
Yo'gand, a Warmaster of renown, holds the distinction of being the inaugural Supreme Overlord within the ranks of the Yuuzhan Vong.

Life Story

A Life of Combat

Yo'gand was a male of the Yuuzhan Vong species, a race that had previously been docile humanoids. They famously repelled a machine empire from their ancestral homeworld, which led to the centuries-spanning conflict known as the Cremlevian War. The Yuuzhan Vong's clans and tribes engaged in constant warfare across the galaxy, each vying for ultimate power. Yo'gand participated in these battles, eventually achieving the rank of general. He gained a reputation as a formidable warrior, engaging in combat with rival tribes at the forefront of battle. In time, Yo'gand ascended to the position of warmaster, leading his clan's warriors into the thick of war.

A pivotal moment arose during the war when Yo'gand's forces directly challenged those of Steng for galactic supremacy. Steng, also a warmaster, had strategically positioned his forces on the planet Ygziir, which was also the location of many leaders from the most powerful tribe opposing Yo'gand. Yo'gand devised a novel strategy to eliminate his adversaries. He managed to sneak a powerful dovin basal—a Yuuzhan Vong creature with the ability to manipulate gravity—onto Ygziir's surface. The dovin basal then focused the planet's gravitational field onto one of Ygziir's moons. Once the moon was fully under the dovin basal's gravitational control, it was pulled down towards Ygziir, directly impacting Steng's encampment. The resulting collision left Ygziir devastated and eliminated the opposing leaders.

Steng's flesh was carefully preserved, intended to be worn by future Supreme Overlords of the Yuuzhan Vong. Yo'gand was the first to officially claim this title, despite previous instances during the Cremlevian War where individuals had aspired to become Supreme Overlords. With the Yuuzhan Vong united amidst the ruins of their galaxy, they embarked on a journey into the Intergalactic Void in search of a new home, traveling for thousands of years aboard colossal, planet-sized worldships.

Historical Significance

Yo'gand, celebrated for uniting the Yuuzhan Vong, became a legend as a warrior of great skill and strength. His reputation was so great that it was said the eyes of Yun-Harla, the enigmatic Yuuzhan Vong Goddess of Trickery, were the only parts of Yo'gand that remained. Yuuzhan Vong warriors viewed Yo'gand as the epitome of martial excellence and achievement.

During their millennia-long voyage through the intergalactic void, the Yuuzhan Vong gradually experienced a resurgence of internal division. Competition among domains and castes led to a weakening of Yuuzhan Vong society. Although scouting missions indicated the discovery of a new galaxy, the worldships began to deteriorate, causing further unrest. Factions vied for Supreme Overlord Quoreal's favor, engaging in betrayals and power struggles, until Shimrra, the leader of Domain Jamaane, usurped and assassinated Quoreal in 29 BBY.

Similar to how Yo'gand had defeated Steng, the death of Quoreal led to the reestablishment of unity among the Yuuzhan Vong. The invasion of the galaxy began in 25 ABY. Yo'gand's Core was successfully employed by Prefect Da'Gara during the Yuuzhan Vong War, using it to obliterate the planet Sernpidal. Kalarba also suffered destruction through this tactic.

In the historical text of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, compiled millennia after Yo'gand's era, he was identified as the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong during his victory over Steng. However, Voren Na'al, the historian responsible for the document, made an error in this account. Yo'gand held the rank of warmaster during the Cremlevian War and only assumed the position of Supreme Overlord after its conclusion.

Production Notes

Yo'gand was not granted a dedicated entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which was released in 2008. However, he received mentions within the entries pertaining to the Cremlevian War, Steng, Ygziir, and Yo'gand's Core.

