Alanciari military

A military force was present on Alanciar, a continent located on the planet Kesh. This military remained independent from the Sith Tribe until the year 2975 BBY. Their main purpose was to safeguard Alanciar from any potential Sith attacks originating from Keshtah Minor. The entire organization was composed of Keshiri, a species with purple skin native to Kesh, and both male and female Keshiri were allowed to join. Keshiri youths, between the ages of 12 and 15, were obligated to enlist for mandatory military instruction. The uniforms worn by members of the Alanciari military were tan and gray in color.

Among the known divisions of the armed forces were the Signal Corps and the Training Directorate. There was also an "air force" that utilized uvak-riding soldiers armed with diamond flak tubes, and the Shore Guard which possessed a fleet of patrol vessels. Additionally, numerous ballistae artillery units were strategically positioned across Alanciar. The military was known for maintaining a network of forts on the Six Claws, a series of peninsulas situated on the southwestern coast of the continent known as the Shank. Another series of forts was also maintained along the northwestern coast. The military reported directly to the War Cabinet, the central military authority of the continent, which was headquartered in the city of Sus'mintri.

Notable members of the Alanciari military included the Wardmaster Quarra Thayn, Captain Ruehn, and the soldier Jogan Halder. In 2975 BBY, the military successfully repelled two separate incursions by the Lost Tribe of Sith. However, Sith forces, led by High Lord Korsin Bentado, managed to reorganize and infiltrate Sus'mintri, where they assassinated the entire Alanciari War Cabinet. This action effectively removed the Alanciari leadership, leaving the military without a command structure. Bentado attempted to utilize the Tribe's thoughtcriers to command the Alanciari ballistae to destroy Grand Lord Varner Hilts' airship Good Omen. However, Quarra, along with the Sith High Lord Edell Vrai and Squab, intervened and stopped him.

Jogan successfully convinced the Alanciari that the Sith were not a threat, but rather the mythical Protectors, deities in Keshiri legends. Consequently, the Alanciari submitted to Sith authority, leading to the unification of both Alanciar and Keshtah Minor under Sith rule. As part of this Unification, the Alanciari destroyed their ballistae.

