Battle of Hapes (Yuuzhan Vong War)

The conflict known as the Battle of Hapes, alternatively referred to as the defense of the Hapes Cluster, unfolded in the space surrounding Hapes amidst the widespread Yuuzhan Vong War. This clash, occurring in 27 ABY, saw the combined forces of the Hapes Consortium, the Empire of the Hand, and the New Jedi Order stand against the invading forces of the Yuuzhan Vong Empire.


In the aftermath of the Mission to Myrkr and the capture of Coruscant, Jedi Knight Jaina Solo, along with the remaining members of the Myrkr strike team, sought refuge on Hapes, the native world of their comrade Tenel Ka, aboard the stolen Yuuzhan Vong frigate, Ksstarr.

Before the assault, Teneniel Djo, the reigning Queen Mother and daughter-in-law to the former Queen Mother Ta'a Chume, was incapacitated, teetering on the brink of a coma. This condition was a direct consequence of the Force feedback resulting from the devastation of the Hapan fleet during the Battle of Fondor. Ta'a Chume viewed this situation as a prime opportunity to undermine Teneniel and install Jaina as her replacement, envisioning her as a puppet ruler alongside Isolder. The Jedi also were present at the funeral service for Anakin Solo, a fallen member of the strike team.

While situated on Hapes, Jaina Solo made a pivotal discovery regarding the Yuuzhan Vong's ship-tracking methods and devised a means to disrupt them. By employing a compact repulsor device engineered by Lowbacca, she launched a multitude of decoys into space, both to validate her theory and to provoke the Yuuzhan Vong forces. Jaina also adopted the Ksstar as her personal vessel, renaming it the Trickster.

The battle

Simultaneously, the Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster Tsavong Lah tasked his son, Commander Khalee Lah, and the Priest Harrar, with leading a war fleet to Hapes. Their mission was to capture Jaina, motivated by her involvement in the Myrkr mission and her status as the twin sister of Jacen Solo, who was already in their custody. Their intention was to offer both as sacrifices to the Yuuzhan Vong gods.

In the ensuing combat, Tenel Ka entrusted Jagged Fel, Jaina, and Kyp Durron with commanding the newly established Hapan Royal Navy. Leveraging her familiarity with the captured Yuuzhan Vong ship Trickster, Jaina skillfully manipulated the gravitic signatures emanating from the enemy fleet's bioengineered vessels. This maneuver led the Yuuzhan Vong to mistakenly target and attack their own ships. After a protracted engagement, the Yuuzhan Vong suffered defeat, ensuring the continued freedom of Hapes. Rather than face the shame of failure upon his return to Domain Lah, Khalee Lah chose to end his own life.


Subsequently, Ta'a Chume attempted to poison Teneniel Djo as part of her scheme to seize control of the Hapes Consortium. Ta'a Chume then tried to coerce Jaina into marrying her son, Isolder, a proposition Jaina firmly rejected. Tenel Ka swiftly restored order by assuming the mantle of Queen Mother and placing Ta'a Chume under arrest.

Largely due to her pivotal role in their defeat, coupled with deliberate misinformation disseminated by New Republic Intelligence, the Yuuzhan Vong, in their bewilderment, came to believe that Jaina Solo was in fact Yun-Harla, their deity of deception.

