The airborne reconnaissance mission known as the Mission to Alanciar was initiated by the Lost Tribe of Sith in the year 2975 BBY. Its purpose was to explore Alanciar, a substantial landmass situated to the west of Keshtah Minor. Edell Vrai, the High Lord who had pioneered the Tribe's airships, was in command. Unbeknownst to the Sith, the Herald Adari Vaal had escaped to Alanciar two thousand years prior and had cautioned the local Alanciari regarding the potential danger posed by the Sith Tribe. In response, the Alanciari cultivated a highly militarized society with the intent of repelling any invaders, establishing a network of fortifications, ballistae, and signal stations within the Shank region facing Keshtah.
Near Point Vigilance, Alanciari ballistae successfully downed two of the Sith expedition's airships. Vrai's airship, the Candra, met its end in a crash near Point Defiance, where he and a handful of survivors managed to seize two Alanciari individuals: Wardmaster Quarra Thayn along with her lover, the soldier Jogan Halder. Subsequently, the Sith commandeered a local trawler named the Mischance and withdrew to the coast. Vrai then manipulated Thayn into guiding an overland mission into Alanciar, promising to spare Halder's life in return. Following directives from Grand Lord Varner Hilts, the remaining Sith set sail on the Mischance for Keshtah, taking Halder as a captive. Despite the recent setbacks and the limited information available about Alanciar, Vrai's rival High Lord Korsin Bentado launched an invasion of Alanciar using the Ebon Fleet, a squadron of sixty airships.
The Sith Tribe residing on the planet Kesh traced their origins to a group of off-world Human Sith who found themselves marooned during the Great Hyperspace War in 5000 BBY. In 3000 BBY, the Caretaker Varner Hilts brought an end to the Time of the Rot after unearthing maps that confirmed the existence of another continent beyond Keshtah Minor, known as Alanciar or "Keshtah Major." Hilts, seeking to unify the Sith, designated reaching Keshtah Major as a primary objective for the Tribe's long-term ambition of returning to the stars. Under the guidance of his chief engineer, High Lord Edell Vrai, the Tribe experimented with developing a dependable and secure means of reaching Alanciar. After unsuccessful attempts with long-range uvak flights and watercraft, Vrai successfully engineered airships that were sustained by gasbags filled with hydrogen and propelled by uvaks, winged reptiles indigenous to Alanciar.
In 2975 BBY, Lord Vrai secured authorization from Grand Lord Hilts to lead an aerial reconnaissance mission over "Keshtah Major." His strategy involved flying east of Keshtah Minor and then returning by crossing the small ocean to the west coast of his home continent. This mission comprised three airships: the Candra, the Lillia, and the Dann Itra. Each airship was powered by two uvaks and carried a crew of ten: a captain, pilot, thoughtcrier, five warriors, and two Keshiri ambassadors for communicating with the local population. Edell served as captain of the Candra, and the expedition's members included the pilot and uvak-tenderer Peppin, the clairvoyant Taymor, the warriors Ulbrick and Janns, and the Keshiri scholar Tellpah.
Without the knowledge of the Lost Tribe, the Keshiri on "Keshtah Major" had evolved into a highly militaristic society over the preceding two millennia. It was inhabited by a sizable Keshiri population who identified as the Alanciari and referred to their homeland as Alanciar. Following a failed revolt against the Sith, the Herald Adari Vaal and three hundred followers had fled across the ocean to Keshtah Major. Vaal had cautioned the locals about the threat posed by the Tribe and had become a revered figure among the Alanciari. She also adopted Galactic Basic Standard as the Alanciari's new language to prepare them for contact with the Sith. Under Vaal's influence, the Alanciari had constructed an elaborate defense system encompassing ballistae, forts, uvak diamond-flak teams, and a large, well-equipped citizen army. The southern region of Alanciar, known as the Six Claws, was heavily fortified with six seaside forts. The Alanciari were also governed by a centralized military government headquartered in the capital Sus'mintri's Vaal Hall.
Before the invasion, Quarra Thayn, an Alanciari woman who held the position of wardmaster and chief military administrator of Uhrar, was engaged in an affair with a soldier named Jogan Halder, stationed at Point Defiance, a seaside fort on the peninsula Garrow's Neck. Thayn, married to Brue Thayn with three children, was dissatisfied with her marriage. Three years prior, she had initiated a relationship with Jogan Halder, a signals officer stationed at Point Defiance, the southernmost of the Six Claws forts. Their affair began following one of Thayn's routine visits to Kerebba, a military supply center located upstream on one of the canals that emptied into the bays defined by the Six Claws. Her cousin, a signal officer operating the Kerebba signal station's semaphore system, had shared Halder's tales of wilderness life with Thayn, who became enamored with the author's writings.
After her cousin's reassignment, Thayn managed to send signals to Halder through the signal station at Uhrar, introducing herself. This initiated a clandestine three-year relationship characterized by the exchange of thousands of messages between Halder and Thayn. These dispatches typically arrived overnight at Thayn's office in Uhrar, where she would read them in the morning. For Thayn, Halder's letters provided an escape from the monotony of her administrative and maternal responsibilities. During the fateful trip to Point Defiance, Thayn was scheduled to meet Halder in person for the first time, having feigned a business trip to the industrial cities on the Northern Slope.
Jogan Halder and Quarra Thayn were the first Alanciari Keshiri to witness the arrival of Edell Vrai's airships. On that particular night, Thayn was visiting Halder's outpost at Point Defiance, where he served as a signals officer. By 2975 BBY, the Alanciari Keshiri had developed a complex semaphore communication network spanning the entire continent, employing ciphers and signals. In addition to the signals operator, Point Defiance also housed a Force-sensitive thoughtcrier responsible for transmitting messages through the Force. While Halder was giving Thayn a tour of his workplace, Jogan spotted a dark silhouette hovering over the fog from the western coast, which was rumored to face the Sith-controlled continent of Keshtah Minor. Quarra, being Force-sensitive, also sensed the presence of individuals aboard the airship. Jogan promptly sent a flash signal from one of the semaphore system's cylindrical drums. With the fort's thoughtcrier off-duty, Quarra had no alternative but to transmit a signal through the Force, a task she reluctantly undertook due to her unauthorized presence at Point Defiance.
Consequently, Halder and Thayn successfully alerted Alanciar to the arrival of the Sith. As a result, the Alanciari ballistae were put on alert and prepared for battle. While approaching the Six Claws at night, the Lillia's gas envelope was struck by a javelin fired from a ground-based ballistae at Point Vigilance. The airship exploded, resulting in the deaths of its entire crew and the two uvaks attached to it. The wreckage plunged into the ocean below. The explosion startled the Candra's uvaks, prompting Edell Vrai to instruct Peppin to control the animals. Vrai initially attributed the Lillia's fiery demise to lightning striking its hydrogen-filled envelope. Subsequently, the Dann Itra was hit by two javelins, resulting in the destruction of the airship and the loss of its crew. Utilizing his Force abilities, Vrai discerned that the Keshiri below were Force-sensitive and had employed the Force to guide their javelins. Thus, the Tribe had established contact with the natives of Keshtah Major, but this time, the natives were stronger.
The Candra was the only airship remaining, pursued by uvaks ridden by members of the Alanciari "air force." These uvak riders employed long tubes to fire volleys of diamonds at the Sith. The thoughtcrier Taymor was killed by diamond-fire. However, before her demise, she managed to transmit a thought signal warning the Grand Consort Iliana Hilts' thoughtcriers that Edell's expedition had encountered misfortune. The Shore Guard also pierced the Candra's gas envelope, causing a hydrogen leak. As the airship descended, Vrai attempted to deflate the ship while the other Sith crew fought off the attackers. While two of the enemy uvak-riders engaged in combat with the defenders, a third uvak-rider executed a headlong dive towards the gondola. This suicide attack shattered the forward section of the Candra, causing the ship to disintegrate. One of the warriors and a Keshiri ambassador fell to their deaths during this attack.
The rear section of the gondola, still buoyed by the punctured balloon, was the only part of the Candra that remained intact. Vrai and the remaining crew clung to debris as the airship descended into the harbor below. Meanwhile, Quarra and Jogan learned about the Sith incursion through the signal station at Point Defiance. They were taken by surprise by the attack, but Jogan was elated that the Alanciari ballistae had successfully intercepted the invaders. However, Quarra panicked, knowing that her husband believed she was touring the industrial cities on the Northern Slope. She had been the one who had transmitted the thought-signal as soon as the invaders had been sighted.
Since the Sith invasion was bound to become major news among the Alanciari, she feared that others would discover her unauthorized visit to Point Defiance. Quarra also confessed to forging her travel supervisor Belmer Kattun's seal on her letter of transit to Point Defiance. The two Alanciari then entered the stables only to find that Quarra's muntok, a six-legged reptilian beast of burden, had escaped by chewing through its tether. Quarra did not know the animal's name because it was a beast she had rented from the corral in Tandry and thus could not call it back. At that moment, Starboard, one of the Candra's tethered uvaks, crashed on top of Jogan, breaking his ribs. Starboard had already been killed during the skirmish above.
Unseen, the Sith party had dropped north of Point Defiance while the balloon carried the wrecked gondola farther eastward. The remains of the Candra subsequently crashed a kilometer to the northeast of the harbor. Edell Vrai and four surviving ship crew fled from the scene before the Alanciari uvak riders arrived. Besides the Vrai, the other survivors included the uvak-tenderer Pepppin, the warriors Ulbrick and Janns, and the Keshiri Tellpah. They managed to evade Alanciari search parties which were scanning the northern shore across the party. Vrai ordered his party to climb the western summit where there sat a tall white tower which was ringed with a high white wall. This structure turned out to be Point Defiance which had been where Jogan and Quarra had been staying on the night of the attack. Upon reaching the top, Ulbrick was wounded in the thigh by glass projectiles fired from an exotic weapon, later revealed to be a hand-ballista. The gunner turned out to be Quarra Thayn, who had spotted the Sith survivors.
Edell fought back against Thayn and used the Force to fire a spray of sand at the Keshiri woman. This jammed Thayn's ballista but she then used the Force to punch Edell, causing him to fall forward and drop his shikkar blade. Quarra then grabbed his shikkar and attempted to stab the Sith. However, Vrai tapped into Quarra's fear and anger and pushed her back, causing him to drop her dagger. Vrai's companions Peppin and Janns than tackled Quarra and wrestled her to the ground. Nearby, the Sith found Quarra's wounded companion Jogan, who was lying beside the corpse of Starboard. After ordering Tellpah to attend to the wounds of Ulbrick, Vrai was about to kill Jogan when he was told to stop by Quarra who spoke Galactic Basic Standard.
This development surprised the Sith including Vrai who had thought that the natives of Keshtah Major spoke an ancient Keshiri dialect. Vrai and his companions also noted that some of the local Keshiri knew how to use the Force. Thayn informed them that her people had prepared for the Sith invaders and that there was an entire detachment of troops behind them. However, Edell sensed that Quarra was lying and use his Force powers to break down her mental defenses. He was able to find out that the woman was named Quarra and that she wanted to save the life of her wounded companion. After reading her mind, Vrai ordered his followers to bring them inside Point Defiance's tower.
When Thayn warned the Sith to be careful with Jogan and blamed them for the accident with the uvak, Vrai retorted that she had brought the creature down on herself. He also warned that she was about to bring a lot more down on herself. When Thayn commented that the Sith would never get past the Alanciari defenses, Vrai again retorted that she had left the gate open for us. While two Sith carried Jogan inside the tower, Edell attended to Tellpah who was seeing to Ulbrick's injuries. With Ulbrick unable to walk due to numerous lacerations in his leg, Vrai personally decapitated the Sith Saber and ordered Tellpah to hide the body.
Quarra was horrified by the violent nature of Sith culture but Edell warned her never to forget that sight. After ordering his men to bind their captives in the tower, Vrai went to the top of the tower to study the surroundings. Edell and Tellpah then rummaged through Point Defiance's belfries in an attempt to find a way to operate the signaling device. However, they were unsuccessful and Edell in frustration destroyed the stand carrying the signaling cylinders. By this stage, Alanciari forces were mustering outside the gates of the fortress at Garrow's Neck to the east and were heading up the trail towards Point Defiance's tower. Vrai's party was joined by two other Sith survivors from the Candra, bringing the party up to six individuals. While Quarra knew how to operated the signaling device, the Sith were unwilling to trust her since she was an enemy prisoner.
While examining the balcony Edell and Tellpah spotted a ship approaching the southern shore of the peninsula Point Defiance. This ship turned out to be fishing harvester Mischance. While most fishing vessels operated in Alanciar's Southern Passage, captains that were behind on harvesting their quota of seafood were known to cut corners by operating at night and in the western sea, which was the domain of the Shore Guard, Alanciar's coast guard. The Sith also raided Port Defiance's archive and seized Halder's collection of books, which included a copy of the Keshtah Chronicles, an official account of the history of Keshtah Minor which had been written by Adari Vaal. This tome provided the Sith with a trove of information on what the Alanciari knew about the Sith Tribe. The Sith then took their Alanciari prisoners from Jogan's room and headed down the southern shore towards the boat. To hide their presence, they dumped Ulbrick's body down a cistern.
The Sith party managed to evacuate Point Defiance minutes after Alanciari forces from Garrow's Neck arrived to secure the fort. Edell and his followers managed to find a boat which they used to board the sailing ship Mischance. While the Keshiri sailors were unaware of the earlier battle and were taken by surprise, they fought fiercely against the Sith invaders. It took the Sith until dawn to secure the Mischance and all the Keshiri crew fought to the death. Their bodies were thrown into the sea. The Sith managed to captured one Keshiri sailor who was then interrogated by Peppin. However, he refused to disclose any information even under torture and succumbed to his wounds.
While Edell Vrai's reconnaissance mission succeeded in reaching Keshtah Major and making contact with the Alanciari, much of it was wiped out by the Alanciari military. While Vrai had been unable to conduct an aerial reconnaissance flight over Alanciar, he and his followers had managed to capture an Alanciari sailing ship. While it was only a lowly harvesting vessel, it was larger than any seagoing vessel that Keshtah had every produce. By morning, only a fifth of Vrai's original expeditionary force remained. The Sith party also noted the martial spirit of the local Keshiri and were concerned that this could complicate their conquest of the new continent. Prior to being attacked by the Alanciari defenders, Vrai's thoughtcriers had managed to inform their superiors in Keshtah that they had made contact with Alanciar. They also managed to transmit emotions of surprise, shock and confusion during the attack.
Following Vrai's contact with Keshtah Major, another High Lord named Korsin Bentado requested an audience with Grand Lord Hilts and his consort Iliana Hilts. The ambitious and violent Bentado advocated a military invasion of Keshtah Major with his fleet of sixty airships known as the Ebon Fleet. However, Hilts and Iliana wanted to wait until Edell returned since Iliana's thoughtcriers had sensed that some sort of harm may have befallen Vrai and his followers. However, Bentado insisted in going ahead with the attack even though the Lost Tribe had no reliable intelligence on the military capabilities of the Keshiri on Alanciar. When Iliana speculated that Edell and his airships may have crashed into the Southern Ocean, Hilts replied that he was still alive since he would have sensed his death. In the end, Hilts reluctantly gave approval for Bentado to launch an invasion of Alanciar. In private, Hilts and his wife regarded Lord Bentado as a hot-headed fool who was sending his forces to a watery death. However, they were willing to sacrifice Bentado and his men since that would eliminate a potential rival.
Back in Alanciar, Edell's uvak-tenderer and pilot Peppin managed to figure out how to operate the ship's sails and steerage. They decided to return to Keshtah by sailing through the Southern Passage to the Sea of Flames. Both reasoned that the Tribe would be interested in the Alanciari sailing vessel and Jogan Halder, along with his collection of books which included the invaluable Keshtah Chronicles. However, Edell decided not to return and made up some new orders to justify his continued presence in Alanciar. He managed to convince Thayn to serve as his guide for a ground reconnaissance mission of Alanciar in exchange for attending to the wounds of her lover Tahyn. Edell agreed to Quarra's conditions but stated that they had to return by two weeks or she would never see her lover again. While Quarra appeared to collaborate with the invaders, she secretly intended to scare the Sith "back to where they came from." After dropping Vrai and Thayn at a small cove to the northeast of Point Defiance, the Mischance returned to Keshtah Minor.
In response to the Sith incursion, Alanciari society was placed on a war footing. The Alanciari prepared their military forces and ballistae to repel another Sith attack. Across Alanciar's cities, civilians and dependents were evacuated to war shelters. The Alanciari military reported directly to a central command, the War Cabinet, which was based in Vaal Hall. The War Cabinet ordered the deployment of military forces to the western regions while troops scoured the peninsulas for any trace of the attackers. The Sith incursion also coincided with Observance Day, a patriotic holiday held every ten years which commemorated the memory of Adari Vaal, the Herald and Rock of Kesh. This year's Observation Day saw an upsurge of anti-Sith sentiment among the Alanciari. These developments set the stage for the Sith invasion of Alanciar.
The Mission to Alanciar served as the exposition of John Jackson Miller's short story Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pandemonium, which was first released on July 24, 2012. It was told from the points-of-view of the Alanciari wardmaster Quarra Thayn and the Sith High Lord Edell Vrai. According to Miller's production notes on his personal website Faraway Press, he modeled the Lost Tribe of Sith's first contact with the Alanciari after the real world interactions between colonial powers and native cultures. However this time, he hypothesized a 'thought experiment' where the natives of the New World on Earth had received early warning about the Conquistadors and had developed an advanced civilization. Miller also likened the situation of the Alanciari to the Blitz in Britain during the Second World War. The three Sith airships Lillia, Candra, and the Dann Itra were also a reference to the explorer Christopher Columbus' three ships Niña, Pinta, and the Santa Maria which discovered the New World in 1492. Since puncturing the gasbags of airships was not sufficient enough to cause an explosion, Miller decided to equip the Alanciari with fiery arrows