Hapan Royal Navy

The Hapan Royal Navy, also known by the names Hapan Fleets, Hapan Royal Fleet, or alternatively, the Consortium Navy, functioned as the primary armed forces of the Hapes Consortium. This was a matriarchal monarchy situated within the Hapes Cluster found in the Inner Rim.


The genesis of the Hapan Royal Navy can be traced back to the Lorell Raiders, a group of pirates who conducted raids on Galactic Republic vessels, utilizing the concealment offered by the Transitory Mists that surrounded the Cluster. Following the near destruction of the pirate fleet at the hands of the Jedi, a matriarchal monarchy, led by a Queen Mother, was established on Hapes. This monarchy then proceeded to bring the other planets within the Cluster under its control. Around 3100 BBY, the newly unified Hapes Consortium, under the orders of the reigning Queen Mother, closed its borders. Around this period, the Navy's main objective shifted to defending the Consortium's borders from intrusions by smugglers, pirates, and other unwanted parties. It is also probable that the Navy was involved in suppressing the rebellious Rifle Worlds when they attempted to break away from the Consortium sometime between 3000 BBY and 8 ABY.

A Hapan fleet of Battle Dragons and Nova-class battle cruisers at the Battle of Andalia.

While no records exist of large-scale conflicts between the Hapan Navy and the Imperial Starfleet during the time of the Galactic Empire, several smaller engagements did occur. In 0 ABY, a small Imperial fleet, led by Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik, trespassed upon the Consortium's borders under the command of Emperor Palpatine. This fleet arrived over Hapes itself before moving on to the Andalia system, where the Hapan Royal Navy obliterated it. Later, an Imperial snoopship successfully rescued Teshik. Other military clashes between the two sides resulted in the Hapan capture of several Imperial Star Destroyers.

In 8 ABY, a detachment of honor guards from the Consortium Navy went with Prince Isolder to the New Republic capital of Coruscant as part of the Chume'da's attempt to win the hand of Princess Leia Organa Solo. Later in the same year, the Hapan Royal Navy engaged Warlord Zsinj in combat at the Battle of Dathomir.

Following this battle, the Consortium formed an alliance with the New Republic. However, the Hapan Treaty stipulated that the Hapan Fleet would remain separate from the New Republic Defense Fleet, as most of the Hapes Consortium preferred to remain a smaller player in galactic affairs rather than risk being perceived as a political rival to the New Republic.

In 25 ABY, Ambassador Solo approached the Consortium seeking assistance in the fight against the Yuuzhan Vong. After a heated debate, the Consortium committed the Hapan Royal Navy to the war. The Hapan fleet gathered at Commenor alongside a New Republic flotilla under the command of Commodore Turk Brand, anticipating a Yuuzhan Vong attack on nearby Corellia. However, the attack occurred at Fondor. The joint task force quickly arrived at the planet and prepared for battle. However, three-quarters of the Hapan Navy was destroyed when Thrackan Sal-Solo fired Centerpoint Station at the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. Some survivors of the Fondor disaster deserted and became pirates.

The Hapan fleet is devastated at Fondor.

By 27 ABY, secret shipyards hidden within the Transitory Mists had rebuilt the Consortium Navy. Under the temporary leadership of Colonel Jagged Fel, these forces successfully defended against a Yuuzhan Vong invasion. In 28 ABY, a Hapan Royal Navy task force, under the command of Queen Mother Tenel Ka Djo, played a role in destroying a Yuuzhan Vong fleet at the Second Battle of Obroa-skai. The Hapan Navy also took part in the Recapture of Coruscant.

During the Dark Nest Crisis, a Consortium task force under Dukat Aleson Gray gave support to The Colony at the Battle of Qoribu.

In 40 ABY, Corellia attempted to sway the Consortium to its side by orchestrating an assassination attempt on Queen Mother Tenel Ka and her heir. The intention was for a pro-Corellian faction to replace the Queen Mother. Three Corellian Dreadnaughts joined the rebel Hapan fleet, but assistance from the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet enabled the loyalist Navy to halt the coup.

During the Second Galactic Civil War, the Consortium Navy offered critical support to the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. The Hapan Home Fleet fought under Galactic Alliance Guard Colonel and aspiring Sith Lord Jacen Solo at the Battle of Kuat against the rebellious Confederation. However, when Solo began to devastate Kashyyyk in order to draw enemy forces away from Kuat, Queen Mother Tenel Ka withdrew her fleets and supported the Jedi Coalition. The Hapan Navy fought against Solo at the Battle of Kashyyyk and the Battle of Uroro Station.

The Hapes Consortium maintained a neutral stance during both the Sith–Imperial War and the Second Imperial Civil War.


The Hapan Navy honor guard assembled at Coruscant in 8 ABY.

Around 8 ABY, Isolder characterized the forces of Hapes as consisting of "billions of warriors, thousands of starships."

In the lead-up to the Battle of Dathomir, Prince Isolder referred to a group of "about eighty destroyers" as a Hapan fleet. While not precise, these remarks provide some understanding of their Order of Battle when compared to other space navies.

The Hapan Royal Navy's core was a fleet of hundreds of Hapan Battle Dragons, including an honor fleet of sixty-three, each representing a member planet of the Consortium. These were supported by Nova-class battle cruisers and Beta Cruisers, along with X-Wings, Miy'til starfighters, and Miy'til assault bombers. Hetrinar assault bombers were also sometimes deployed from Nova-class cruisers for defensive purposes.

Tactics and Technology

To compensate for the slow recharge rate of Hapan turbolasers, Naval officers grouped warships together to form walls of fire, aiming to disable enemy ships through rapid assaults. Failure to eliminate all enemies in the initial strike risked heavy retaliation while weapons were recharging.

Despite the growing relationship between the Hapans and the New Republic from 8 ABY onwards, they did not negotiate a turbolaser technology exchange until 25 ABY. This exchange was used as an incentive to secure Hapan military involvement in the Yuuzhan Vong War. Following this exchange, Hapan technology, particularly in military applications, was estimated to be as much as seven hundred years behind the rest of the galaxy.

