The ro'ik chuun m'arh functioned as an analogous vessel to a frigate, utilized by the Yuuzhan Vong for duties such as picket duty and extended reconnaissance missions.
The ro'ik chuun m'arh frigate, a versatile warship fulfilling multiple roles, represented a crucial asset within the Yuuzhan Vong's naval forces. Constructed from living yorik coral, the ro'ik chuun m'arh mirrored the function of a New Republic escort frigate or an Imperial Lancer-class frigate.
When fully developed, these ships could measure up to 440 meters in length, exceeding the size of comparable enemy vessels; however, the majority of documented examples were considerably smaller. The Gift of Anguish had a length of approximately 200 meters, while Nom Anor's personal vessel, Ksstarr, was roughly 150 meters. The eight frigates present in the fleet of Supreme Commander Komm Karsh during the Second Battle of Obroa-skai were also of a similar size.
A fully-grown ro'ik chuun m'arh would have a crew of 225 and could accommodate 370 passengers. Smaller versions could be operated by a minimal crew, sometimes less than a dozen pilots and gunners, but could still transport three full companies of Yuuzhan Vong infantry. A typical 440-meter ro'ik chuun m'arh frigate was equipped with thirty yaret-kors, along with the standard dovin basals - which served to propel the craft, provide shielding, and weaken enemy defenses in combat. Even the relatively diminutive Ksstarr was exceptionally well-armed, featuring weapon emplacements on its bow and flanks, each incorporating yaret-kor plasma cannons and magma missile launchers. Notably, this particular frigate could direct all of its weaponry at targets directly ahead, and a full barrage in a surprise attack could inflict significant damage on much larger adversaries.
The ro'ik chuun m'arh frigate demonstrated battlefield adaptability, capable of performing diverse missions. In active combat, it could function as an assault ship, an escort for larger capital ships, or provide combat support to damaged vessels. Outside of direct engagement, it could serve as a long-range scout, a transport for VIPs, a cargo hauler, a troop transport, or a patrol vessel. They frequently carried boarding craft, each capable of transporting one hundred warriors, for deployment to the surface of a planet or to board opposing starships.
Despite its considerable firepower and flexibility, the ro'ik chuun m'arh was unable to generate an effective interdiction field using its dovin basals; however, it often facilitated larger ships in doing so, while the frigate focused on eliminating enemy forces.
- Gift of Anguish
- Ksstarr
- Kusurrun