Domain Jamaane was a very important Domain within the Yuuzhan Vong hierarchy. Its distinctive characteristic was that it stood apart from the norm, not being limited to just one specific Yuuzhan Vong social stratum. It boasted skilled Shapers and Priests, alongside a considerable number of Warriors. This clan yielded a higher-than-usual quantity of Supreme Commanders, in addition to three Warmasters. However, the most renowned individual from this lineage was an Intendant by origin: Shimrra Jamaane. Shimrra, a contender for the position of Supreme Overlord, held strong objections to Supreme Overlord Quoreal's choice to abstain from invading the galaxy. While Domain Jamaane wasn't typically seen as warlike, the potential for invasion proved too enticing. Uniting other devoted Domains, Domain Jamaane initiated the Jamaane coup, successfully deposing Quoreal and elevating Shimrra to the role of Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong.