Belmer Kattun, a thoughtcrier of the Keshiri people, found himself stationed at Point Defiance. Prior to the Lost Tribe of Sith's invasion of Alanciar in 2975 BBY, he collaborated with Jogan Halder, the signal officer. His fondness for fermented beverages outweighed any interest in romantic pursuits. On the very evening that a Sith reconnaissance force, commanded by High Lord Edell Vrai, appeared above Point Defiance, Belmer received a week-long leave when his replacement, the thoughtcrier Quarra Thayn, arrived. The truth was that Quarra had falsified her travel authorization to spend a night with Jogan Halder, her secret lover. Belmer left to enjoy some drinks at the officer's club located at a military base in Garrow's Neck. Consequently, he avoided capture or death at the hands of the invading Sith, as he was not present when they arrived.
Like all Keshiri residing in Alanciar, Belmer Kattun's upbringing involved rigorous training to defend their homeland against a potential invasion by the Lost Tribe of Sith from Keshtah Minor, one of the two known continents on the Wild Space planet of Kesh. Back in 4975 BBY, Adari Vaal, a Keshiri geologist and Herald, sought refuge in Alanciar after a failed uprising against the Sith Tribe, who had seized control of Keshtah by posing as the Protectors, powerful deities in ancient Keshiri lore. She and her followers cautioned the Alanciari about the danger the Sith posed. This led to the development of a highly militarized society among the Alanciari. In the subsequent two millennia, the Alanciari established a complex defense network that included ballistae, fortresses, uvak patrols, a substantial and well-equipped citizen army, and a continent-wide communication system of semaphore signal stations and thoughtcriers.
The Six Claws, the southern region of Alanciar, boasted strong fortifications, including six coastal towers serving as advanced warning signal stations. The Alanciari were governed by a centralized military body, the War Cabinet, headquartered in Vaal Hall in the capital city of Sus'mintri. Due to his inherent Force-sensitivity, the Induction Board selected Belmer Kattun to train as a thoughtcrier, an individual capable of transmitting messages through the Force via thought projection. By 2975 BBY, Belmer held the position of thoughtcrier stationed at Point Defiance, a small fort manned by two individuals located at the edge of Garrow's Necks, the southernmost of the Six Claws. To alleviate the tedium of his frontier post, Belmer cultivated a liking for alcoholic drinks. Conversely, his colleague Jogan utilized the semaphore device to dispatch amorous messages to various lovers, including Quarra Thayn, a married wardmaster and mother of three residing in the city of Uhrar.
Following three years of clandestine correspondence, Jogan and Quarra decided to meet face-to-face. Under the guise of touring the industrial towns of the Northern Slope, Quarra made her way to Point Defiance. She also fabricated a travel pass and a relief order for Belmer, providing her with a legitimate reason to be at Point Defiance. After passing through a military fort and checkpoint in Garrow's Neck, Quarra was permitted to proceed to Point Defiance. Upon her arrival, Belmer Kattun greeted her, remarking on the encroaching fog and the possibility of an impending storm. Quarra initially mistook Belmer for Jogan. However, Belmer informed her that Jogan was in the tower and that they worked together. Relieved that this stout, elderly man was not Jogan, Quarra swiftly inquired if he was the signal station's thoughtcrier.
Belmer responded telepathically, confirming that he was Point Defiance's thoughtcrier, to which the Alanciari woman revealed that she also possessed the "gift" of Force sensitivity. When Belmer noted that he had barely detected her "thought–cry", Quarra explained that she was weary from a long journey. When Quarra offered to present her travel documents, Belmer reassured her that he did not require them, as his friends at the nearby fort had already granted her passage to this point, the most remote military outpost in Alanciar overlooking the Western Sea—the primary barrier separating Alanciar and Keshtah. Assuming Quarra was the relief thoughtcrier, Belmer prepared to depart for the officer's club at the fort, where he intended to indulge in a few drinks.
After Belmer's departure, Quarra finally encountered her lover, Jogan Halder, in person. During their conversation, Jogan briefly inquired if Quarra had met Belmer on her way in. Quarra confirmed that she had met Belmer and expressed her relief that the unattractive Belmer was not Jogan. Jogan then joked about sending romantic messages under Belmer's name before commenting that Belmer preferred alcoholic beverages to women. Quarra sarcastically retorted that alcoholism was not a desirable trait in a thoughtcrier stationed at the front lines. Jogan then assured Quarra that his colleague did not drink while on duty. He then escorted Quarra on a tour of Point Defiance's facilities before addressing Quarra's "family situation." Prior to their "romantic liaison", Jogan Halder also transmitted a semaphore message indicating that Belmer Kattun had left to sleep on the floor of a tavern for a week and that his relief had already arrived.
Because he was away from Point Defiance that night, Belmer was not there when a Sith scouting fleet, led by High Lord Edell Vrai, appeared above Point Defiance. Jogan and Quarra witnessed the Sith's arrival and promptly alerted the Alanciari military, who launched ballista projectiles and deployed armed uvak-riders to engage the attackers. During the Alanciari assault on the Sith airships, Quarra confessed that she had forged her travel supervisor's seal and that Belmer had not actually received a relief order. Quarra then attempted to flee Point Defiance, using the cover of darkness and the ongoing chaos to conceal her actions. However, her muntok steed had broken free from its tether during the fighting. Shortly thereafter, Jogan was crushed and severely injured by a fallen uvak named Starboard, which had been attached to the Sith airship Candra.
Despite the destruction of the Sith airships, several Sith, including their leader Edell, survived and successfully captured Jogan and Quarra, who were later coerced into assisting the Sith war effort. Following a "grand deception operation" designed to highlight the "benevolent nature" of the Tribe, Jogan Halder became the Tribe's "ambassador" to the Alanciari and successfully convinced them that the Sith posed no threat. Instead, he asserted that the Sith were the Protectors and had already purged the "servants" of the Destructors from their ranks. Meanwhile, Quarra became Edell's guide and accompanied him on a ground reconnaissance mission into Alanciar's interior and capital Sus'mintri. Following the Sith "unification" of Alanciar, Belmer Kattun presumably submitted to the Sith, as did the rest of his countrymen.
Belmer Kattun was an older Keshiri man with waxy hair protruding from his ears. He was also overweight and struggled to fit into his uniform, which included a buttoned waistcoat. He also had several missing teeth. As a thoughtcrier, Kattun was among the few Keshiri who possessed the ability to wield the Force, a mystical energy field. This ability was also shared by the Lost Tribe of Sith, a group of Human Sith who had colonized the neighboring continent of Keshtah during the Great Hyperspace War.
Belmer Kattun's initial appearance was as a minor, non-POV character in Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pandemonium, a novella by John Jackson Miller and the final story in the Lost Tribe of the Sith short story series, released on July 24 2012. Pandemonium was included in the mass paperback Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories. This marks his sole known appearance in the Star Wars Expanded Universe.