
The vessel known as the Trickster, which was originally designated Ksstarr, was a Yuuzhan Vong equivalent to a frigate. It received its new name during the latter portion of the Yuuzhan Vong War. This ship carried three scourges composed of warriors. Initially, it functioned as the flagship for Executor Nom Anor, but Jacen Solo and Vergere commandeered it to facilitate the escape of their fellow Jedi strike team following the Mission to Myrkr. Subsequently, Jaina Solo took ownership and piloted the ship to Coruscant with the intention of providing the New Republic with invaluable intelligence extracted from a living Yuuzhan Vong vessel. However, upon arriving, they encountered a massive battle already in progress. Recognizing the impossibility of establishing contact with their allies, the Jedi made the decision to jump to the Hapes Cluster instead. After the crew reached the safety of the Hapes Consortium, Jaina and Lowbacca conducted a thorough examination of the warship to gain a deeper understanding of Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology. The ship was renamed Trickster in tribute to Yun-Harla, the Vong's Trickster Goddess, and was modified with a standard comm system and controls, replacing the cognition hoods typically used by the Yuuzhan Vong. Jaina and Lowie's analysis yielded significant insights into the Vong's combat strategies, leading to the development of various countermeasures and tactical "tricks." The Trickster then became a testing platform for these innovations, including the yammosk jammer. The vessel played a role in Jaina's efforts to embody Yun-Harla, aiming to disrupt and demoralize the Yuuzhan Vong, particularly during the Battle of Hapes. Jaina discovered that the ship's dovin basals emitted unique gravitic signatures, distinguishing the Ksstarr from other Yuuzhan Vong warships. She replicated these signatures and applied them to ships piloted by Hapan pilots, creating the illusion of multiple identical vessels. This tactic successfully confused the yammosks, which were responsible for coordinating Yuuzhan Vong fleet movements and attacks. Throughout numerous engagements, the Trickster proved invaluable to Jaina and her Jedi crew, generating confusion and contributing to critical victories for the New Republic (and subsequently the Galactic Alliance).

