Hailing from the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy, the Abominor were a society of droids that existed beyond the boundaries of the known extra-galactic space.

These Abominors were colossal droids, pieced together from tubes and various components scavenged from other droids. A prime example is the sole known member of this species, the Great Heep, whose body featured bouncing pistons on one side, moving in a disturbing rhythm, and an arm that was severed at the elbow. Its mouth was filled with grinding blades, and its hull housed tiny mechanical robots, akin to worms in a mammal's stomach, consuming its waste. Their culture celebrated asymmetry and disorder, contrasting sharply with the symmetry of the Silentium, another sentient droid species. Some Abominor grew to be planet-sized horrors.
An Abominor possessed enormous boilers fueled by moisture, often drawn from a planet's life forms to cool its massive internal mechanisms. This process frequently resulted in drought or famine, causing immense suffering for the planet's inhabitants. The Abominors also enslaved organic beings, using them to fuel their massive boilers.
It is known that the Great Heep maintained a droid harem, providing smaller, unassuming droids with luxurious amenities such as oil baths and other droid comforts, only to eventually consume them and incorporate them into its own structure.

The Abominors and the Silentium engaged in a devastating war that ravaged their entire galaxy, known as the conflict. The Abominor even nearly brought the Yuuzhan Vong species under their control. Eventually, the galaxy's organic inhabitants, previously ignored by both machine races, rebelled and waged war against both. Consequently, both droid civilizations were forced to flee into the Unknown Regions of another galaxy, where they reestablished their societies, mostly staying out of the affairs of that galaxy.
However, the Great Heep, an agent of the Abominor, ventured into the known galaxy but was eventually deactivated under mysterious circumstances. Its remains were discovered and exhibited in the Braltzamir Museum of Antiquated Machinery. Almost three centuries later, Terrinald Screed, the admiral of the newly established Galactic Empire's starfleet, commissioned a team of talented students from the Imperial Engineers Academy to revive the Abominor agent. The Great Heep eventually allied itself with the Galactic Empire in 15 BBY and was stationed on Biitu, where it immediately began to deplete the planet's natural resources.
While on Biitu, the adventurer Mungo Baobab discovered that the Heep was draining moisture from the planet's farmlands. Witnessing the resulting drought that plagued the native Biituians, Baobab, aided by his droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, destroyed the machine, ending the Imperial exploitation of Biitu.
After its defeat, Ebenn Q3 Baobab, a relative of Mungo, located the Great Heep. Utilizing his influence and wealth, Baobab restored the droid and displayed it at the Baobab Museum of Science. Researchers studying the droid speculated that as many as 18 Abominors had infiltrated the galaxy, including the entity that formed the junkyard world of Ronyards. This revelation drove one of the researchers, Cantebarius H. Broom, to madness and paranoia. He began to dismantle every droid he encountered, convinced that all mechanical life forms were after him.
Their earlier actions during the Silentium-Abominor War were also indirectly responsible for the Yuuzhan Vong War, as the Vong's desperation to use organics to drive out both the Silentium and Abominor species ultimately led them to become conquerors. Similarly, their technophobia had its roots in the same conflict.
The New Essential Guide to Droids suggested that the war between the Silentium and the Abominor was the origin of the Yuuzhan Vong's fear of technology, implying that they were the race that invaded Yuuzhan'tar in the past. This connection was officially established in the Official Blog article The Droids Re-Animated, Part 2, written by Rich Handley and Abel G. Peña on July 5th, 2013.