaster and his opponent, General Wedge Antilles. During this decisive battle over Borleias, Lah was outmaneuvered and killed when his flagship was rammed by the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Lusankya.
Born within Domain Lah, Czulkang Lah was destined to become one of the most prominent military figures in the history of the Yuuzhan Vong. Possessing exceptional tactical and strategic acumen, Lah ascended to the rank of warmaster, becoming the leader of the warrior caste and second in command to the Supreme Overlord over all Yuuzhan Vong warriors. Czulkang Lah was the father of Tsavong Lah, who himself would become a highly respected warrior. Over the years, Lah underwent extensive ritual scarring, a common practice among the Yuuzhan Vong, which resulted in his features being almost entirely covered in dark tattoos. As he aged, these markings concealed the effects of time on his weathered face. His vast experience and esteemed reputation brought honor and recognition to the warriors who had served under his command. As warmaster, Czulkang Lah was given the responsibility of leading the warrior caste during the impending invasion of the galaxy, an endeavor that the Yuuzhan Vong had been planning for millennia.
Similar to Supreme Overlord Quoreal, Czulkang Lah opposed the invasion, refusing to accept the claims of the new Yuuzhan Vong ruler, Shimrra of Domain Jamaane, that the galaxy was ripe for conquest. Czulkang Lah's opposition to the attack created a division between him and his son. Ultimately, Tsavong seized his father's position and became the new warmaster. Due to political suspicions and the threat of suffering the same fate as Quoreal, the elderly warrior was spared only through his son's intervention. Tsavong Lah ensured that his father was given a position as a military instructor for younger Yuuzhan Vong warriors. For his part, Lah harbored no animosity toward his son, despite their strained relationship. Although dispirited and unenthusiastic in his role as a teacher, unable to command forces or participate in battle, Lah was frequently addressed as warmaster, as well as other honorary titles, out of respect for his past accomplishments and esteemed status.
For many years, Lah taught military strategy, protected by the reputation of Tsavong, who successfully coordinated and executed the invasion of the galaxy. Due to his advanced age, Czulkang Lah suffered from impaired vision and was required to wear modified Vonduun Skerr Kyrric armor to support his frail body. Despite his age, Czulkang Lah's lessons on strategy and warfare became renowned. The scars inflicted by the former warmaster during his rigorous teaching sessions became known as Czulkang Lah pits, given as punishment for incorrect answers, timidity, or cowardice. Warriors with only a few of these scars were considered to be honorable, as they had studied under the esteemed strategist. However, an excessive number of scars indicated a lack of intelligence. One of Czulkang Lah's most notable students was Supreme Commander Maal Lah, who assisted Warmaster Tsavong Lah in the encirclement and capture of Coruscant, the capital of the New Republic.
Tsavong's success was such that, following the capture of Coruscant, Czulkang Lah incorporated his son's strategies for taking the world into his military lessons. The use of a refugee screen to approach Coruscant, forcing the New Republic Defense Fleet to either fire on civilians or allow the Yuuzhan Vong to advance, had divided the New Republic Senate and its military. Aboard the Domain Lah Koros-Strohna above the conquered planet of Myrkr, Czulkang Lah delivered a lesson to a new class of warriors on his son's strategy, emphasizing the importance of understanding the enemy's willingness to defend themselves. However, the lesson was interrupted by the arrival of Tsavong, who presented his father with a proposition.
The Pyria system was a critical hyperspace junction that Tsavong Lah had personally overseen the capture of prior to the invasion of Coruscant. However, in a swift reversal of Lah's victory, elements of the New Republic Third Fleet, led by the renowned Corellian strategist Wedge Antilles, had traveled from their fallen capital to launch a surprise attack on the main planet in the system, Borleias. Antilles and his forces recaptured Borleias to establish a rear-guard action, allowing the New Republic's shattered government to recover from the chaos following Coruscant's fall. Czulkang Lah's son had dispatched Commander Wyrpuuk Cha to retake the planet, but the New Republic forces had crushed Cha's fleet with the aid of an Executor-class Star Dreadnought, the Lusankya. The rapid destruction of Cha's fleet and the discovery of plans for an unknown weapon on the moon of Pyria VI led Tsavong Lah to believe that Borleias held significant importance for the New Republic.
However, the warmaster was dealing with treachery among his attendants and was also needed in other war zones. Therefore, instead of personally leading the campaign to reclaim Borleias from Antilles and his garrison, Tsavong decided to approach his father and offer him command of the operation. Eager to once again achieve victory in battle, Czulkang Lah agreed to accept command only if he could continue to lead forces after his victory in the Pyria system. Initially, Tsavong Lah hesitated to allow his deposed father to regain such a prominent position within the warrior caste. However, the older warrior convinced his son that he held no resentment for his downfall and simply desired a reason to continue living. Czulkang explained that while he had initially opposed his son's decision to invade the galaxy, the invasion was already underway, and their forces were fully committed. Therefore, the only remaining option was to assist the invasion to the best of his ability. Finally, thanking Tsavong for coming in person, which somewhat repaired their strained relationship, Lah prepared to take command of a fleet that included one of the few remaining intact worldships, the Domain Hul. Now, as a supreme commander, Czulkang Lah returned to war.
Czulkang Lah's fleet approached the Pyria system from the direction of Arkania. The supreme commander's arrival was quickly detected by the Jedi Jaina Solo and Kyp Durron, as well as the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Rebel Dream. However, Lah was unconcerned, as the Domain Hul Koros-Strohna was protected by a large force of capital ships. Mimicking his son's tactics at Coruscant, Lah decided to test the enemy's response by sending a small force of three yorik-et starfighters and a frigate ahead. As it approached Borleias, the frigate released twenty-two captives, including Humans and members of other species, into vacuum. Czulkang Lah then observed the defenders' reaction. While the New Republic forces dealt with the endangered captives, Lah positioned the Domain Hul Koros-Strohna in a distant orbit, beyond the farthest planetary body in the Pyria system. There, he met with a Yuuzhan Vong pilot, Charat Kraal. Domain Kraal, the original defenders of Borleias, had been routed by Antilles' initial assault, and Charat Kraal had assumed command of the remaining yorik-et and warriors, reinforced by the remnants of Wyrpuuk Cha's fleet. Having gathered this force of warriors and pilots, Kraal had been conducting a campaign of harassment and reconnaissance against the New Republic forces.
Despite his initial reservations about Kraal and his guerrilla tactics, Lah was impressed by the amount of intelligence the pilot had gathered. Kraal informed the old warrior that Jedi were present on Borleias, including Jaina Solo and the renowned Luke Skywalker. Solo's presence was of particular interest to Czulkang Lah, as the elusive Jedi was highly desired by the warmaster. Tsavong Lah intended for Solo to join her twin brother Jacen Solo in captivity, where they would be forced to fight each other, fulfilling a religious vow he had made to the Yuuzhan Vong gods in exchange for Coruscant. Aware of Solo's importance to his son, Lah granted Kraal a reprieve, a full wing of yorik-et, and orders to capture the Jedi. Kraal was able to provide Lah with further intelligence, revealing the construction of a New Republic superweapon, known as the Starlancer Project, on the surface of Borleias. Kraal speculated that the Alderaan Biotics facility on Borleias, formerly the private retreat of Imperial General Evir Derricote, was the New Republic's equivalent of a shaping facility, where New Republic scientists were creating the mysterious Starlancer technology. Kraal's report would influence Czulkang Lah's subsequent actions in the Pyria system.

Two days after his arrival, Lah dispatched yorik-et squadrons to observe the "pipefighters" that Kraal had mentioned in his report, which Kraal identified as the primary components of the Starlancer Project. The former warmaster had no intention of launching a hasty attack on the New Republic forces and their enigmatic weapon until he was certain that he had accurately assessed the enemy and was fully aware of any surprises Antilles might be planning. Lah also intended to familiarize himself with his opponent's tactical capabilities. Instead of a direct assault, Lah orchestrated a precise operation to capture Solo, using the Starlancer Project as a decoy target. Ironically, the pipefighters themselves were decoys. Antilles was caught off guard by the attempt to capture Solo. The Yuuzhan Vong spy within the New Republic base, Tam Elgrin, informed his superiors of Solo's departure. As Solo's squadron and three others moved into position with the four pipefighters, escorting them to various locations in Pyrian space, Lah deployed a total of eight yorik-et squadrons, two for each pipefighter and the New Republic fighter squadrons guarding them. While the Yuuzhan Vong pilots engaged their New Republic counterparts, Lah maneuvered two Yuuzhan Vong interdictors into position to ambush and capture Solo. Meanwhile, the pipefighters, untouched as they were not the target of the attack, fired a meter-wide laser beam into deep space, toward Coruscant.
However, the strike against Solo did not go as planned. Not only did the New Republic fighters manage to whisk Solo away from the interdictors to relative safety, decimating the yorik-et in the process, but the return of the hunted Jedi to the battle, where she rescued a fellow pilot, also failed to result in her capture. With one interdictor already destroyed, the second, influenced by the Force by Jedi Master Kyp Durron, was drawn into its own gravitic singularity and obliterated. Lah's operation was thwarted as New Republic forces arrived and routed his remaining fighters. Meanwhile, the Starlancer Project achieved its intended effect. The laser beam fired toward Coruscant was relatively ineffective, but an undetected New Republic warship on the outskirts of the Coruscant system fired on the Domain Dal Koros-Strohna, Tsavong Lah's flagship, which was in orbit above the planet. To Tsavong Lah, the Starlancer Project's laser beam appeared to have reached Coruscant from the Pyria system. Although it inflicted minimal damage on Lah's massive vessel, the warmaster convened several of his advisors, including Czulkang Lah's former student, Maal Lah, to discuss the threat.
Disinformation leaked to Tam Elgrin, the Yuuzhan Vong spy, was relayed back to the warmaster. Elgrin's report suggested that the Starlancer Project was not only a superweapon of immense power, capable of destroying the few remaining Koros-Strohna, but also that it was powered by a giant lambent crystal, a perversion of Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology. Enraged and unnerved by this prospect, Tsavong Lah contacted his father via villip, overruled the older warrior's objections, which were based on the strategy of analyzing and fully understanding the enemy, and ordered an all-out attack on Borleias. Czulkang Lah strongly disapproved of his son's orders, as the lack of intelligence regarding Antilles and his capabilities remained a significant concern for the veteran warrior. When Tsavong insisted that his orders be carried out regardless, Lah gave his son a severe look of disappointment that startled the warmaster, causing him to step back from his villip in shock. Lah refrained from verbally expressing his displeasure, so as not to undermine the warmaster, and prepared for the attack.
Lah deployed sixteen groups of ground forces, including Chazrach reptoid soldiers and giant rakamat siege creatures, on Borleias, positioning them a few hundred kilometers from the New Republic base to converge on the facility and destroy it. Many of the groups were, as Antilles correctly surmised, decoys intended to force the general to divide his attention in order to pinpoint Czulkang Lah's actual staging point. The supreme commander was unaware that New Republic ground-based sensors were monitoring every movement of his troops. A day after the mass landings, Lah issued the order to attack. His capital ships advanced toward Borleias. The aged warrior contacted his son and informed him of the developing engagement, noting that the New Republic vessels were sending their fighters down to the planet, having detected the approach of his ground forces. Tsavong Lah's only response was to commend his father's ability, but Lah remained apprehensive. Wary of failure, he steeled himself and committed his warships and yorik-et squadrons to an attack on the New Republic forces, which remained in geosynchronous orbit above the planet. On the ground, his troops and rakamats continued to advance on the base, supported by fighters and persistently attacked by enemy squadrons.
The sheer number of his troops—thousands of Chazrach supported by hundreds of yorik-et—seemed to the old warrior to easily overwhelm Antilles' defense, as the relentless advance toward the New Republic base was barely hindered by enemy attacks. The twelve New Republic squadrons defending the facility retreated to the base under the onslaught. Lah brought his frigates and capital ships further into the engagement, all steadily advancing on their target. The New Republic forces soon lost so much ground that they were massed within a one-kilometer radius of their headquarters, with Czulkang Lah's ground forces encircling them, tightly packed within the planet's jungles. Antilles then ordered his capital ships to initiate a saturation bombardment upon these concentrated ground forces. The Lusankya—the Executor-class Star Dreadnought that had crushed Wyrpuuk Cha's fleet—and the Rebel Dream, as well as the other New Republic warships in orbit, obliterated the majority of Lah's troops in their four-minute turbolaser bombardment. Shocked by these tactics, which he had never considered, Lah ordered a retreat. However, this pragmatic withdrawal did nothing to alleviate the warrior's anger. He chose to blame the chief Yuuzhan Vong spymaster, Executor Nom Anor, for failing to provide the Yuuzhan Vong military command with such crucial information on Star Destroyer tactics, but was nevertheless forced to deliver the news to his son.
The old warrior found his failure both disconcerting and embarrassing, but the siege of the Pyria system continued nonetheless. His fighters later engaged the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Mon Mothma as it escorted a recently arrived New Republic Gallofree Yards transport, the Reckless Abandon, and its starfighter squadrons, to the garrison on Borleias. The yorik-et pilots were unable to prevent the safe passage of the reinforcements to Borleias, but Lah had his own support forces en route to the system. Tsavong Lah had dispatched his old friend Harrar, with whom the old warrior was already acquainted, to assist Czulkang Lah in his Borleias campaign. Although Harrar, a deception sect priest, brought ground forces and more fighters to bolster Lah's numbers, his primary mission was to capture Jaina Solo, who remained elusive. Tsavong Lah had instructed his father to assist Harrar in every possible way to ensure the Jedi's swift abduction and imprisonment. Czulkang Lah thus placed Charat Kraal and his wing of fighters under Harrar's command during a brief meeting aboard the Domain Hul Koros-Strohna, conducted in the viewing chamber where Lah enjoyed observing the campaign. Peace Brigade collaborators also came to aid Czulkang Lah in his efforts against Antilles, using their knowledge of New Republic technology to eavesdrop on Antilles' communications.

Not long after Harrar's arrival, Lah launched another offensive against the Antilles' garrison. His mighty capital ships advanced upon the biotics facility, unleashing a barrage against the shields protecting the installation. This initial attack, devoid of any ground troop deployment, served as a calculated probe, denying the defenders any chance of recovery. Light cruisers, accompanied by their fighter escorts, engaged the base, while a larger contingent of Lah's vessels targeted the orbiting Lusankya. The facility's protective shields absorbed a tremendous amount of energy from the relentless bombardment of Lah's warships. As Charat Kraal and Harrar planned another attempt to capture Solo, the Jedi's strategic brilliance led to the destruction of a matalok cruiser that was bombarding the base. This event fueled rumors that Solo was an avatar of Yun-Harla, the Yuuzhan Vong goddess of deception. Before long, the attack was aborted, the loss of the matalok being considered an unacceptable setback. Simultaneously with this assault, the Yuuzhan Vong managed to insert another operative into the Borleias garrison. This spy's mission was to destroy the enormous lambent crystal, which both Tsavong and Czulkang Lah believed would soon be integrated into the pipefighters and used to obliterate Koros-Strohna. The spy was ultimately discovered and eliminated before he could uncover the truth: the Starlancer Project was a cleverly designed deception.
Lah's forces resumed their siege of Borleias. The veteran commander's army was continually reinforced by new arrivals, while the New Republic's defense gradually weakened. The New Republic capital ships sustained significant damage, and the growing weariness of Antilles' garrison allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to coordinate and execute frequent attacks, each facing decreasing resistance. The Pyria system was densely packed with dovin basal minefields, designed to intercept any New Republic ships emerging from hyperspace and to pursue specific vessels identified as threats by the Yuuzhan Vong. Consequently, when the Millennium Falcon, the light freighter captained by Han Solo, reappeared in Pyrian space, Lah's mines recognized the ship's gravitic signature and, along with a squadron of yorik-et fighters, gave chase, though unsuccessfully. However, the strategy of using dovin basal mines to identify and pursue key ships would later prove detrimental to Czulkang Lah. Despite the Lusankya appearing crippled after the prolonged campaign, the New Republic capital ships damaged, the biotics facility devastated, and its starfighter squadrons diminished, the defenders of Borleias remained resolute. Convinced that one final push would expel the New Republic from the planet, both Lah and Antilles prepared their forces for the decisive battle of the Borleias campaign.
The climactic battle was signaled by a mass exodus of New Republic starfighters and the Starlancer vehicles from Borleias. One of the Starlancers was, in fact, equipped with a lambent crystal. Czulkang Lah believed he possessed the means to defeat the Starlancer Project and its protectors. He had trained a substantial number of pilots to fight effectively without the usual coordination provided by a yammosk, creatures used by the Yuuzhan Vong to oversee and direct their forces. Lah was confident that the elite fighter squadrons guarding the pipefighters would be overwhelmed and destroyed. The Yuuzhan Vong pilots in the yorik-et were specifically instructed not to harm Jaina Solo. Antilles initiated the evacuation of the facility, and the Lusankya departed from orbit. The Peace Brigade collaborators, who had been advising Lah and providing intelligence on the garrison's status, were immediately exposed as unreliable. The Lusankya unleashed its full complement of fighters—squadrons that the veteran commander had been told were stationed on the planet's surface. As punishment, Lah ordered his aide, Kasdakh Bhul, to transfer the Peace Brigade advisors to a Yuuzhan Vong ship, execute one of them for the mistake, and continue executing a Brigadier each time their errors cost the former warmaster. Simultaneously, another New Republic Star Destroyer, the Errant Venture, emerged from orbit. Czulkang Lah ordered two mataloks to destroy her while his massive force of 210 yorik-et fighters descended upon the Starlancer vehicles. Unbeknownst to Lah, the turbolaser batteries and ion cannons, recently installed on the Lusankya, had been transferred to the Errant Venture. In a concentrated barrage of fire, before the Yuuzhan Vong commanders realized the starship's deceptive weakness, the Errant Venture destroyed both mataloks and jumped to hyperspace.
Czulkang Lah received this unsettling news, along with the report that Kraal and his pilots had destroyed the pipefighters but lost track of the squadrons defending them, with growing unease. Events were slipping beyond the elderly commander's control. The Lusankya executed a micro-jump toward the Domain Hul Koros-Strohna, leaving its fighters to oversee the planet's evacuation. As the Star Dreadnought was pulled from hyperspace by dovin basal mines, it continued its approach toward Lah's Koros-Strohna. Unexpectedly, the elite force of starfighters, including Solo and Skywalker, that had been protecting the Starlancer vehicles, also reappeared from hyperspace alongside the massive warship. As Lah dispatched waves of yorik-et fighters against the Star Dreadnought and its starfighter screen, the Millennium Falcon began launching missiles toward a dovin basal minefield. These missiles, through scientific manipulation, were broadcasting the same gravitic signal as the light freighter. As programmed, the dovin basal mines began to pursue the missiles. For the moment, Czulkang Lah remained confident. His tactical displays indicated that the Lusankya had sustained heavy battle damage. Despite the skill of its starfighter defenders, which Lah ordered to be recorded into the Koros-Strohna's rikyam for future analysis, he recognized that the New Republic's defense of the Star Dreadnought was gradually weakening. On Borleias' surface, the biotics facility had finally fallen, destroyed under the heavy fire of Lah's ships. Warriors landed at the site, forcing the last New Republic member at the base, Wedge Antilles himself, to flee the ruins of his headquarters. As he had planned, Czulkang Lah had reclaimed Borleias from the New Republic.
As the Lusankya advanced toward the veteran commander's Koros-Strohna, Lah observed through the vessel's viewport the continuous damage inflicted upon the Star Dreadnought, which was shedding pieces of its superstructure under the concentrated fire of his fleet. Noticing that the warship's starfighters were fiercely defending the Star Dreadnought's engines, Lah realized that the Lusankya was intending to ram his flagship. His aide, Bhul, was slow to grasp this conclusion, and the aged commander struck his subordinate in anger, mocking his lack of perception. Nevertheless, Czulkang Lah himself had failed to understand the true nature of the warship's ramming strategy. Concealed along the length of the Star Dreadnought was a metal spear, a weapon designed solely to impale and destroy the Domain Hul Koros-Strohna. Unaware of this, Lah ordered the destruction of the Star Dreadnought's engines to prevent it from approaching his vessel, while continuing to send waves of yorik-et fighters against the warship and its starfighter screen. Meanwhile, Kraal led an attempt to capture Jaina Solo but was forced to deal with a failure to follow orders in his own unit as a Domain Hul pilot tried to kill the Jedi. As Kraal's pursuit descended into chaos—the yorik-et pilots were being misled by false gravitic signatures—the priest Harrar left the Koros-Strohna to join the engagement. Unknown to the Yuuzhan Vong, Solo was actually near the Lusankya, not leading Kraal and his fighters through a dovin basal minefield as they believed. Lah observed the brief encounter, supposedly between Kraal and his quarry, but neither the former warmaster nor the Domain Kraal pilot understood the deception. The missile broadcasting the gravitic frequency of Solo's starfighter struck Kraal's yorik-et at high speed, killing him, and the pursuit of the Jedi ended.

The Domain Hul Koros-Strohna intensified its defenses, but Lah had grown anxious, troubled by his inability to explain the Lusankya's behavior. He was also disturbed by the New Republic forces' focus on his flagship, and by the conspicuous absence of several of Antilles' warships. Aware that a healthy Koros-Strohna was too valuable to risk, the veteran commander ordered a retreat, despite his subordinates' reservations. He was interrupted by Bhul, who pointed out the needle-like protrusion from the Star Dreadnought's bow. Lah quickly realized its purpose and inquired about the status of the retreat. The massive vessel was not yet ready. More yorik-et were dispatched to prevent the Lusankya's approach, but they were thwarted by the arrival of Mon Mothma, which activated its gravity well projectors and yammosk-jamming, preventing the Koros-Strohna from achieving a swift departure and throwing the Yuuzhan Vong forces into disarray.
Lah's subordinates began maneuvering the flagship away from the interdictor, but the dovin basal mines pursuing the five pseudo-_Millennium Falcon_s reappeared from hyperspace at that moment, preventing the mighty vessel from escaping the Star Dreadnought's spear. Knowing that he was about to die as the Errant Venture reappeared, powered up its weapons, and attacked his flagship, Lah ordered Bhul to activate the villip linked with that of his son. Lah informed Tsavong of the fall of Borleias, to which his son reacted positively, but then told the warmaster of his impending defeat. Tsavong was confused and attempted to protest the news; however, the veteran commander silenced his son and pledged his final words to the warmaster, invoking the favor of the gods to protect Tsavong. Moments later, with a nod, Czulkang Lah gave the order to abandon Domain Hul. He was still in the viewing chamber when the point of the Star Dreadnought's spear struck, ending his long life.
Upon hearing of his father's death and the utter destruction of Domain Hul, Tsavong Lah was shocked and dismayed, unable to accept his sudden loss and uncertain whether the gods loved or hated him. The warmaster requested Supreme Overlord Shimrra for the chance to attack the faltering New Republic again, but the Yuuzhan Vong ruler cited Czulkang Lah's death in his denial of the warmaster's request. The loss of Domain Hul was a significant blow to the newly established Yuuzhan Vong Empire, and the veteran commander's death was deeply felt by the warrior caste. The following year, Tsavong Lah would die as well. The priest Harrar, who escaped the final battle over Borleias and later defected to the enemy, believed that Czulkang Lah had been distracted during the campaign by Jaina Solo's presence and that the focus on capturing Solo had led to the former warmaster's downfall.
Czulkang Lah's caution ultimately led to his demise. It not only cost him his position as warmaster but also played a significant role in his eventual defeat and death. By placing excessive trust in intelligence, Lah failed to recognize that his spies were being deceived and that the Starlancer Project was simply a diversion. His long-term strategy of understanding Antilles' capabilities provided his opponent with the necessary time to ensure that the Borleias campaign achieved its objectives for the New Republic. Combined with his obsession with capturing Jaina Solo, the former warmaster had set himself up for failure long before it occurred. Ironically, the veteran commander often predicted his failure in the Pyria system, as circumstances forced him into battle before he felt adequately prepared.
Antilles' second in command, Tycho Celchu, compared Czulkang Lah to Garm Bel Iblis, a contemporary tactician of the New Republic known for his military skill. Indeed, Lah was a gifted strategist. However, at Borleias, he faced an enemy whose tactics constantly surprised him and whose technology surpassed his own. Pragmatic in his retreats and composed in the heat of battle, Lah had justifiably earned the respect of the Yuuzhan Vong, even after opposing the invasion. Often critical of those he taught or fought alongside, the veteran commander remained humble, refusing to allow other Yuuzhan Vong to call him warmaster. Above all, Czulkang Lah was fascinated by warfare. Awestruck by his opponent's abilities, he admired Antilles' innovation as the Lusankya approached.
Czulkang Lah was introduced in Aaron Allston's The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream as a major Yuuzhan Vong antagonist and the counterpart of Wedge Antilles, a prominent character in Allston's Star Wars works. As the father of Tsavong Lah, a key villain in the long New Jedi Order series, Czulkang Lah's death at the end of the Enemy Lines duology highlights the shifting fortunes of Tsavong Lah, whose character is further developed in Allston's two novels. In The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force, the final novel in the series, the Yuuzhan Vong priest Harrar briefly discusses Czulkang Lah, referring to the veteran commander as a supreme commander during the Borleias campaign. Because Lah's exact rank was never revealed, this served as a retcon clarifying the warrior's status.
On Allston's personal website, the author answered questions from his novels' readers. One question concerned Czulkang Lah. Allston was asked how Lah gained respect as a skilled military leader if the Yuuzhan Vong had not yet fought the New Republic and were still traveling in the Intergalactic Void, without enemies to fight. Allston suggested that Czulkang Lah earned his reputation through military exercises, battles against species living in the Intergalactic Void, and actions against Yuuzhan Vong dissidents. However, as this information has not been published in any Star Wars material, it remains non-canon.