A celebrated Yuuzhan Vong fighter, Khalee Lah was the offspring of Warmaster Tsavong Lah and the grandchild of Czulkang Lah. He took after Domain Lah in his aptitude for combat, courage in war, and allegiance to Yun-Yammka.
A significant number of individuals within the Warrior caste thought that he would take over for his father as Warmaster; Khalee was also certain of this. While under the command of Harrar—a priest devoted to the goddess Yun-Harla and a comrade of his father—Lah was instrumental in leading the mission to seize and immolate the Solo twins Jacen and Jaina. Following Jaina's swift departure from Myrkr on Ksstarr, Nom Anor's personal vessel, Harrar and Lah pursued her to the planet of Hapes. While present on Hapes, the Solo girl discerned the method by which the Yuuzhan Vong tracked their spacecraft, and furthermore, how to disrupt it. By employing a small repulsor device fabricated by Lowbacca, she managed to deploy a multitude of false signals, both to validate her hypothesis and to enrage the Vong. After numerous setbacks on Hapes, which included permitting the Jedi to get away, Lah beseeched Harrar to terminate his life, a request to which Harrar consented.