Tenel Ka Djo
Tenel Ka Djo was a female of both Hapan and Jedi Knight descent. She was born to Prince Isolder, who held the title of Chume'da within the Hapes Consortium, and Teneniel Djo, a Dathomiri witch. Despite being the designated successor to the Hapes Consortium, Tenel Ka identified more strongly with her mother's heritage and traditions than with her father's. This preference caused friction with some Hapans, notably her grandmother, Ta'a Chume. She also preferred to shorten her formal name, which was Tenel Ka Chume Ta' Djo, to simply Tenel Ka. As a young teenager, Tenel Ka enrolled in Luke Skywalker's Jedi academy, where she formed close bonds with fellow students such as Jacen and Jaina Solo, Lowbacca, Raynar Thul, and Zekk.
During her time at the Jedi academy, Tenel Ka and her companions successfully defended against the threat of the Shadow Academy, disrupted the activities of the Diversity Alliance, and brought an end to the resurgence of the Black Sun criminal organization. In the course of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Tenel Ka participated in the Myrkr strike team with the objective to destroy the Jedi-hunting voxyn queen. It was during this mission that she came to realize her feelings of love for Jacen Solo, although he was subsequently captured by Vergere and taken into Yuuzhan Vong captivity. Surviving the mission, she later reluctantly assumed the role of Queen Mother of Hapes. A year later, she received confirmation that Jacen had indeed survived the events on Myrkr. During the Killik crisis in 36 ABY, Tenel Ka made the decision to dispatch a fleet under Jacen Solo's command to assist the Killiks, who were then led by their former friend, Raynar Thul. She and Solo also became parents to a daughter named Allana. To fully dedicate herself to her responsibilities as Queen Mother, Tenel Ka resigned from the New Jedi Order.
In 40 ABY, Tenel Ka and Allana became targets of an assassination plot orchestrated by a faction seeking to seize control of the Consortium. Despite his descent to the dark side, Jacen, now a Sith under the tutelage of Lumiya, vowed to protect Tenel Ka and Allana. He resisted his mentor's arguments that their deaths would bring about peace and stability to the galaxy. During the Battle of Kashyyyk, Tenel Ka turned against Jacen, deeply disturbed by his actions. This led Jacen to prioritize Allana's safety above Tenel Ka's, even to the point of being willing to harm Tenel Ka if she interfered with his relationship with Allana. He later abducted Allana in an attempt to force Tenel Ka back into an alliance. However, at Tenel Ka's desperate plea, Allana was rescued by Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa Solo. It was at this time that the elder Solos became aware of their familial connection to Allana. The Solos maintained this secret, and Tenel Ka granted the Jedi permission to relocate to the Transitory Mists, located within Hapan territory.
Tenel Ka played a crucial role in the eventual defeat of Jacen, who had become Darth Caedus, by trapping his fleet above the Jedi's base on Shedu Maad. However, a nanovirus designed to target Hapan royal blood was unleashed on her flagship, the ship Dragon Queen. Shortly before his death, Jacen contacted her, screaming a warning to protect Allana. With his assistance, Tenel Ka and Allana managed to evade the nanovirus. Tenel Ka came to the conclusion that the Hapan way of life was not suitable for Allana's upbringing. Consequently, she requested that Han and Leia take Allana to the Jedi Academy on Shedu Maad, where she could be raised outside the complexities of Hapan politics. By 43 ABY, Tenel Ka had not yet rejoined the Galactic Alliance, disapproving of the appointment of Chief of State Natasi Daala and the aggressive actions of the Imperial Moffs. She later became a target of the Lost Tribe of Sith. Following a failed assassination attempt, Tenel Ka assisted in the evacuation of the Jedi Academy on Ossus before the Sith could launch an attack.

Raised within the dual heritage of her parents, Tenel Ka was instructed in political matters on Hapes and received both physical training and instruction in the Force on Dathomir. She embraced the values and beliefs of her mother, Teneniel Djo, and her great-grandmother, Augwynne Djo, who led the Singing Mountain Clan on Dathomir. Her father, Isolder, respected her choices, although they were not well-received by his mother, the former Queen Mother Ta'a Chume. Chume's efforts to persuade her granddaughter to pursue training as a suitable Queen Mother were unsuccessful, as Tenel Ka, with her mother's support, decided to train as a Jedi Knight.
Upon reaching the appropriate age, Tenel Ka journeyed to Yavin 4 to undergo training at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum. She quickly developed strong friendships with Jacen and Jaina Solo, but kept her status as the Hapan heir a secret, desiring to be accepted for her character rather than her title.
One month after her initial meeting with Jacen and Jaina, Tenel Ka was introduced to Lowbacca and his translation droid, Em Teedee, when he joined the Jedi Academy from Kashyyyk. As a gesture of friendship, he suggested that Tenel Ka address him by his nickname, Lowie, but she declined, explaining that she would show him respect by using his full name.
While the group of friends was repairing a downed TIE fighter, the pilot, Qorl, kidnapped Jaina and Jacen. Tenel Ka managed to return to the Praxeum to seek assistance. By the time help arrived, Qorl had already departed in the repaired craft. Jacen and Jaina later managed to escape, but Qorl remained at large.

While her friends were visiting Lando Calrissian at his GemDiver Station, Tenel Ka was required to stay behind to receive an ambassador sent by her grandmother to monitor her progress. When her friends were abducted by the Shadow Academy, she joined Luke Skywalker in the search for them. They first traveled to GemDiver Station, where Lando informed them that the twins' and Lowbacca's captors had used Corusca gems to infiltrate the station. This led them to Borgo Prime, the destination for all shipments of the gems. They soon discovered that the gems had been purchased by a Nightsister.
During this journey, a conversation arose about their shared dreams concerning the return of the Nightsisters. Tenel Ka, whose parents rarely discussed the matter, inquired about her mother's high regard for Skywalker and the events that transpired during her father's and Skywalker's initial visit to Dathomir. She felt uneasy and embarrassed when the teasing Jedi Master revealed that Teneniel had captured Luke upon their first encounter. Tenel Ka was mortified by the thought of him submitting to the Dathomir marriage customs, which she had always considered quaint and provincial. She was newly embarrassed to realize that her mother had captured the greatest known Jedi Master at the time and had fully expected him to marry her and father her children. The situation suddenly struck her as so ridiculous that she let lose a rare giggle.
The two set out to Dathomir, where they met with Augwynne Djo, Tenel Ka's great-grandmother who informed them that the Nightsisters had returned. They then witnessed Vonnda Ra and Vilas, members of the Nightsisters, campaign for new members, using equal treatment of males, something unusual to Dathomir society, as a draw for male members. Feigning interest, Tenel Ka and Luke traveled to the Great Canyon Clan where they encountered Vonnda Ra. They displayed their powers to Ra, who approved of them and then sent them to join the Shadow Academy.
They boarded the Shadow Chaser, which was piloted by Nightsister Garowyn. Once they made it to their destination, they dumped Garowyn in an escape pod and then docked at the Shadow Academy. They disembarked and were approached by the Solo twins and Lowbacca, who had all broken out of their cells. During the escape, Tenel Ka confronted the Shadow Academy's Second in Command, Tamith Kai, who attempted to sway Tenel Ka to her side. Tenel Ka refused, and kicked Tamith Kai hard in the unprotected kneecap, shattering it and sending her tumbling down the boarding ramp of the ship. At this time, things were said and done that would lead to much enmity between the Jedi trainee and Nightsister. They then set out, knowing that it would not be their last encounter with the Shadow Academy.

After their safe return to the Praxeum, Tenel Ka accompanied her friends to Coruscant for a vacation. On their first full day there, she met Jacen and Jaina's old friend Zekk. Despite an initial awkward encounter when she lassoed him with fibercord rope, Tenel Ka and Zekk quickly became friends.
A few days later, Tenel Ka was invited to a diplomatic banquet honoring the new Karnak Alphan ambassador and her children. Drawing upon her familiarity with the Karnak Alphans and their unique customs, gained from her royal upbringing, Tenel Ka, with the assistance of Anakin Solo, successfully arranged for an important Karnak Alphan dinner custom to be performed. The ambassador, surprised by the hosts' understanding of her people's traditions, expressed her gratitude to Leia Organa Solo.
After Zekk disappeared, Tenel Ka joined Jacen in his search for the missing youth in the undercity of Coruscant. Tenel Ka had managed to recall the layout of the area from her previous visit with Zekk and the rest of her friends. After saving each others' lives a few times, the two of them eventually found Zekk. Any relief that might come from finding him ended abruptly when Zekk revealed that he was going to train to become a Dark Jedi at the Shadow Academy. With that, he left his stunned friends behind.
In response to the threat posed by the Shadow Academy and its Dark Jedi, Luke Skywalker determined that Jacen, Jaina, Tenel Ka, and Lowbacca were prepared to construct their own lightsabers. Tenel Ka struggled with the perceived importance of a lightsaber, believing that a warrior's skill was more significant than their weapon. While her friends began assembling their lightsabers, Tenel Ka engaged in rigorous physical training to demonstrate her ability to handle a lightsaber. Upon learning from Lowbacca that the others were nearing completion, she commenced the construction of her own lightsaber.
Tenel Ka considered various materials for the lightsaber handle, seeking something appropriate for a warrior of Dathomir, and considered the rancor an appropriate symbol. She then remembered that she had kept two of the smaller teeth from her great-grandmother's favorite rancor, when it had died a few years earlier. The two treasured possessions would be of the right shape and size.
With Lowbacca piloting her to a volcano, Tenel Ka descended into a lava tube and located the crystals within, which she used as her lightsaber's focusing crystals. Back at the temple, Tenel Ka realized the tooth's hollow that she had chosen was a little too small for the crystal arrangement she had hoped for. Her closer inspection also revealed a tiny flaw in each hazy volcanic crystal, but decided to make do as her sense of competition urged her to complete its construction quickly. Her blade was a white-gray color due to the volcano's crystals. During an exercise designed by Luke Skywalker in which Tenel Ka and her friends had to wear visors that made laser remotes invisible, Tenel Ka used the Force to deflect the bolts aimed at her and was the only one to slice her remote in half.

Under Luke Skywalker's supervision, Tenel Ka began her first lightsaber sparring exercise with Jacen Solo, during which she acknowledged her friend's skill. After switching to their left hands, their blades clashed and locked together. The pressure caused the components inside the tooth to vibrate, quickly escalating to cause the handle itself to rattle. Although unsettled to how her weapon was now feeling in her hand, Tenel Ka ignored it. With a sharp crack, her lightsaber components failed, but Jacen didn't notice and kept pushing. The power source overloaded with a shriek and suddenly quit. The blade disappeared, and Jacen's pushed right through the now empty air, and through flesh and bone, severing her left arm just above the elbow. Tenel Ka could see as her lightsaber hit the ground and explode in her dismembered hand, rendering it unable to be reattached. The accident drastically changed their relationship, especially in light of the fact that, prior to the accident, Jacen had hoped they would become more than friends. Tenel Ka fell unconscious before she hit the ground. She was quickly brought back to the Jedi academy by Skywalker, who managed to keep the Solos and Lowbacca from Tenel Ka to protect her secret that she was the Hapan princess. She then refused to see her friends; though not because she blamed them, but because she did not want them to see her in such a pitiful state.
Tenel Ka was whisked away to Hapes by her grandmother, Ta'a Chume's Ambassador, Yfra. Tenel Ka was greeted by her grandmother Ta'a Chume, who prepared a show for her arrival. Gorgeous, nearly naked young men, muscular and dressed only in skimpy loincloths, performed a gymnastics show for Tenel Ka, while other scantily clad male servants provided music nearby. Later in the medical room, Tenel Ka briefly considered whether she should continue to train as a Jedi, but in a display of personal strength and confidence, Tenel Ka refused to have the temporary droid arm (which she Force pushed into the opposite wall), nor the prosthetic replacement her grandmother had arranged for her to be attached, and sought to enhance her physical abilities along with her Jedi talents to make up for her loss.
Soon after, Jacen and the others arrived and sought to comfort Tenel Ka, and asked her why she hadn't told them she was a princess. In response, Tenel Ka said that she did not think they would accept her on her own merits, even though they had. Jacen and Tenel Ka apologized to each other and spent time together. Then after foiling a plot by one of Ta'a Chume's ambassadors to kill her and her grandmother, she decided that her path was definitely one of a Jedi. She returned to the Jedi academy and constructed a second lightsaber from relics of both sides of her family: The second, larger rancor tooth and choice Rainbow gems picked out from the remains of the tiara of the Royal Princess of Hapes (accepted by her on Ta'a Chume's insistence that she'd take it back to Yavin 4), which she had smashed apart with the tooth. This lightsaber was carefully constructed and produced a turquoise blade. The use of several Rainbow Gems made her lightsaber one of the most expensive lightsabers used by the Jedi (along with Jacen Solo's and Ganner Rhysode's Corusca gem lightsabers.)
On Kashyyyk, she learned that Zekk had indeed been brainwashed and trained as a Dark Jedi. Along with her friends, Tenel Ka escaped the Shadow Academy's forces through the Kashyyyk Underworld, leading to Jaina's confrontation with Zekk. Throughout their pursuit, Tenel Ka and her friends put a stop to Tamith Kai's allies, Vonnda Ra and Garowyn, who both met their ends in the Underworld. They stopped the attack by the Shadow Academy on Kashyyyk and prepared for an attack on the Jedi Praxeum.
When the attack did come, Tenel Ka journeyed to the landing pad with Lowbacca, where she confronted Tamith Kai. Soon a TIE fighter came crashing down on the landing pad only moments after Tenel Ka and Lowbacca were able to escape, though the Nightsister was not. She then watched as Jaina began to duel Zekk, who later redeemed himself by telling the Jedi not to enter the temple. Soon after, the temple was destroyed by bombs that had been placed there by the Shadow Academy.
The Shadow Academy itself had self destructed, for reasons unknown to the Jedi. In fact, it had been because the Emperor's Royal Guards had masterminded the entire operation, and, upon Brakiss learning the truth, they killed him. Tenel Ka then helped in the reconstruction of the Jedi Praxeum.
Shortly after, her parents and grandmother sent her an old unmarked Hapan ship which she named the Rock Dragon. Tenel Ka chose Jaina and Lowbacca as pilot and co-pilot, for she knew, especially with one arm, they could enjoy the title more than she could. Soon after, Tenel Ka and her friends went to the Graveyard of Alderaan for their maiden voyage in search for a shard of the planet to bring back to Jacen and Jaina's mother, Leia. While there, they were confronted by Boba Fett (who, in fact, was Fett's daughter Ailyn Vel wearing Fett's armor), but they managed to escape with help from Zekk in the Lightning Rod.

Afterward, Tenel Ka helped stop an attempt to abduct Raynar and Aryn Dro Thul, who had both been kidnapped by Diversity Alliance agents who wished to use them to draw Bornan Thul out of hiding. The elder Thul had happened across the location of the secret Imperial warehouse where a human plague resided, and Diversity Alliance leader Nolaa Tarkona wanted it. After Lowbacca had seemingly joined the Diversity Alliance, she and her friends went to rescue him. However, they were caught by Diversity Alliance personnel and sentenced by Nolaa Tarkona to work in the ryll mines. Lowbacca found out about their presence and arranged an escape plan. In the confusion, however, Tenel Ka and Jacen were separated from Jaina and Raynar and were stuck on the dark and frozen side of Ryloth, where they found the exiled Twi'lek leader Kur. The two Jedi trainees bonded over their exile, and helped Kur regain his position of power on Ryloth. Help came in the form of the Rock Dragon piloted by Lowbacca.
After Zekk rescued Bornan Thul from bounty hunters, Tenel Ka and the rest of her friends went with them to destroy the asteroid containing the Emperor's Plague. During the battle Bornan Thul died when the Emperor's Plague was released, using his last moments to keep the plague from spreading. But Tenel Ka and her allies did win the day. In a celebration, the normally stoic Tenel Ka kissed Jacen Solo for the first time.
Following the defeat of the Emperor's plague, a familiar adversary—Black Sun—reemerged. One of their operatives, a woman known as Anja Gallandro on Ord Mantell, captured Jacen's attention, sparking jealousy in Tenel Ka. Both Jacen and Zekk were intrigued by her exotic nature, which angered Tenel Ka and Jaina, leading them to become immediately suspicious of her. Although they befriended Anja after assisting her on Anobis, her unpredictable behavior made Tenel Ka uneasy.

After that, they traveled to Cloud City because Lando Calrissian requested their presence, but they were ambushed by Czethros, the clandestine leader of Black Sun, and his forces. During a brief skirmish, Jacen was knocked off the airborne metropolis, causing Tenel Ka to believe he had perished. The warrior woman was deeply affected by what she perceived as his demise, especially considering Jacen had been holding onto her boot before his fall. She also felt that her missing arm might have contributed to the tragedy, as a hand might have offered a more secure grip than a boot. However, shortly thereafter, he reappeared, safe and sound, having been rescued by a Thranta Rider. Tenel Ka, Jacen, Jaina, Zekk, and Lowbacca later assisted Anja in overcoming her drug dependency and definitively eradicated Black Sun on Kessel and Mon Calamari. Following Black Sun's downfall, Tenel Ka, Jacen, Jaina, Zekk, Raynar, Anakin Solo, and Lowbacca successfully completed their training at the Jedi academy.
As the Yuuzhan Vong War commenced, Tenel Ka persisted in supporting her parents as they navigated the Hapan political complexities against her grandmother. She also attended several Jedi gatherings concerning the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, including one focused on the deceptive Yuuzhan Vong priestess, Elan. She was on Hapes when Isolder emerged victorious in the honor duel, leading to the deployment of the Hapan Royal Navy to the ill-fated Battle of Fondor. Subsequently, she and the Rodian Jedi Jovan Drark embarked on a reconnaissance mission to the Bilbringi system.
As the conflict intensified, Tenel Ka found herself reunited with her longtime companions: Jacen, Jaina, Lowbacca, Zekk, and Raynar, as well as two new acquaintances, Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila. Two years into the war, Tenel Ka and her friends discovered that their former comrade, Lusa, had been slain by the Yuuzhan Vong's Jedi-hunting creatures, the voxyn. Shortly after Lusa's passing, Tenel Ka accompanied her friends to the Battle of Froz, where she, along with Lowie, Ulaha Kore, and Raynar, operated the group's sensor systems. She played a crucial role in the battle, which concluded with their triumph. Furthermore, the group strengthened their battle meld, which would later prove invaluable during the Mission to Myrkr a few weeks later.
In 27 ABY, the Yuuzhan Vong bio-engineered the Jedi-killing voxyn, prompting Tenel Ka, alongside Jacen, Jaina, and her former academy classmates, to travel to various planets to collect voxyn corpses for Jedi Scientist/Healer, Cilghal. Cilghal subsequently determined that the voxyn originated from the planet Myrkr, or rather, the Yuuzhan Vong worldship orbiting it. Together with her longtime friends, Tenel Ka volunteered to be part of a Jedi strike team to infiltrate the worldship and eliminate the Voxyn queen, as all voxyn were clones. Luke Skywalker was initially slated to lead the mission, but Tenel Ka argued that his presence would doom them all. She reasoned that the Yuuzhan Vong would immediately execute Luke upon their capture (as the Strike Team planned to surrender to the Vong before seizing control of the Yuuzhan Vong ship). Tenel Ka asserted that the strike team should consist of Jedi whom the Yuuzhan Vong would underestimate. Anakin Solo then assumed leadership of the strike team, and the seventeen members began their preparations.

The strike team was handed over to the Yuuzhan Vong by Lando Calrissian at the behest of Leia Organa Solo, and Tenel Ka and the others were taken aboard the Exquisite Death, commanded by Duman Yaght. Along with the other Jedi, Tenel Ka endured torture as the Yuuzhan Vong attempted to extract information about the Jedi's secret base, but the Jedi remained silent. Tenel Ka successfully resisted the torture, and her resilience later garnered the admiration of Yuuzhan Vong warrior Khalee Lah. Tenel Ka and the other Jedi eventually broke free from their confinement and seized control of the ship, killing Duman Yaght in the process, although Jedi Knight Ulaha Kore sustained injuries. While awaiting the ship's arrival at Myrkr, Tenel Ka assisted Jacen in mending the strained relationship between him and his brother, Anakin. After crash landing on the worldship, Baanu Rass, when the Yuuzhan Vong attacked them, Tenel Ka and the strike team inadvertently rescued two Dark Jedi from Yuuzhan Vong captivity. The Dark Jedi, Lomi Plo and Welk, were permitted to join the strike team, though this decision would soon have negative consequences for the Jedi.
The strike team, now pursued by a squad of Yuuzhan Vong warriors led by Executor Nom Anor, prepared to ambush their pursuers. Tenel Ka and the other Jedi set a trap for the warriors and managed to eliminate many, but Nom Anor managed to escape. While traversing the slave dens, the Jedi were ambushed by Nom Anor and his forces, and during the ensuing battle, Jovan Drark suffered a fatal wound. Tenel Ka brought him to the healer, Tekli, but the Rodian's condition was beyond recovery. When all seemed lost, Tenel Ka and the Jedi discovered the ship, Tachyon Flier, offering a potential means of escape. However, the Dark Jedi absconded with the shuttle, taking a wounded Raynar Thul and a defenseless Em Teedee as hostages. When Alema Rar expressed her desire for the shuttle to be destroyed by the Yuuzhan Vong, Tenel Ka pointed out the grim reality that their friend was still on board.
When Anakin later gave his life to save the strike team and Jaina blamed Jacen for his death, Tenel Ka came to his defense. Tenel Ka insisted that Jacen had done nothing wrong and did not deserve Jaina's accusations, but Jaina rebuked her, claiming Tenel Ka possessed the emotional depth of a ronto. The two became angry with each other, but Zekk intervened to prevent a physical altercation.
The team then divided into two groups, with Tenel Ka accompanying Jacen and others to continue the mission, while Jaina, Zekk, and others went to retrieve Anakin's body. They were approached by Vergere, a mysterious Fosh whose allegiance was uncertain. Tenel Ka distrusted Vergere, but was compelled to cooperate with her when the avian being agreed to assist them in killing the Voxyn Queen. They then encountered Jaina's team, who had located a ship for their escape, and Tenel Ka and the others helped them secure it while Jacen departed to eliminate the Voxyn Queen. Tenel Ka attempted to kiss him before his departure, but Vergere interrupted them.
After securing the vessel, Tenel Ka was shocked to witness Jacen's capture and his fate in the hands of Vergere and Nom Anor. The strike team was forced to abandon him, and Tenel Ka came to the realization that it was in Jacen's best interest for them to flee, as the Yuuzhan Vong would not kill him unless they also had Jaina, due to their obsession with twins.
Following the mission's success, the surviving strike team members set a course for Coruscant, only to arrive and witness its conquest by the Yuuzhan Vong. Pursued by New Republic ships, Tenel Ka and the others determined that with Coruscant lost, they needed an alternative safe haven to land their ship, and the group decided on Hapes. Jaina then executed the Solo Slingshot, a space maneuver devised by Han Solo, to signal her parents of the Jedi's presence on the ship and prompt them to follow them to Hapes. Tenel Ka was dispatched ahead in an escape pod to inform her parents and grandmother of their arrival. While in the escape pod, she seemingly sensed Jacen's death through the Force, and after succumbing to grief, she realized her love for Jacen.
En route to Hapes, her escape pod was intercepted by Hapan pirates adorned in the colors of the Ni'Korish. Resentful of Tenel Ka's rejection of her Hapan heritage and her status as a Jedi trainee, they opened fire on her upon boarding their vessel. She employed her Force abilities to subdue them, but chose to spare their lives, believing that murder was not the Jedi way.

Upon arriving on Hapes, Tenel Ka was greeted by her father and rescued him from an assassination attempt orchestrated by his cousin. Shortly thereafter, she visited her ailing mother, who presented her with an emerald ring and instructed her to pass it on to the next Queen Mother.
Tenel Ka then attended Anakin Solo's funeral and witnessed Jaina's descent toward the dark side. Observing that Ta'a Chume paid more attention to Jaina Solo than to her own heir, Tenel Ka deduced that Ta'a Chume was plotting to replace Teneniel Djo with Jaina. However, she was too late to prevent Ta'a Chume's Ni'Korish assassins from poisoning her mother.
Despite her disdain for the position and her grief over Jacen and her mother, Tenel Ka was crowned Queen Mother of Hapes by her father, much to Ta'a Chume's disappointment. Tenel Ka placed her grandmother under arrest for her involvement in Teneniel Djo's murder and pledged the support of the Hapan government and military to the fight against the Yuuzhan Vong. The emerald ring given to her earlier by her mother was, in fact, a holochip revealing the location of a rebuilt Hapan fleet. Tenel Ka placed this fleet under the command of Jagged Fel, and the Hapan fleet achieved victory at the Battle of Hapes.
During Jaina Solo's audacious assault on the Supreme Overlord's fleet in 28 ABY, Queen Mother Tenel Ka led a squadron of Hapan ships to assist her. They succeeded, only to discover that the ship did not contain the Supreme Overlord. Soon after, she learned that Jacen Solo had survived his capture by the Yuuzhan Vong, although it remains unclear whether they communicated with each other during this period. She later participated in a knighting ceremony on Mon Calamari and fought in the battle above Ebaq 9.
Subsequently, Tenel Ka became more deeply involved in the political aspects of her role as Queen Mother. She attained a high-ranking position in the Galactic Alliance, and her fleet became more actively engaged in the war, supporting the Galactic Alliance in numerous battles. She was among Cal Omas's inner circle who opposed the use of Alpha Red. At some point, Tenel Ka was knighted as a Jedi Knight by Skywalker, along with the other survivors of the strike team.
Near the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Tenel Ka joined forces with Lando Calrissian and others to defend Zonama Sekot from the Yuuzhan Vong, successfully repelling the invaders. After the war's end, Tenel Ka was among the Jedi who traveled to Zonama Sekot for Luke Skywalker's meeting, before returning to Hapes to continue her reign as Queen Mother.
In 35 ABY, Jacen Solo returned from his five-year journey across the Galaxy and visited Tenel Ka. Having recently learned about the Dark Nest Crisis, he sought Tenel Ka's assistance in deploying a fleet to protect the Killiks while the Jedi sought a resolution to the conflict with the Chiss. Jacen and the Strike Team had ventured into the Unknown Regions in response to Raynar Thul's summons. Tenel Ka stated that she had to remain secluded in the Palace to maintain order on Hapes. She kissed him and hinted that his chances of securing the Fleet would improve if he stayed the night. The outcome was that the Killiks received their fleet, and Tenel Ka became pregnant.
Tenel Ka appointed Dukat Aleson Gray, of the Relephon Moon and her ninth cousin, to command the Hapan Fleet, with the Kendall serving as his flagship. The Hapan Fleet was intended solely for reinforcement purposes, providing the Jedi with time to resolve the border dispute. Furthermore, Tenel Ka defied Chief of State Cal Omas's request to recall her fleet. This prompted the Chief of State to implore Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, and Luke Skywalker to persuade Tenel Ka to withdraw her fleet, but they refused. Under Gray's command, the Hapans engaged the Chiss in battle while attempting to rescue Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker on Gorog's base, Kr.
Over the following year, Tenel Ka engaged in numerous secret and secure HoloNet conversations with Jacen, during which they finally confessed their love for each other. However, their relationship remained concealed, and Tenel Ka chose not to disclose his paternity over the HoloNet. To mislead her suspicious nobles regarding the father of her child, Tenel Ka prolonged her pregnancy using the Force, slowing down the development process. While this deceived many, it did not fool Tenel Ka's grandmother, Ta'a Chume.
In 36 ABY, she gave birth to Jacen's daughter, Allana. To shield Allana from the animosity of the Hapan nobles, she withheld the identity of Allana's father and led the nobles to believe that one of them might be the father. Tenel Ka also refused to release any holos of the child to the public. Tenel Ka remained hidden in seclusion for months before the child's birth, keeping the knowledge of Allana's birth and their location secret from everyone.

One week after Allana's birth, Jacen, Tenel Ka, and Allana were attacked by agents of the Dark Nest acting on Ta'a Chume's orders. The Dark Nest were angered by Tenel Ka's involvement in the Killik/Chiss border dispute a year prior. During the assault, Tenel Ka was thrown against a wall by Ben Skywalker, who displayed impressive Force power despite his lack of training. Tenel Ka regained consciousness and assisted Jacen in defending Allana from the Killiks. Because Ben inadvertently discovered Allana's paternity, Jacen forcefully erased Ben's memory of the incident, which troubled Tenel Ka. Jacen then focused his energy on protecting her and their baby from the Killiks, even rendering Ta'a Chume comatose and launching a preemptive strike against the Chiss. However, despite Allana's safety, Tenel Ka was deeply disturbed by Jacen's alarming behavior.
Later that year, when Luke Skywalker convened a Jedi convocation on Ossus, she resigned from the New Jedi Order. She was heartbroken to do so, but her responsibilities as Queen Mother interfered too much with her duties as a Jedi Knight. She also could not abandon the Hapan people, fearing that a tyrannical ruler like her grandmother would seize the throne. Following ancient Jedi tradition, Tenel Ka attempted to return her lightsaber, but Luke Skywalker urged her to keep it, assuring her that there would always be a place for Tenel Ka if she changed her mind.
Tenel Ka was touched by Luke's gesture, and he affirmed that she embodied everything a Jedi represented and that they would all miss her. She also expressed her hope that she might one day be able to return to the Jedi Order and that she would miss everyone dearly. Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, who were present in the room, attempted to console the Hapan by planning frequent visits to Hapes to see Allana, but this only heightened Tenel Ka's anxiety, as she knew that Leia would sense the bond between them. Tenel Ka became tense at the mention of her daughter, which aroused Han and Leia's suspicions. Tenel Ka then returned to Hapes to navigate the intricate political landscape.
During the turbulent times of the Second Galactic Civil War, Jacen Solo betrayed the Jedi, Tenel Ka, and Allana when he secretly began training as a Sith Lord under the Dark Lady of the Sith, Lumiya. He did so to ensure Allana's safety, and a few weeks after making this decision, Lumiya informed Jacen Solo that he must sacrifice something greater than his public image to be fully accepted as a Sith. Jacen wondered if his sacrifice would entail killing Tenel Ka and Allana, the two individuals he cherished most.

During the conflict, Tenel Ka and Allana were also targeted for assassination by the Corellian leadership as part of a scheme to draw the Hapes Consortium into the war on Corellia's side. Its Head of State, Dur Gejjen, desperately needed allies, as many worlds refused to openly support them. Gejjen requested a meeting with Tenel Ka to discuss her allegiance, but she rejected him without hesitation. She also assigned Galactic Alliance Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon two battalions of Hapan Battle Dragons. The Corellians, unwilling to relinquish their alliance with Hapes, devised a plan to assassinate Tenel Ka and Allana and install a pro-Corellian Queen Mother in her place. Gejjen then contacted Han and Leia Solo, with Han openly supporting Corellia. He deceived them, leading them to believe that Tenel Ka had agreed to a meeting and was considering switching sides, and that Han and Leia were to act as Corellian delegates. In reality, they were being used to lure Tenel Ka into the open to facilitate their plan.
Han and Leia Organa Solo uncovered the plot when Tenel Ka placed them in a waiting room, as it was the day of the Queen's Pageant. Despite their alliance with the Corellians, they disapproved of the assassination plan and sought to rescue their longtime friend and her daughter. They managed to convince the assassin, Jedi-killer Aurra Sing, that they were working for Gejjen, and after deliberately thwarting the attempt, they escaped the palace with Sing to uncover the masterminds behind the plot. Jaina Solo and Zekk arrived too late to warn Tenel Ka, and Tenel Ka informed them that they may have been implicated in the assassination plot, but that she was uncertain. She then requested that they travel throughout the Hapan system and rally support and fleets from her trusted nobles.
Tenel Ka then contacted Jacen Solo for assistance in protecting her and her daughter. Tenel Ka believed that the assassination attempts would persist. She interrogated multiple witnesses and confined them in the Well, a secret chamber. She soon discovered them murdered, realizing that the conspiracy extended deep into her inner circle. When Jacen arrived in his Star Destroyer, the Anakin Solo, Tenel Ka requested that Allana remain aboard with him. They shared a brief moment together before Jacen issued an arrest warrant for his parents.
Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker soon arrived in search of their son Ben, and also to deliver a transmission from Han and Leia to Tenel Ka, revealing their innocence in the plot and the events involving Gejjen. They also informed her that Aurra Sing was after Allana, and that Ducha AlGray was a traitor and a key figure in the coup government, the Heritage Council. Tenel Ka then asked Jacen to rescind the warrant for his parents, but he refused, claiming they were still allied with Corellia before the assassination attempt on Hapes.
Tenel Ka then prepared for battle, mobilizing all of her fleets and taking position above Hapes on her personal Battle Dragon, Dragon Queen. They were soon attacked by the AlGray fleet, as well as the Corellian fleet, which included two Corellian Dreadnaughts. During the battle, Jaina and Zekk arrived to reveal that Ducha Galney was a treacherous noble. When Galney's fleet arrived, Tenel Ka knew they were her enemies. Meanwhile, Han and Leia had arrived and picked up Jaina, Zekk, Ben Skywalker, and a Galactic Alliance Guard operative after their ship had exploded. Jacen spotted their ship and opened fire on it, but they managed to escape.
The tide of the battle shifted when Galactic Alliance admiral Nek Bwua'tu arrived and decimated the Corellian fleet. The battle turned in Tenel Ka's favor, and the Corellians were forced to retreat. However, the Heritage Council leaders, excluding Galney and AlGray, managed to escape and later joined the Confederation. Tenel Ka was then informed of Jacen's actions against his parents and was stunned, but she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. However, as Tenel Ka spoke with Jacen after the crisis subsided, she became increasingly aware of how much darker his personality was becoming.

Some time passed after the failed attempt on Jacen's life, during which he appointed himself joint Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, and then he paid another visit to Tenel Ka and Allana. Although he had promised to never murder them as a sacrifice to the Sith, uncertainty lingered. He traveled there to confirm that they were not destined to be his victims. Following a heartfelt family moment, Tenel Ka accompanied him on his departure, expressing her concerns about the coup. While she didn't approve, she wished Jacen success in managing the job and the ongoing war.
The day that followed saw Luke Skywalker and Jaina Solo informing Tenel Ka that they had sensed Mara Jade Skywalker's passing through the Force. Tenel Ka then gave the order to search for Mara within the Hapan system, and her remains were soon located on Kavan, situated in the Hapes Cluster. Tenel Ka permitted the group, now consisting of Luke, Jaina, Han and Leia Solo, and Ben Skywalker, to stay at the Fountain Palace to mourn. After this, she initiated an investigation into Mara's killer within the Hapan system. Tenel Ka felt disturbed by Jacen's absence during his family's time of grief, unaware that he was the one responsible for Mara's death and had proclaimed himself Darth Caedus.
Throughout the subsequent week, Tenel Ka, upon the request of Admiral Cha Niathal, assigned all but the Home Fleet of the Hapan forces to the Alliance command. When she journeyed to Coruscant to attend Mara Jade Skywalker's funeral, she tried to contact Luke to give him her condolences for his loss, but Saba Sebatyne turned her away at Luke's request, as he was refusing to see anyone. She started to fear that he was isolating himself, but proceeded with her plans to attend the funeral. After dispatching her Lady in Waiting, Lady Aros, to secure the nursery after sensing a Force disturbance within her own suite, she was met by Jacen Solo. They shared a tender embrace before Tenel Ka questioned him about how he was dealing with Mara's death. He quickly dismissed the subject, leaving Tenel Ka slightly puzzled, and they discussed Luke's withdrawn state and the fear that any attempts by Jacen to reconcile with the Jedi would be thwarted due to the fear of Jacen trying to take over the Jedi.
It was at this moment that Jacen revealed his shocking vision to Tenel Ka: that if the Confederation forces were victorious in the upcoming battle at Kuat, they would be able to advance on Coruscant and win the war. He told her that he lacked the necessary forces to crush the Confederation, as the Jedi refused to cooperate and the Kashyyyk forces were arguing over whether to provide their fleet to the Galactic Alliance. He then requested that she give him the Home Fleet, a request that Tenel Ka immediately denied because it would leave her and Allana vulnerable to attack from her nobles. Jacen then connected the fate of the Galactic Alliance with Tenel Ka and Allana, claiming that the Confederation would murder them and destroy the Consortium. Tenel Ka then reluctantly agreed to give him the fleet, but only if he made peace with Luke. Jacen reluctantly agreed, and they spent the night together.
Tenel Ka then attended Mara Jade's funeral alongside old comrades from the Mission to Myrkr and other Galactic Alliance dignitaries. There, Tenel Ka participated as a Jedi, and was allowed to meditate with her former friends at the funeral. During the funeral, while Saba Sebatyne delivered the eulogy, Jacen arrived to stand with Luke, with whom he had agreed to make peace. Tenel Ka then consented to send him the Home Fleet, leaving herself and Allana without defense in the hope that Jacen could end the war and the threat to their lives, as he had promised.
Weeks later, Tenel Ka began receiving reports of Jacen holding the Jedi academy on Ossus hostage and dispatching Ben Skywalker to assassinate Cal Omas. After the Jedi refused to cooperate with Jacen and left the Galactic Alliance, Jacen tracked them to Kashyyyk, and Tenel Ka was informed that he was burning the planet to the ground. She was heartbroken upon hearing this and refused to believe it without proof.
Days later, Han and Leia Solo arrived on Hapes and were attacked by Tenel Ka's old friend, Tahiri Veila, who was acting under Jacen's orders to arrest his parents. Tahiri and Leia engaged in a fierce fight, with Leia emerging as the victor. Han managed to persuade Leia not to kill Tahiri, and Tenel Ka prevented Tahiri from arresting them. When Tahiri informed Tenel Ka that Jacen had issued a warrant for their arrest, she reminded her old friend that the Galactic Alliance, and especially Jacen, had no authority within the Hapes Consortium. Tahiri was furious, and Tenel Ka confiscated her StealthX and sent her back to Jacen as a message that his interference in Hapan affairs would not be tolerated.
Han and Leia then confirmed to Tenel Ka that the reports she had received were true: Jacen had abandoned the defense of Kuat and pursued the Jedi to Kashyyyk, where he was setting the planet ablaze. Tenel Ka was devastated and could not believe that Jacen had left her and Allana undefended to attack the peaceful planet of Kashyyyk, the homeworld of their friend Lowbacca; that he had lied about ending the war but was instead prolonging it. It was then that she decided to turn away from Jacen and that she could no longer follow his dark path. She recognized him for what he truly was: evil. And with that, Tenel Ka, accompanied by Han and Leia, set out to Kuat to retrieve her Home Fleet.

After gathering the Home Fleet, Tenel Ka and the Solos arrived on Kashyyyk, where Tenel Ka witnessed the destruction that was unfolding. She was unable to comprehend that Jacen would go to such extremes for revenge. Jacen's fleet was being bombarded by the Confederation forces, and he continued to order his ship to burn the Kashyyyk forests. Tenel Ka then opened a channel to Jacen, who mistakenly believed that her arrival meant she was there to assist him. She then demanded his formal surrender, which he refused.
He was shocked by what he was hearing and even questioned whether he was hallucinating. When she demanded to know the reasons for his past actions, he attempted to deceive her, but she saw through his lies without hesitation. Tenel Ka then informed him that she would send a skiff to collect him, but he refused. He then accused her of cowardice, but Han and Leia argued that she was demonstrating even greater strength by turning against him. Jacen blamed his parents for her betrayal, but Tenel Ka assured him that the choice was hers. She opened her heart to him, but where he had once felt love, he now felt anger and disappointment. When he refused to surrender once more and the connection ended, Tenel Ka was forced to fire on the father of her child, her one true love.
Jacen managed to evade Tenel Ka's barrage when the Bothans made a significant error due to the Dark Jedi Alema Rar and the influence of her Sith Meditation Sphere. She then held a parlay on the Dragon Queen, where she announced that she was withdrawing her fleets from Alliance command but that she still wholeheartedly supported the Galactic Alliance. When asked how, Tenel Ka replied that Jacen Solo was not the Galactic Alliance and that he had transformed it into something more akin to an Empire. Tenel Ka also allied the Hapes Consortium with the Jedi and Wookiees in the Jedi Coalition.
Days later, Caedus, angered and heartbroken by Tenel Ka's betrayal, vowed to kill Tenel Ka if she stood between him and Allana. He also kidnapped Allana in an attempt to force Tenel Ka to support him once again, leaving her a message that he would kill Allana if she did not provide him with military support. However, the threat toward Allana was false, but Tenel Ka was unaware of this. During the attempt, Tenel Ka sensed a disturbance in the Force and located Jacen's presence. Using Force speed, she rushed through the Palace and discovered the bodies of her aides, and she was shocked that Jacen would murder innocent people.
She arrived at her private hangar, where she saw Jacen boarding Tahiri Veila's StealthX with Allana. She locked eyes with Jacen and saw only coldness. Before she could react, the Galactic Alliance ship Jacen had arrived in exploded behind her, knocking her unconscious. When she awoke, she watched a transmission left by Jacen that falsely stated that if she did not bring her fleets back under Galactic Alliance command, he would kill Allana.
Tenel Ka, being a trusted friend among the Jedi, was given the location of their new Jedi base on Endor and traveled there, where she met with Luke, Saba Sebatyne, and several other Masters in the forests. She informed them that the reason she had severed ties with the galaxy was that Jacen had kidnapped Allana. Luke offered to rescue Allana, and Tenel Ka accepted, relieving some of her stress.
Days later, Luke led a strike team to the Anakin Solo, and the team's mission resulted in Allana's rescue by Han and Leia Solo and her return to Tenel Ka. Han and Leia discovered their connection to Allana, and the secret that Tenel Ka had kept for years was finally revealed.
A week after getting her daughter back, Tenel Ka was approached by Han and Leia, who requested that they be allowed to relocate the Jedi in the Transitory Mists. Tenel Ka agreed, and the Jedi took refuge on Hapes a few weeks later.
Weeks after providing the Jedi with their base, Tenel Ka dispatched her close cousins, Taryn and Trista Zel, to retrieve Ben Skywalker, who had escaped imprisonment from Caedus' new Sith apprentice, Tahiri Veila. They were instructed to bring Ben to her father, Prince Isolder, who would then take him to the Jedi base on Shedu Maad. However, her father was kidnapped by Jacen, and her intelligence reports revealed that his fleets were moving towards the Transitory Mists, indicating that he was aware of the Jedi base located there.

Accompanied by Allana, Tenel Ka traveled to Shedu Maad, where she warned Luke Skywalker of Jacen's impending arrival. When asked how Caedus knew the location of the Jedi base, Tenel Ka noticed that Jaina, who had fought Jacen weeks earlier, had his blood imprinted on her, and she realized that Caedus had used the Nightsister's blood trail. She then refused to leave for safety and prepared to assist the Jedi in their upcoming battle with Caedus. When Ben asked how one could go about redeeming another, Tenel Ka mistakenly assumed he was referring to Caedus and expressed her belief that Caedus did not want to be redeemed. Realizing this, Tenel Ka stood firm to stop him instead of bringing him in. Tenel Ka's Hapan Home Fleet then engaged Caedus's fleet, along with his ally, the Imperial Remnant.
Caedus and his Imperial allies tracked the Jedi to Shedu Maad, where they opened fire on the Jedi fleet while Tahiri Veila led Imperial forces to the Jedi base on the planet below. While the Jedi defended their planet, Tenel Ka lost another close friend, Zekk, who was shot down and went missing during the battle. Tenel Ka then led her Hapan fleet into the fray and cornered the Imperial forces, destroying their fleet.
During the battle, her capital ship, the Dragon Queen, was attacked with an Imperial nanovirus that targeted the blood of the Hapan Royal family. The blood had been taken from Prince Isolder during his captivity on the Anakin Solo shortly before Caedus killed him. Tenel Ka, unaware of the existence of the nanovirus, allowed an Imperial ship to land on her flagship, though it was that ship that carried the virus.
Just before the nanovirus was released, however, Tenel Ka felt Jacen—not Caedus—screaming at her in the Force to protect Allana, and she was able to escape with her daughter from the nanovirus. Her escape was unknown to her subjects during the heat of the battle, and Taryn and Trista feared her dead while they battled the Imperials on Shedu Maad. Furthermore, there was an attempt by Ducha Requud to take over the throne, along with Commander Livette.
However, she realized the awful truth that Jacen had been killed in a lightsaber duel with his sister, Jaina Solo, and that the Hapan life was too dangerous for Allana. Tenel Ka proclaimed her daughter dead, killed by the nanovirus, and secretly requested that Han and Leia Solo raise her daughter at the Jedi academy. With that, Tenel Ka gave up her daughter, ensuring her safety.
Following the appointment of former Imperial Admiral Natasi Daala as the Galactic Alliance's new Chief of State, tensions between the Galactic Alliance and Jedi Order escalated. As a result, Tenel Ka permitted the Jedi to permanently relocate their Jedi base to Shedu Maad. Additionally, Allana's adventurous nature was interfering with her education at the Jedi Academy, and Tenel Ka requested that she travel personally with Han and Leia Solo instead of residing at the Academy.
The threat of the Imperial Remnant persisted, and as a result, Tenel Ka refused to rejoin the Galactic Alliance. As of 43 ABY, Tenel Ka had yet to reintegrate Hapes into the Galactic Alliance. When young Jedi Knights began to suffer from a strange dementia and were used as political tools against the Jedi by Chief of State Daala, the Jedi Council decided that they could no longer keep their ill Jedi on Coruscant.
They then requested that Han and Leia Solo ask Tenel Ka to allow them to bring the crazed Jedi to the Jedi Enclave on Shedu Maad, to which she agreed. Tenel Ka also made a request of her own to the Solos: that they bring Allana with them so that her daughter could experience the world to one day fulfill the role of Queen Mother.
In 44 ABY, following the successful Jedi coup against Daala that ousted her as the GA's Chief of State, Tenel Ka was summoned to the world of Klatooine by the Solos. There, she was to assist in finalizing the agreement that would officially and legally allow Klatooine to break free from the tyranny of the Hutt Empire and become an official member of the Galactic Alliance. The situation on Klatooine provided Tenel Ka with an opportunity to see her daughter again; unfortunately, her escort fleet was trailed by members of the Lost Tribe of Sith, led by Sith Saber Querdan Dei. Dei devised a plan that involved kidnapping Allana's guardian protocol droid, C-3PO, and planting a bomb in him set to detonate near Tenel Ka at a rally.
This assassination attempt on Tenel Ka's life was due to the fact that one of the Lost Tribe's late High Lords, Sarasu Taalon, had foreseen a Jedi queen who would bring peace and balance to the galaxy and therefore presented a threat to the Sith's plans for galactic conquest, and that the Sith had identified the future queen as Tenel Ka's offspring. However, Allana thwarted this plot, and Leia killed Dei to ensure that the Sith failed to assassinate Tenel Ka.

Following the success of Klatooine's liberation from the Hutts, Tenel Ka did not have the opportunity to bid Allana a final farewell before her escort whisked her back to Hapes.
Tenel Ka would encounter the Lost Tribe once again after they seized control of Coruscant. Tenel Ka used the pretext of a training exercise to lend a portion of the Hapan fleet to assist the Jedi and Han and Leia in evacuating the Jedi Academy on Ossus. This also provided Tenel Ka with an opportunity to spend time with her daughter, who remained aboard the Dragon Queen II with her while Han and Leia led the evacuation.
As the evacuation commenced, Tenel Ka witnessed her daughter experience a Force vision, and although Allana refused to disclose the contents of the vision to her mother—expressing her desire to keep a promise to old friends—she emphasized that she needed to speak with Saba Sebatyne. Tenel Ka promised to assist Allana, but only after the evacuation was completed successfully.
Initially, the evacuation proceeded as planned: Han and Leia, along with Kam and Tionne Solusar, broke through the Sith attack to land their students on Tenel Ka's flagship. However, it was noted that one ship, before landing on the Dragon Queen II, had been overrun by Sith and attempted to board. However, Tenel Ka, the Solos, and the Solusars were not deceived and refused to allow the ship to land, with the Sith retaliating by killing all those aboard.
Despite the loss, the evacuation proved successful, and Tenel Ka was granted custody of Allana, with Han and Leia returning to Coruscant to warn Saba Sebatyne about Allana's vision. However, Allana disobeyed orders and sneaked aboard the Millennium Falcon, prompting Tenel Ka to dispatch Taryn Zel and Zekk—both members, along with Trista Zel, of the newly founded Lorellian Court—to ensure her safety.
After the war with the Sith and their ally Abeloth concluded in the Jedi's favor, Tenel Ka had her flagship host the wedding of her longtime friend Jaina Solo and Jagged Fel.

During her childhood at the Jedi Praxeum, Tenel Ka displayed a relative lack of humor. Despite Jacen Solo's best efforts, he rarely managed to elicit laughter from her. Tenel Ka possessed a serious demeanor and a stubbornness when it came to her daily physical routines. Due to her rigorous training exercises, Tenel Ka developed a lean, muscular physique and a proud persona. Tenel Ka favored action over debate and possessed a direct, no-nonsense attitude, which led to her kissing Jacen after the demise of the Diversity Alliance. She had great confidence in her abilities and preferred to rely on her physical attributes rather than the Force whenever possible. During a lightsaber training exercise, Tenel Ka lost her arm when her lightsaber malfunctioned due to her arrogance. She then refused a prosthetic limb as a reminder of the consequences of arrogance. Losing her arm at the hands of Jacen Solo did not create a rift between the friends but instead strengthened their bond. Tenel Ka believed Jacen was innocent and harbored no ill feelings toward her best friend. However, despite their mutual attraction, they never expressed their feelings for each other.

During the Mission to Myrkr, Tenel Ka revealed her true feelings to Jacen when she attempted to kiss him, although Vergere interrupted her. However, Jacen was soon captured by Vergere and taken as a prisoner of the Yuuzhan Vong. After sensing what she believed to be Jacen's death, Tenel Ka unleashed a torrent of angry emotions, realizing the depth of her feelings for him. Despite her anger, however, Tenel Ka could not bring herself to kill the assassins who attacked her shortly after she sensed Jacen's death, as she possessed exceptional control over her emotions, a valuable trait that proved useful when she was forced to become Queen Mother. A year later, Jacen was found alive, but Tenel Ka was too preoccupied with her duties as Queen Mother to pursue a relationship. During the Swarm War, Tenel Ka confessed her feelings for Jacen, and the two conceived their daughter Allana.
At the time of the Second Galactic Civil War, Tenel Ka remained allied with Jacen and the Galactic Alliance. However, after witnessing firsthand how far Jacen had fallen to the dark side and was manipulating her on Kashyyyk, Tenel Ka's love for him was replaced by shock and disappointment. When Tenel Ka's pleas for Jacen to renounce his dark path were ignored, she attacked his ship to stop his brutal methods. Realizing that the Jacen she had loved was gone and replaced by the Sith Lord Darth Caedus, Tenel Ka withdrew all Hapan support from the Galactic Alliance. After Caedus kidnapped and took Allana hostage, Tenel Ka's animosity toward him deepened into loathing. The revelation that Jacen was Mara Jade Skywalker's murderer, along with Caedus imprinting Jaina with a blood trail, led Tenel Ka to abandon all hope of redeeming her former love and decided to place Allana in the custody of the Jedi for protection.
After becoming Queen Mother, Tenel Ka had to relinquish many of her beliefs and ideals and adapt them to the Hapan way. No longer the Dathomiri warrior on the outside, Tenel Ka had to adopt a colder and more demanding persona, befitting the Queen Mother. She also became more analytical and intricate and enjoyed testing her nobles to determine their loyalty. For example, Tenel Ka's sense of humor was never ideal, as Jacen Solo had noted, and she was well aware of this fact. Therefore, when she told a joke, she knew that those who laughed were seeking something from her, as opposed to those who did not.
Tenel Ka was conceived by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta in 1995. Her initial appearance occurred in the couple's Young Jedi Knights series. With the commencement of the New Jedi Order series, Tenel Ka was absent, except for a cameo in both of the Agents of Chaos novels by James Luceno. She later assumed a more significant role in Troy Denning's The New Jedi Order: Star by Star and Elaine Cunningham's The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey. Tenel Ka also appeared in The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way and The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force, both of which were minor roles.
In the Dark Nest Trilogy by Troy Denning, Tenel Ka was featured in a chapter in each novel, and although her appearances were limited, she developed a major story arc as Jacen Solo's secret lover and the mother of their child, Allana. It was not until Star Wars: Legacy of the Force that Tenel Ka assumed a prominent role, appearing in five of the nine novels in the series. Tenel Ka finally appeared in Fate of the Jedi in the novel Fate of the Jedi: Conviction and later Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse.

It was brought up later, during the San Diego Comic Con of July 2009, about Tenel Ka's role in Fate of the Jedi. While her appearance was confirmed, the writers hadn't yet determined if she would have her own storyline within the series. As it turned out, she didn't.
Tenel Ka is generally known as "Tenel Ka," although her complete name, "Tenel Ka Chume Ta' Djo," is mentioned in the Young Jedi Knights book series. This indicates her use of the Dathomiri family name "Djo," which she got from her mother, Teneniel Djo, and her great-grandmother, Augwynne Djo. She typically avoids using her full name, and it's possible that Chume Ta' isn't a true given name but instead the Hapan royal title for the Queen Mother's oldest daughter. If that's the case, her full name would likely change to "Tenel Ka Chume Djo" when she ascends to the position of Queen Mother.
The few instances where she is simply called "Tenel" are in her entry in The Essential Guide to Characters, Walter Jon Williams's novel Destiny's Way, Troy Denning's novel Apocalypse, and The Essential Reader's Companion. It's worth noting that this short form never appears in spoken dialogue, but rather in the narrative descriptions from the perspectives of both Jaina Solo and Luke Skywalker. This implies that Luke and Jaina might think of Tenel Ka as "Tenel," even though there's no proof that they actually say it aloud.
In The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, she is listed as "Ka, Tenel." Tenel Ka is subsequently referred to as Ka, giving the impression that it is her surname, which is incorrect. This is the only instance when her name appears in that format.