Charat Kraal

Charat Kraal, identified as a member of the Yuuzhan Vong's Warrior caste, possessed a unique physical trait. In contrast to most of his species, his forehead was unusually flat, resembling that of a human. This difference led to him being mocked, causing him to remove his hair in an attempt to divert attention from his forehead.


While patrolling the Pyria system with his Domain brother, Penzak Kraal, Charat and Penzak became the first to encounter the Mon Mothma. Penzak met his end, but Charat lived, seizing control of the remaining forces of Domain Kraal that had survived the Battle of Borleias. His intention was to gather reconnaissance and intelligence. After the defeat of the fleet from Domain Cha, he also took command of surviving members from that fleet.

Upon Supreme Commander Czulkang Lah's arrival in the system, Charat presented himself to the former Warmaster, informing him about the Starlancer Project and the pipefighters. Charat showed no fear and spoke with boldness while explaining the situation. Aware that his actions could be seen as insubordination, Kraal requested that Lah order him to commit suicide, so that he could say he served under Czulkang Lah, if only for a brief time. Impressed by this, Lah promoted Charat to Wing Commander, tasking him with assisting Priest Harrar and overseeing operations to capture Jaina Solo, who had proclaimed herself an avatar of Yun-Harla. During the Battle of Borleias, Charat Kraal was tricked into pursuing the Goddess missile, which emitted Jaina Solo's gravitic signature. It was only when the missile was just a few meters from his coralskipper that Charat Kraal realized the deception, and he was killed.

