Jogan Halder

Jogan Halder's Story: A Keshiri man hailing from Uhrar on Alanciar, a continent of the planet Kesh, Jogan Halder served as a sentinel at Point Defiance. This outpost marked the southernmost point of Alanciar's western defenses. His life took a dramatic turn with the invasion by the Lost Tribe of Sith from Keshtah. In the year 2975 BBY, Halder entered into a clandestine affair with Quarra Thayn, a married Keshiri woman holding the esteemed position of wardmaster within the Alanciari military and serving as Uhrar's Chief Military Adviser. During the chaos of the invasion, the Sith High Lord Edell Vrai captured Halder. While Thayn accompanied Vrai on a mission to survey Alanciar, Halder was transported to Keshtah aboard the captured sailing vessel Mischance by Vrai's followers. There, the Tribe masterfully manipulated him into believing that they posed no threat to the Keshiri of Alanciar. Subsequently, he became the Tribe's Ambassador to the Keshiri, accompanying the Tribe's Grand Lord Varner Hilts on a diplomatic journey to Alanciar. Halder's persuasive diplomacy successfully swayed the Alanciari to peacefully submit to Sith rule. As the first Alanciari to visit Keshtah, Jogan achieved a distinguished position within the Sith Tribe's social structure. ## Biography ### Early Life Like all Keshiri inhabitants of Alanciar, Jogan Halder's upbringing emphasized defending his homeland against a potential invasion by the Lost Tribe of Sith from Keshtah Minor, one of Kesh's two known continents. He was known to have a modest collection of books in his quarters, including romantic novels and the Keshtah Chronicles, the record of Adari Vaal, the ancient Keshiri Herald who escaped Keshtah in 4975 BBY after a failed rebellion against the Lost Tribe. These Human Sith had been marooned on Keshtah during the Great Hyperspace War. Vaal and her followers alerted the Alanciari to the danger posed by the Sith. Consequently, the Alanciari developed a highly militarized society, mandating military training for all citizens. They considered their resistance to any Sith invasion and their commitment to preserving their independence as the "Great Cause." Over two millennia, the Alanciari constructed an elaborate defense network comprising ballistae, forts, uvak patrols, a sizable and well-equipped citizen army, and a continental network of semaphore signal stations and thoughtcriers. The Six Claws, Alanciar's southern region, was heavily fortified with six coastal forts. A centralized military government based in Sus'mintri's Vaal Hall governed the Alanciari. Halder, like many of his peers, spoke an accented form of Galactic Basic Standard, the Sith Tribe's language. Adari Vaal had ensured the Alanciari learned this language to prepare for contact with the Sith. By 2978 BBY, Halder had become a signal officer in the Alanciari Signal Corps, stationed at Point Defiance, a coastal fort on Garrow's Necks, the southernmost of the Six Claws. During this period, he wrote accounts of his experiences on the frontier, which were well-received for their skillful prose and honest portrayal of frontier life. ### A Secret Affair In 2978 BBY, Jogan Halder embarked on an affair with Quarra Thayn, the wardmaster and chief military administrator of Uhrar. Thayn was married to [Brue Thayn](/article/brue_thayn] and had three children but was unhappy in her marriage. Thayn initiated the affair during a routine visit to Kerebba, a military supply hub located upstream on a canal connected to one of the Six Claws' bays. Her cousin, a signal officer at Kerebba's semaphore station, shared Halder's writings with Thayn, who admired his work and fell in love with him. Upon her cousin's reassignment, she used the Uhrar signal station to send messages to Halder, introducing herself. This began a clandestine three-year relationship, with thousands of messages exchanged via semaphore between Halder and Thayn. These messages typically arrived at Thayn's office in Uhrar overnight, and she would read them in the morning. Halder's letters provided Thayn with an escape from the monotony of her administrative and maternal duties. She began carrying these letters with her, reading them in her spare time. Frequent distribution meetings became opportunities for Quarra to brainstorm the responses she sent him before returning home. Quarra came to find Jogan to be an understanding reader who took long nights to craft thoughtful and eloquent responses to his lover. In 2975 BBY, the couple agreed to meet in person at Halder's fort in Point Defiance. Thayn feigned a week-long trip to the industrial cities on the Northern Slope for their rendezvous. She forged a letter of transit, using her travel supervisor's seal to "legally" travel to Point Defiance as a thoughtcrier. After Quarra was allowed to enter Point Defiance through the guard-post, she was brought to Halder by one of his fellow signalers named Belmer Kattun, the thoughtcrier worked alongside him. When the two Keshiri finally met, Halder was cooking and humming a sailor's tune. He was also reading a parchment from the fort's library. Halder explained to Quarra that he liked to read while he was eating. Quarra, accustomed to city life, was surprised that Point Defiance had a library. Halder explained that he often frequented the peninsular Garrow's Neck while he was on leave and that travelers sometimes left things there to read. Life as a signals officer on Alanciar's frontier was quiet and uneventful, making books a valuable source of entertainment. Jogan then asked Quarra if she had met his thoughtcrier colleague Belmer while he was on the way out. When she confirmed that she did and had mistaken him for Jogan, he commented that he did send romantic messages out under Belmer's name. He then retracted his comment, saying that he had been joking and that Belmer like fermented beverages. Qaurra commented that such characteristics were not what one wanted to find in a thoughtcrier. While acknowledging that Belmer was obsessed with lovers, he responded that the man did not drink while on duty. Jogan then placed Quarra's duffle bag, which contained her clothes, between the doors to the two bedchambers in the tower. This was the tower's equivalent of a baggage-handling system. The couple had not planned the specifics of their sleeping arrangement for the week of Quarra's visit. ### A Pivotal Encounter Noticing Point Defiance's rustic appearance, Jogan Halder apologized for its lack of inspection readiness, explaining that it was located at the end of the inspection route and primarily staffed by older, unmarried men. Quarra assured him that Point Defiance was tidier than her family home, occupied by three children and her husband, Brue Thayn, who was often away at work. When Jogan inquired about her husband, Quarra assured him that he was fine. Halder then showed his lover the facilities at Point Defiance. First, her showed her his workstation: a semaphore station. This workbench was a wooden stand which held several cylinders of various sizes. Each of these drums had several slate-covered wheels which were oriented around a central dowel. Each of these wheels had lines dividing their circumference into equal parts. Jogan then selected one of the medium-sized drums and snapped it crossways into a holder on his workbench. After scrawling a message in chalk across the cylinder, he then pilled a small locking rod free from the cylinder, causing the letter wheels to rotate freely. After resetting the positions of the wheel at random, Halder replaced the locking rod and recorded a ten-digit number reflecting the new positions of the tumblers. After commenting that this cylinder would not need a big cypher, he unplugged the cypher from his workstation and stepped out onto the eastern balcony. A fireglobe grid was located on the balcony and all but of its orbs cycled inward towards their bushings. At that moment, the fireglobe system was at its "off" position. After telling Quarra to shield her eyes, Jogan went to the signaling device and used pulleys to activate the grid. An orange-colored alert signal was immediately transmitted from the fireglobe system. Jogan then activated the other controls, transmitting white, gold, orange, and green lights. While Quarra was familiar with the semaphore system due to her basic military training, she was unable to send signals as fast as an experienced Alanciari semaphore operator like Jogan, who only took five seconds to send the destination code and begin transmitting his missive. Jogan explained that working as a signaler took regular practice and that it was a considerable amount of work just to transmit a simple sentence like "Belmer Kattun has headed off to sleep on the floor of a tavern for a week, and that his relief has arrived." In fact, Belmer had gone on leave and Quarra was supposed to be the replacement thoughtcrier. Jogan also assured Quarra that he was not using her name and that she was just one anonymous warrior for the "Great Cause": preventing any Sith invasion of Alanciar. For that weekend, Jogan and Quarra had planned to have a different "Great Cause": satisfying their romantic love for each other. Jogan showed Quarra where the thoughtcrier's meditation room was. When Quarra asked him whether he could not use the Force, he acknowledged that he was not Force-sensitive like her. Halder also commented that he preferred his own way of sending messages. Jogan then took Quarra to the western balcony of Point Defiance's tower, which overlooked the Coral Banks in the Southern Passage. He and Quarra then shared an alcoholic beverage from Belmer's stash while bantering about Jogan's habit of writing love messages. Jogan then pointed to the buoy below where Adari Vaal, the Herald of Keshtah, had come from Keshtah two thousand years ago. He then added that this was the same direction where the Sith, the "greatest evil that Kesh had ever known", dwelled in their domain of Keshtah Minor. Jogan then changed the topic of the conversation by asking Quarra why she had come to Point Defiance. Quarra claimed that she had been drafted like everyone else. However, Jogan was not satisfied with her answer and demanded to know what she was doing at Point Defiance. When Quarra asked what he had meant, Halder replied that he had assumed that a woman in her position would have better things to do than to come out and "jaw" with a "lifer" in the Signal Corps. Quarra lied that she had come to see the ocean but Jogan could sense she was lying. Jogan then asked her about her husband Brue Thayn's occupation and Quarra replied that he taught the art of glassblowing to the elderly. When Jogan asked whether her husband got a lot out of working with them, she explained that her husband hated every minute of his job. She explained that he worked with veterans who were still required to do something for the Cause. Brue resented having to work with grumpy elderly people who thought that they outranked him, which they would not if Brue had any rank at all. Jogan assured her that Brue was still putting people to use. Quarra then criticized her husband for not aspiring to be more than a glazier. While she acknowledged that he was a good father for their three children, she resented the fact that he was not interested in improving his social station unlike her. Whereas Brue had remained a lowly glassblower for years, Quarra had risen from being a supply clerk to the position of wardmaster. ### Two Concurrent Crises Jogan attempted to reassure her that her marriage to Brue was not entirely negative if he had the right attitude. While little of note occurred at Point Defiance, he enjoyed sharing stories about the things that people enjoyed. Jogan considered each of his reports to be a small narrative. Before he could finish the rest of his sentence, Quarra kissed and hugged him twice while his back was to the balcony railing. At that same moment, Quarra noticed a black silhouette moving in the skies above. She sensed the presence of beings aboard the vessel and realized that it was an airship. Jogan noticed that there were three airships in the sky and quickly realized that the Lost Tribe of Sith had finally discovered their homeland of Alanciar. Jogan then rushed to fulfill his duties as a signals officer. He took a special cylinder and used it to send a special message consisting of one word, "Sith", to all of Alanciar which warned every Alanciari that the Sith had finally arrived. He recalled that he had not send any flash traffic since a typhoon fizzled out six years ago. Meanwhile, Quarra reluctantly complied with he duties as the "on-duty" thoughtcrier and sent a thought which would warn every Alanciari about the impending invasion. She was reluctant to do this because she was not supposed to be at Point Defiance. Thus, Jogan Halder and Quarra Thayn would go down in history as the first Alanciari to observe the arrival of the Sith in Alanciar. In fact, the Lost Tribe sent a reconnaissance mission to scout Alanciar. After almost a millennium of civil war and anarchy known as "the Time of the Rot," Grand Lord Varner Hilts succeeded in reuniting the Lost Tribe on Keshtah in 3000 BBY. Hilts rallied the divided Sith factions around the cause of reaching "Keshtah Major", the Sith name for Alanciar. After twenty-five-years of experimentation, the Tribe's chief engineer and mathematician High Lord Edell Vrai succeeded in building a fleet of hydrogen-powered airships which were capable of traveling across the Western Sea for long distances. Halder led three airships on this reconnaissance mission to reach Alanciar. Within minutes, the Alanciari defenders had downed two of the enemy airships with their ballistae. However, a third airship known as Candra, which was Vrai's flagship, managed to travel further inland where it was attacked by a flight of uvak-riders who were armed with diamond flak ballista. While Jogan was cheering as the ballista at Point Vigilance shot down the Sith airships Lillia and Dann Itra, Quarra was in a state of panic since she was in Point Defiance illegally and was having an affair with another man. While attempting to leave the meditation room, she tripped and knocked over several of Jogan's styluses from his workbench. Jogan noticed the commotion and followed Quarra, who was looking for her duffle bag which contained her clothes. She intended to leave and return to her hometown of Uhrar while the other Alanciari were preoccupied with the fighting. Jogan attempted to assure Quarra that she was safe since they had already sent their messages. However, Quarra retorted that she was not safe here at Point Defiance because she was not supposed to be there officially. When Jogan asked her what she meant, Quarra replied that her husband had thought she was touring the industrial cities of the Northern Slope right now. Jogan also suggested that he would not find out about their affair since he was not in the military. Quarra then told Jogan that meeting him was one of the best things that had ever happened to her. She praised him for being a hopeful and trusting person. However, the Sith invasion that was happening outside was the "biggest thing" that had ever happened in Alanciari history. She explained that the two of them had witnessed the invasion from the balcony and that she was the one who had sent the thought signal warning the Alanciari of the Sith incursion. Quarra knew that a lot of people would be coming to Point Defiance soon and that everyone would find out who was there when the Sith came. Jogan tried to assure Quarra that the state had dispatched her to Point Defiance and that they would know she was there. However, Quarra then confessed that the state did not send her to Point Defiance and that she had forged her travel supervisor's stamp on her letter of transit. This meant that there had been no relief order for Belmer. Quarra feared that the captain and his men at the guard post she encountered earlier would reach the tower soon and would discover her affair. In an attempt to hide their affair, Halder attempted to help Thayn leave Point Defiance during the fighting and return to Uhrah. ### Initial Contact Halder and Thayn proceeded towards the fort's gate, where Thayn's muntok was tethered. However, the muntok had broken free during the battle. When Halder suggested calling the animal, Thayn admitted that she did not know its name, having rented it from a corral in Tandry on her way to Point Defiance. Halder questioned how a wardmaster could be so unprepared, to which she responded that this was her first affair. Suddenly, Thayn sensed an object about to fall on Halder. Before she could warn him, he was struck by a fallen uvak, which had been tethered to the Sith airship Candra. Halder sustained serious injuries, including broken ribs. As he lost consciousness, he quipped that he thought she had rented a muntok, not an uvak. Later, Sith survivors from the Candra, led by Edell Vrai, captured Halder and Thayn. Thayn killed one of Vrai's soldiers, Ulbrick, but Vrai's dark side powers overwhelmed her. The Sith then discovered Halder, wounded, near the corpse of Starboard. Vrai was about to kill Halder when Thayn pleaded for his life in Galactic Basic Standard. After probing Thayn's mind, Vrai realized Halder's significance and ordered his followers to bring them inside Point Defiance's tower. Thayn cautioned the Sith to be careful with Halder, blaming them for the uvak incident. Vrai retorted that she had brought it upon herself and that worse was to come. While two Sith carried Halder inside, Vrai and his translator Tellpah, a Keshiri from Keshtah, searched the fort and attempted to activate Halder's semaphore station. From the tower's balcony, they spotted a ship approaching the southern shore. It was the fishing harvester Mischance. While most fishing vessels operated in Alanciar's Southern Passage, captains that were behind on harvesting their quota of seafood were known to cut corners by operating at night and in the western sea, which was the domain of the Shore Guard, Alanciar's coast guard. Alanciari forces were already gathering outside the fortress at Garrow's Neck, heading towards Point Defiance's tower. The Sith also raided Port Defiance's library and seized Halder's collection of books, which included romantic fiction and a copy of the Keshtah Chronicles, an official account of the history of Keshtah Minor which had been written by Adari Vaal. This tome provided the Sith with a trove of information on what the Alanciari knew about the Sith Tribe. Meanwhile, Jogan and Quarra had been dumped inside Jogan's private quarters. The Sith paid no attention to his injuries and had left him on the floor. Quarra attended to his injuries and used her Force powers to keep him alive. Since her hands were tied behind her back, the only thing that she could do was kiss his bruised cheek. Halder commented that this was not how he had imagined getting his lover into his bedroom. He also asked Quarra whether their captors were the Sith and she confirmed that they were indeed the Sith. At that point, Edell Vrai entered the room and interrupted their conversation. He told them that the Sith had found a boat and that they were about to take a trip. The Sith then took their Alanciari prisoners from Jogan's room and headed down the southern shore towards the boat. The Sith party managed to evacuate Point Defiance minutes after Alanciari forces from Garrow's Neck arrived to secure the fort. Edell and his followers managed to find the boat which they used to board the sailing ship Mischance. While the Keshiri sailors were unaware of the earlier battle and were taken by surprise, they fought fiercely against the Sith invaders. It took the Sith until dawn to secure the Mischance and all the Keshiri crew fought to the death. The Sith managed to captured one Keshiri sailor who was then interrogated by Peppin. However, he refused to disclose any information even under torture and succumbed to his wounds. Following their kidnapping from Point Defiance, Jogan and Quarra were tied to the ship's mast. Meanwhile, Edell and Peppin decided to return to Keshtah Minor since they had accomplished their mission. In addition to their Alanciari captives, the Sith had also captured a sailing ship and Jogan's collection of books which they reasoned the Tribe would be interested in studying. Unwilling to return to Keshtah, Edell made up some fictitious orders claiming that he had to stay behind for a ground reconnaissance mission into Alanciar's interior. Using this deception, Edell then approached Quarra with the offer of serving as his guide for that mission. After some tense negotiations, Quarra reluctantly agreed to help Vrai in return for the Sith untying Halder from his bonds and attending to his medical needs. Vrai agreed and Halder was released and had his wounds treated. Jogan was conscious during Quarra's meeting with Edell and he told her that she did not have to risk her life for him since he was not worth it. However, Quarra whispered that she had planned to use Alanciar to scare her Sith captors back to where they had come from. ### A Guest Among the Sith After Edell Vrai and Quarra Thayn successfully landed at a remote cove in Garrow's Neck, the Mischance departed on a long-distance oceanic voyage to Keshtah through the Southern Passage which led to the Sea of Flames, which bordered the western coast of Keshtah Minor. Despite the inexperience of the Sith crew and the turbulent oceanic conditions, the Mischance safely reached Keshtah's coast due to the leadership of Vrai's lieutenant Peppin . Upon landing, Jogan was blindfolded and transported on a cart to Tahv. There, Jogan had his blindfold removed and was allowed to roam the city freely. The city was filled with Keshiri craftsmen, painters, sculptors, and musicians who greeted him. The Keshtah Keshiri claimed to be a "happy and free" people who lived under the protection of the Sith, whom they dubbed the "Protectors." Halder was also allowed to visit the Tribe's "capitol" and befriended the Circle of Lords. The Tribe's leadership managed to convince Jogan that the Sith did not actually pose a threat to the Alanciari. While they acknowledged that Adari Vaal had been right about the presence of "Destructors" among the Sith, the Tribe claimed to have purged the Destructors one day after Vaal and her followers had left. Jogan was also told that a servant of the Destructors had risen two thousand years later but had been driven from Keshtah. This same individual had also built a fleet of airships and sought to conquer Alanciar. Finally, the Tribe claimed that Edell Vrai and his airships had been sent in pursuit of this "servant" of the Destructors. According to the Sith, the clash between the Alanciari and Vaal's forces had been an unnecessary misunderstanding. The Sith successfully convinced Jogan of their "peaceful" intentions and the latter became their "Ambassador" to the Alanciari. Unknown to Halder, the Sith had orchestrated a "grand deception" by putting their most loyal Keshiri servants onto the streets during Halder's arrival. The Sith had also withdrawn from public view. In addition, the Sith had actually planned to invade Alanciar; this had been one of the goals of Grand Lord Varner Hilts, the ruler of the Lost Tribe. Hilts had allowed his rival, the High Lord Korsin Bentado, to invade Alanciar knowing that his forces would be easily decimated by the Alanciari defenses. Based on the "sinister" appearance of Korsin, his followers, and his ships, Korsin's forces would appear to be the Destructors. ### Sith Advocate Jogan accompanied Grand Lord Hilts aboard his airship Good Omen to Alanciar. Simultaneously, Hilts' rival, Bentado, launched an invasion of Alanciar with his Ebon Fleet, only to see his airships swiftly destroyed by Alanciari ballistae at the Western Shield. Korsin and a few survivors infiltrated Sus'mintri's Vaal Hall, assassinating the entire War Cabinet, thus seizing control of the Alanciari military without their knowledge. Aware of Hilts' impending arrival, Korsin attempted to use Alanciari artillery to shoot down his airship, intending to establish a Second Tribe and a rival empire using Alanciar's industrial resources. However, Edell, Quarra, and Korsin's own Keshiri assistant Squab, secretly loyal to Hilts, opposed Korsin. Ultimately, Korsin was killed, and Edell assumed control of Korsin's military forces. At the same time, the Good Omen successfully made planetfall at Port Melephos, a coastal settlement within Alanciar. Jogan managed to persuade the inhabitants that the Sith presented no danger to them. Subsequently, the airship journeyed to Sus'mintri, where Jogan reiterated his testament. The Alanciari there received him with open arms, hailing him as the new "Herald" who had rescued their Tribe. Hilts then bolstered Jogan's message by appearing as the "Kesh-born minion" of the Bright Tuash, a bird-like deity revered in Keshiri beliefs. This fabricated servant of the "Bright Tuash" expressed sorrow over the "Destructors'" assassination of the War Cabinet, but reassured the Alanciari that the "evil ones" and their leader were already defeated by his "agent," Edell Vrai, in collaboration with the skilled Alanciari woman Quarra. Hilts further asserted that Jogan's predecessor, Vaal, had been a well-intentioned, though misguided, servant. Finally, Hilts declared that the Tribe accepted responsibility for the recent events and that aid workers, both Human and Keshiri, would arrive from Keshtah to foster stronger ties with the Alanciari. This effectively brought about the "unification" of Keshtah and Alanciar, two entities that had been separated for thousands of years. The Alanciari largely embraced Hilts' message, with the notable exception of Quarra, who understood the deception. Nevertheless, she chose to remain silent, prioritizing the protection of her people's interests through collaboration with the Sith. After the meeting concluded, Jogan left the airship and headed to a communications station to disseminate his revised message to the wider Alanciari population. Although Jogan spotted Quarra, his former lover, he was too preoccupied to engage in conversation, but suggested they could meet later. ### Legacy As a direct consequence of Jogan Halder's diplomatic efforts, the Alanciari peacefully submitted to the Tribe's authority. Consequently, the Lost Tribe gained control of a vast and prosperous continent, boasting a significant industrial sector and abundant timber resources. This timber supply enabled the Tribe to construct a substantial fleet of sailing vessels, which then embarked on voyages to explore the other regions and seas of Kesh in 2974 BBY. Grand Lord Hilts was delighted by the annexation of Alanciar, viewing it as a major triumph for the Tribe achieved with minimal casualties. Edell Vrai, who had once held Halder captive, was appointed as the new governor of Alanciar. Shortly after the public gathering, Hilts privately informed Vrai that his ruse had been successful, and had also eliminated a political adversary, Korsin Bentado. Halder's contributions to the Tribe earned him a distinguished position within their society. His prestige was further elevated by his status as the first documented Alanciari to visit Keshtah Minor, the Tribe's territory. Following the Sith's takeover of Alanciar, Jogan ceased communication with Quarra, his former lover, due to his absorption in his newfound role and status. He transitioned into a professional hermit, traveling to various Alanciari cities aboard the airship Good Omen to recount his adventure. Keshiri actors and songwriters, brought in from Keshtah, helped dramatize Halder's story. This narrative gradually supplanted the Observance Day plays, which were based on the life of Adari Vaal, whose teachings were deemed outdated, if not subversive, by the new Sith regime. Official pronouncements suggested that Adari had simply been discovered on a rock. In contrast, Jogan had resided on one prior to his revelation. Thus, Jogan was celebrated as the new "Rock of Kesh." ## Personality and traits Jogan Halder possessed an optimistic and trusting nature, coupled with a deep-seated enthusiasm for documenting life on Alanciar's Six Claws frontier. Halder was also an enthusiastic reader, known for indulging in books while dining. He was celebrated as a gifted wordsmith, employing his talent to craft numerous romantic letters to Quarra Thayn, a wardmaster stationed in Uhrar. Halder also excelled as a speaker and storyteller, capable of informing, entertaining, and influencing his audience. However, he exhibited naivete and was susceptible to manipulation, often serving the objectives of others, particularly the Lost Tribe of the Sith. Ultimately, Halder fell victim to a "grand deception" orchestrated by the ruling Grand Lord Varner Hilts. Halder embraced the Sith's assertion that they were the benevolent Protectors of ancient Keshiri mythology. His exceptional oratory skills led to his appointment as the Tribe's "ambassador" to the Alanciari. ## Powers and abilities Jogan Halder was a large and powerfully built Alanciari Keshiri man, weighing twice as much as his lover, Quarra Thayn. He possessed mauve-colored skin and sported closely-shaved patches of silvery beard. He maintained a high level of physical fitness and demonstrated proficiency in operating the Alanciari semaphore machines, which were used to transmit signals across Alanciar. ## Behind the scenes Jogan Halder was initially conceived as a supporting non-POV character by John Jackson Miller for his Lost Tribe of the Sith e-novella series, which spanned from May 28, 2009 to July 24, 2012. He made his appearance in the final installment, Pandemonium, which was included in Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories, a paperback compilation of the entire series released on July 24, 2012. Most of his dialogue and actions are conveyed through the perspectives of Quarra Thayn and Edell Vrai.

