Yun-Harla, also called the Trickster, served as the Goddess of Deception for the Yuuzhan Vong. Frequently, this deity was also known as the 'Cloaked One' or 'Cloaked Goddess'; it was her responsibility to oversee escalations. She held the position of sister to Yun-Yammka, their God of War.
Though primarily venerated by those within the Intendant caste, Yun-Harla frequently worked alongside Yun-Yammka, and she encouraged the use of innovative combat strategies; together, they were known as the Twin Gods. Despite her importance, Yun-Harla was never depicted in art, though it was a common belief that her skeleton was composed of yorik coral. Furthermore, it was believed that she deceived her followers regarding her true appearance, concealing herself with borrowed skin. A holy day, the Festival of the Twin Gods, was dedicated to Yun-Harla. During this twenty-four hour period, the normally serious Yuuzhan Vong were permitted to play tricks and jokes on their superiors without fear of punishment.
During the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Jaina Solo discovered a technique to fool Yuuzhan Vong sensors when they were trying to differentiate between allies and enemies. Following the Mission to Myrkr, she commandeered a Yuuzhan Vong warship, the Ksstarr, and gave it the new name Trickster. These actions, coupled with disinformation provided by New Republic Intelligence, began to lead the horrified Yuuzhan Vong to believe that Jaina actually was Yun-Harla, or at least an incarnation of the goddess.
Later, after the Yuuzhan Vong became aware of Vergere's defection and the fact that she had never truly been "one of them," Supreme Overlord Shimrra speculated about the possibility of her being an incarnation of Yun-Harla. However, Jaina continued to be the one referred to as the Trickster Goddess. During the final confrontation between the Solo twins and Onimi, the true Supreme Overlord repeatedly called Jaina Yun-Harla, blaming her for all of his troubles.