Sith Sabers during the Siege of Tahv Within the Lost Tribe of Sith on the planet of Kesh, the designation Sith Saber, alternatively referred to as a Sith Knight, denoted a specific rank. Upon the successful completion of their training under a Sith Master, Sith apprentices were elevated to the status of Sith Saber, a position analogous to that of a Jedi Knight. Achieving the rank of Saber granted members of the Tribe the right to personalize their attire and acquire personal belongings, benefits previously unavailable to those in the apprentice stage.
Approximately 25 years following the Tribe's settlement on Kesh, Jariad Korsin, a High Lord within the Tribe's hierarchy, assembled a contingent of Sith Sabers to aid him and his mother in the assassination of the Grand Lord. However, Nida Korsin and Gloyd intervened, resulting in the deaths of all involved.
Under the leadership of Grand Lord Varner Hilts, Sith Sabers also served as integral components of the Tribe's military and security apparatus. They were deployed against enemies of the Tribe who exhibited Force-sensitive abilities, including rival Sith factions. Hilt's reforms broadened the recruitment pool to include members of the Keshiri, a native species of purple-skinned humanoids from Kesh, allowing them to enlist as Sith Sabers. During the Siege of Tahv, a number of Sith Sabers, commanded by Grand Consort Iliana Hilts, actively participated in the defense of the capital city of Tahv.
Vestara Khai's father, Gavar Khai, held the rank of Sith Saber. Vestara Khai herself attained the rank of Sith Saber during the Battle of Coruscant, her promotion being conferred by High Lord Sashal.