The religious beliefs of the Yuuzhan Vong were known as the True Way, alternatively called the True Path. Uniquely, this system of faith originated entirely outside of the galaxy, making it the only documented religion with such an origin. Moreover, it stands out as one of the most aggressively violent, utterly intolerant, and rigidly uncompromising religions ever recorded in galactic history. Following the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong in 29 ABY, the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances officially declared it illegal.
At the heart of the Yuuzhan Vong religion was the veneration of all life, an idea that many found contradictory given the staggering number of deaths caused by the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion of the galaxy. Their reverence for life was so profound that they considered any and all mechanical devices to be a form of blasphemy. Instead, the Yuuzhan Vong utilized living technology, which they perceived as a divine gift bestowed upon them by their gods, collectively known as the Yun'o. This intense and unwavering devotion to their deities fueled some of the most horrific acts that the galaxy had ever witnessed. The Yuuzhan Vong were convinced that the Yun'o had entrusted them with the galaxy, tasking them with purging it of all those they deemed "infidels."
Pain and sacrifice held paramount importance within both the Yuuzhan Vong religion and their societal structure. Yuuzhan Vong mythology recounts how Yun-Yuuzhan, their Creator God, willingly sacrificed pieces of his own body in an act of immense pain to bring into existence the universe, the other gods, and the Yuuzhan Vong themselves. In their view, life itself was a state of suffering, representing separation from Yun-Yuuzhan, while death offered a return to unity with him. However, some argued that the Yuuzhan Vong's worship of pain stemmed from the suffering they inflicted upon those who did not adhere to their beliefs.
The other deities played a crucial role in shaping their society. Yun-Yammka, the God of War (though in reality a fabrication of the Priest caste), mandated that the Yuuzhan Vong offer blood sacrifices and mutilate their own bodies as a form of honoring Yun-Yuuzhan. Yun-Harla, the Goddess of Deception, instilled in the Yuuzhan Vong the belief that physically altering themselves to resemble other creatures brought them closer to Yun-Yuuzhan. Yun-Ne'Shel, the Goddess of Life, embodied the creation of new things, and the Yuuzhan Vong strived to emulate her example.