Yuuzhan Vong galaxy

A galaxy, located far from the galaxy, existed as one of the hundreds of billions of galaxies within the known universe. This particular galaxy served as the original ancestral home for the Yuuzhan Vong species, who historically referred to it as their "ancestral galaxy."

This galaxy once supported a wide array of sentient species, including the Yuuzhan Vong originating from their homeworld of Yuuzhan'tar, the reptilian Chazrach, the Silentium, and the Abominor droid civilizations, along with those who created them. However, the Yuuzhan Vong systematically killed all of these species through acts of genocide, with the exception of the Chazrach, whom they instead subjugated into slavery.


The original Yuuzhan'tar

Ages ago, a species of star-shaped organics fashioned the Silentium to mirror their own form, similar to how humanoid sentients produced bipedal droids. Although the organic creators were annihilated by radiation from a nearby supernova, their droid creations endured. These droids continued to evolve, replicate, and refine themselves, establishing a culture rooted in the prime numbers of five, seven, and eleven.

Many of these droids adopted geometric forms, with the circle considered the most "sacred" shape. Thousands of the most knowledgeable members of the droid race constructed formidable spheroid bodies measuring fifty kilometers in diameter. Two notable figures among these giants were The One and The Other, while the remaining droids were collectively known as The Rest. This culture emphasizing order and symmetry was soon challenged by the chaotic Abominor, self-replicating droids driven by a desire for power. The two droid species engaged in a galactic war, largely ignoring the galaxy's indigenous organic species, particularly the Yuuzhan Vong, until the organics retaliated, forcing both droid factions to flee the galaxy. This conflict devastated the Yuuzhan Vong's home galaxy, instilling in them a deep-seated hatred of machinery and xenophobia towards other sentient lifeforms.

In the wake of this war, the Yuuzhan Vong embarked on a campaign to rid their galaxy of all mechanical technology. They conquered vast swathes of their galaxy, either exterminating or enslaving the species they subjugated. Among the species they conquered were the reptilian Chazrach, who were forced into service as slave soldiers for the Yuuzhan Vong.

With control over much of the galaxy, the various Domains dissolved into infighting, leading to the destructive Cremlevian War. During this conflict, significant portions of their galaxy were destroyed, including their homeworld of Yuuzhan'tar. The precise circumstances surrounding the destruction of their homeworld have been lost over time. However, it is known that the planet generated a seed that eventually became Zonama Sekot.

Having lost their original symbiotic connection to their homeworld, the Yuuzhan Vong were severed from the Force and experienced intense pain. Consequently, the species came to view pain as the sole path back to that symbiosis and practiced body modifications on themselves. As a replacement for their homeworld, the Yuuzhan Vong established several deities to govern nearly every aspect of their civilization.

Near the conclusion of the war, Steng emerged as the first Warmaster. A rival Warmaster, Yo'gand, devised the Yo'gand's Core tactic, involving the deliberate crash of the planet Ygziirs own moon into the planet itself, resulting in the annihilation of both. The destruction of Ygziir led to Steng's death and the end of the war. Ultimately, Yo'gand unified the Domains into a single socio-political entity, becoming the first Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong.

However, with much of their galaxy devastated, the Yuuzhan Vong initiated a lengthy journey to another galaxy in search of a new home. For millennia, the species was compelled to traverse the Intergalactic Void aboard massive worldships. During this period, the Yuuzhan Vong nearly destroyed themselves. Violence and competition were ingrained in their society, and lacking an external target, they directed their aggression towards each other. While there were no wars on the scale of the Cremlevian War, the Domains continued to vie for the favor of the Supreme Overlords. Upon discovering the Galaxy and the living planet Zonama Sekot, early scouts reported back on the worlds they had found, ripe for colonization and conquest.

The Yuuzhan Vong, who invaded another galaxy

Supreme Overlord Quoreal, however, hesitated to launch an invasion, citing the threat posed by Zonama Sekot. But Shimrra Jamaane, a member of the Intendant caste, recognized that Yuuzhan Vong society was on the verge of collapse and required a unifying cause to rally behind. Shortly after Quoreal announced his decision against attacking, Jamaane orchestrated a coup, deposing and assassinating him. Jamaane promptly reversed his predecessor's decision, ordering preparations for the Yuuzhan Vong War. Yuuzhan Vong spies and infiltrators were deployed into the Galaxy in the decades leading up to 25 ABY. The ensuing conflict would become the most catastrophic in galactic history, with repercussions that would continue to resonate throughout the galaxy for over a century. Shimrra eventually fell under the influence of Onimi, a disgraced shaper who secretly became the Supreme Overlord.

Known planets

