The Siege of Tahv transpired in 2974 BBY during Dreypa's rebellion. After the Battle of Sessal Spire, Parlan Spinner, an anarchist from the Lost Tribe, pilfered the Last Hope, a vessel concealed beneath Tahv, the Tribe's capital. However, Remulus Dreypa, a Sith Lord, discerned Spinner's act via the Force. He then contacted Spinner using a hologram and threatened Tahv's destruction unless the ship was surrendered. Dreypa employed Takara Hilts, a hostage Sith princess, to compel Spinner's return to Tahv.
Nevertheless, Spinner utilized the Last Hope's turbolaser cannons to obliterate Dreypa's Leviathans, ancient Sithspawn capable of draining life energy. Takara subsequently eliminated the remaining Leviathan with Force lightning. Dreypa and Takara found themselves aboard the Last Hope. Spinner piloted the starship to the Southern Ocean, returning it to Dreypa before escaping into the waters with Takara. Meanwhile, Dreypa assumed control, only to discover the ship was programmed for a one-way course into the volcanic crater of Sessal Spire.
Dreypa perished in the ensuing conflict, and knowledge of Kesh's existence remained hidden from the wider galaxy until after the Second Galactic Civil War. Following the battle, Spinner, formerly an anarchist, was celebrated as a Tribe hero. Varner Hilts, the grateful Grand Lord, even offered him a position as one of the Grand Lord's Hands, an elite operative. Simultaneously, Spinner and his former foe, Takara, began a romantic relationship.

Since 3000 BBY, the Lost Tribe of Sith—descendants of ancient Human Sith marooned on Kesh in 5000 BBY—had enjoyed an era of peace and stability under Grand Lord Varner Hilts's rule. Previously, Keshtah Minor had suffered a millennial civil war, "The Time of the Rot," triggered by Lillia Venn's death during the Night of the Upside-Down Meteor in 3960 BBY. Her demise sparked centuries of infighting among Sith factions. Under Hilts, the Tribe and their Keshiri serfs rebuilt Keshtah Minor and "discovered" Alanciar, a continent west of Keshtah Minor inhabited by another Keshiri civilization. Following a largely peaceful annexation in 2975 BBY, the Tribe began exploring and cataloging Kesh's lands and seas.
Peace on Kesh lasted until Dreypa's rebellion in 2974 BBY. Remulus Dreypa, a Sith Lord, was among the Dark Jedi exiled to Korriban after the Hundred-Year Darkness, and a founder of the Sith Order. Dreypa later led followers in a failed attempt to return to the wider galaxy for revenge against the Jedi and Galactic Republic. Intercepted by Jedi near the Stygian Caldera, both groups crash-landed on Kesh, the Keshiri homeworld.
The arrival of these Force-users caused the Great Calamity, devastating Kesh and creating legends of the Skyborn and Destructors. Dreypa's allies eventually turned on him, imprisoning him in his oubliette, a stasis casket. These former allies then reconciled with the Jedi and formed the Doomed, a Force-sensitive group dedicated to protecting the Keshiri and balancing the Force.

Remulus Dreypa remained in suspended animation for four millennia until freed by Parlan Spinner, a Sith outcast. Spinner hoped to use Dreypa against the Tribe, whom he resented. Spinner revived Dreypa in Eorm, a port town on Keshtah Minor's southwestern coast. Using his dark side powers, Dreypa seized Eorm and raised a rebel army to overthrow the Lost Tribe's leadership in Tahv. Dreypa also intended to return to the stars and avenge himself against the Jedi and Republic.
Dreypa clashed with the Tribe at the Marisota Floodplain. He also unleashed Leviathans hibernating beneath Sessal Spire, ancient reptilian Sithspawn that drained life energy. These creatures decimated the Tribe's forces and the Doomed, who tried to stop Dreypa. However, Spinner betrayed Dreypa and helped Takara Hilts and her mother, Grand Consort Iliana Hilts, escape the fighting.
After the Sessal Spire battle, Dreypa learned of the Last Hope, a Jedi starship hidden beneath Tahv. Before her death, Kaliska, the Doomed's leader, revealed the ship's existence to Takara and Spinner, urging them to destroy it. Spinner returned to Tahv with Iliana but broke his promise, instead taking the ship on a joyride and attempting a hyperspace jump to Coruscant.
However, Dreypa contacted Spinner via hologram, demanding the Last Hope. He threatened to destroy Tahv if refused. Spinner was unmoved until Dreypa threatened Takara, Spinner's love interest. Spinner denied his feelings, claiming they were enemies. Dreypa countered that he saw Spinner helping Takara save her mother through Kaliska's memories. Dreypa offered to trade Takara and Kesh for the ship, instructing Spinner to meet him at Tahv after deciding.

News of Dreypa's rebellion reached Tahv via thoughtcriers, Force-sensitive individuals transmitting information telepathically. Due to the threat posed by Dreypa and his Leviathans, all able-bodied citizens, including Sith, Keshiri, and slaves, were called to defend the city. Following his conversation with Spinner, Dreypa's Leviathans attacked Tahv, causing extensive damage. Iliana Hilts led the defense, reminding her Sith Sabers they were the true Sith, urging them to fight for their Tribe. Due to Hilts' meritocratic reforms, some Keshiri were Sith forces. However, the Sith defenders inflicted little damage on the massive Leviathans due to their primitive technology.
Meanwhile, Hilts ordered the evacuation of the city's documents to the vault. A Leviathan breached the Circle Eternal's walls, interrupting them. Hilts tried reasoning with the creature by offering scrolls, but it refused. Before it could devour Hilts, the Last Hope's tractor beam caught it. Spinner, driven by his love for Takara and his desire to save his homeworld, decided to stop Dreypa. He used the ship's computer to learn the tractor beam and laser blaster systems. Spinner used the ship's firepower to destroy several Leviathans, giving the Lost Tribe an advantage.
Only Dreypa and one Leviathan remained. The enraged Dreypa ordered the beast to climb a tall building to reach the Last Hope. Dreypa reiterated his ultimatum, threatening to crush Takara if he didn't hand over the ship. Spinner retorted he'd send Dreypa back to his coffin in pieces. Takara then used Force lightning to burn a hole through the Leviathan's head, causing it to fall. Takara and Dreypa landed on the Last Hope.
Spinner activated the Last Hope's hyperdrive and flew to the Southern Ocean. The vessel reached the Southern Ocean quickly, familiar to Dreypa but unknown to the Keshiri and Lost Tribe. Hovering over the Southern Ocean, Spinner opened the cockpit canopy, feigning disinterest in the stars and offering the ship to Dreypa. Dreypa accepted, vowing to kill Spinner and Takara. Before Dreypa could harm them, Spinner and Takara jumped into the sea.
Thinking he had won, Dreypa entered the cockpit, dismissing Kesh as a "planet of fools" and pondering if his rivals in the Sith Empire suffered a similar fate. He vowed to continue his crusade against the Galactic Republic and the Jedi. Dreypa attempted to set the ship's hyperspace coordinates for Coruscant. However, Spinner had programmed the ship for a one-way trip into Sessal Spire's caldera. Dreypa and the Jedi Starship crashed into the volcano. Dreypa was killed, ending a major threat to the Lost Tribe.

The Siege of Tahv concluded Dreypa's rebellion and ensured the survival of the Lost Tribe. However, the destruction of the Jedi Starship meant Kesh remained isolated for three more millennia. Parlan Spinner and Takara Hilts survived the fall and swam ashore. Takara was angry at Spinner for destroying the Tribe's only means of interstellar travel and his own escape. She questioned why he had thrown away the opportunity to leave Kesh and wondered what type of Sith he was. Spinner retorted that he was just a vandal and that destroying stuff was what he did. Following Dreypa's defeat, Spinner was welcomed as a hero. His past crimes were forgiven, and he became a Hand of Varner Hilts, replacing the weakened Iliana Hilts.
Tahv was rebuilt by the Lost Tribe and their Keshiri servants and remained the capital for three millennia until destroyed by Abeloth in 44 ABY. Hilts also revealed he sent Spinner and the Southern Star's Keshiri crew to explore Eshkrene because he theorized the Lost Tribe weren't the first offworlders on Kesh. Based on Keshiri tapestries, Hilts reasoned the Keshiri's acceptance of the Lost Tribe's ancestors was linked to myths of the Protectors and Destructors. The Protectors and Destructors were Jedi and Dark Jedi stranded on Kesh after the Hundred-Year Darkness, becoming the ancestors of the Doomed.
All members of the Doomed perished during Dreypa's rebellion. A second Sith expedition found the ruins of the City of the Doomed. Little remained, as only their will in the Force protected their homes. While some Lost Tribe members regretted the ship's destruction, Hilts argued they weren't ready to rejoin the galaxy, being too divided. Following the battle, Spinner and Takara Hilts began a romantic relationship, pleasing their parents.
While not officially named, the Siege of Tahv was the fourth and final battle of Dreypa's rebellion, which devastated parts of Keshtah Minor in 2974 BBY. It first appeared in John Jackson Miller's Lost Tribe of the Sith—Spiral 5, the fourth comic issue of the Spiral comic story, which was released on December 12, 2012.