Order of Yun-Yuuzhan

The Order of Yun-Yuuzhan represented the religious following dedicated to Yun-Yuuzhan, who was revered as the Creator God by the Yuuzhan Vong. Although the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong held ultimate power in interpreting Yun-Yuuzhan's desires, the Order was still considered a prominent and influential sect within the Priest caste.

Following the Battle of Coruscant, during the klekket, Takhaff Uul, a Priest, collaborated with other members of the Order and Shapers from Domain Dal to orchestrate a plot aimed at manipulating Warmaster Tsavong Lah. This involved tampering with his radank claw implant. Their primary objective was to transform a planet into an immense temple dedicated to Yun-Yuuzhan. Nevertheless, Lah quickly uncovered the scheme and subsequently eliminated multiple priests involved.

