Domain Kraal

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, a Domain of the Yuuzhan Vong known as Domain Kraal existed as a warrior caste. Around 27 ABY, Domain Kraal received orders to colonize and defend the planet of Borleias, which had been captured. They were to protect it from the New Republic. But, after the capital world of Coruscant fell to the Yuuzhan Vong, General Wedge Antilles and the New Republic forces triumphed over Domain Kraal at Borleias, reclaiming the world. Some survivors from Domain Kraal continued to bother New Republic forces in the vicinity of the planet after this defeat.


The Yuuzhan Vong Domain called Domain Kraal was composed of individuals from the warrior caste. Their armor featured a colored design of swirling silver and pink hues. This Domain was under the command of the Yuuzhan Vong warmaster, and at the time of their defeat on Borleias, they were led by a commander.


During the invasion of a galaxy by the Yuuzhan Vong (a galaxy not their own), Domain Kraal played a role. After the world of Borleias was captured from the New Republic, Domain Kraal was assigned to control it as a colony. They established a base on the planet, built over the ruins of the former New Republic/Imperial one. In 27 ABY, following the fall of Coruscant, the New Republic capital, to the Yuuzhan Vong, Penzak Kraal and Charat Kraal, acting as pilots, were patrolling the system in coralskippers. At that point, a New Republic fleet under the leadership of General Wedge Antilles entered the system, preparing to break Domain Kraal's control over Borleias.

Although Penzak Kraal succeeded in sending a warning to the Domain Kraal commander stationed on Borleias, New Republic forces successfully landed on the planet after defeating the coralskipper squadrons sent against them. Antilles' forces deployed ground troops near the Domain Kraal base using the freighter Record Time, quickly defeating Domain Kraal's warriors and at least one rakamat. While Penzak was killed during the battle, other Kraal members, including Charat Kraal, survived and managed to send information about the enemy's location to their superiors elsewhere in the galaxy while hiding in the system. As punishment for losing the system, Warmaster Tsavong Lah dispatched Domain Cha, a group widely disliked by Domain Kraal, to retake Borleias, intending to put the Kraals in their debt.

However, Domain Cha's attempt to reclaim the planet failed. Before the Yuuzhan Vong sent the former Warmaster Czulkang Lah to defeat the New Republic, remnants of Domain Kraal, alongside Charat Kraal, harassed the enemy forces and gathered more intelligence. When Lah arrived with his force, Charat Kraal served under him in another attempt to capture Borleias. They succeeded in taking the world, but both Lah and Charat Kraal died in the process. Meanwhile, a small New Republic unit used two sets of Domain Kraal Vonduun crab armor to disguise themselves during a mission on Coruscant.

Behind the scenes

Domain Kraal's first appearance was in Aaron Allston's 2002 novel, The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream, part of The New Jedi Order series.

