The deception sect was a specific division within the Priest caste of the Yuuzhan Vong, with their worship focused on Yun-Harla. This Trickster goddess held a significant position as a deity in the True Way pantheon. From their earliest days, individuals in the deception sect received extensive instruction in various forms of trickery, but their purpose was not malevolent; rather, it was for the benefit of the Yuuzhan Vong. Their training centered on deceiving those deemed "infidels" (individuals who did not adhere to the True Way), making them vital as a kind of religious intelligence operation. Often, they collaborated with the Intendant caste, who also revered Yun-Harla, to disseminate false information and analyze intelligence data.
Harrar, the spiritual guide to Warmaster Tsavong Lah, belonged to the deception sect, as did the Priestesses Elan and Ngaaluh. This sect possessed its own language.