A thoughtcrier was a Keshiri or Human Sith on the planet Kesh who possessed Force-sensitivity and was trained to communicate warnings and messages using the Force. These thoughtcriers were located on two of Kesh's landmasses. Governments employed them as a communication network, facilitating the transmission of news and information over vast distances.
In the time before the Sith annexation which occurred in 2975 BBY, the Alanciari integrated thoughtcriers deeply into their military structure. Due to fears of an invasion by the Sith residing in Keshtah, thoughtcriers augmented the Signal Corps, which operated semaphore machines to alert the Alanciari populace of any impending attack. The Induction Board held the responsibility of identifying Force-attuned Keshiri and subsequently training them as thoughtcriers. Quarra Thayn, who was the wardmaster and also the chief military administrator of Uhrar, held the position of a thoughtcrier.
High Lord Edell Vrai's reconnaissance mission to Alanciar included at least three thoughtcriers who also acted as clairvoyants. Taymor served as the thoughtcrier aboard the airship Candra and met her end during an attack by the Alanciari air force. Before she died, she succeeded in broadcasting sensations of fear and shock to the thoughtcriers of the Grand Consort Iliana Hilts. Later on, Vrai's surviving group was able to re-establish communication with the Tribe's leaders in Tahv by utilizing "thought-crying." This allowed them to contact Grand Lord Varner Hilts and inform him of their capture of a functional Alanciari seagoing vessel, the Mischance, along with two Alanciari captives: Quarra Thayn and signals officer Jogan Halder. Hilts then commanded Vrai's followers to transport the Mischance and Halder across the eastern ocean back to Keshtah.
During the Sith Lord Remulus Dreypa's rebellion on Keshtah Minor in 2974 BBY, thoughtcriers played a role in conveying news of the events unfolding at Sessal Spire to the Tribe's capital city, Tahv. This communication enabled the Sith defenders stationed in Tahv to adequately prepare for the city's defense against Dreypa and his Leviathans, which were reptilian Sithspawn with the ability to drain the life force of sentient beings.