Suffering from a birth defect that resulted in his diminutive size and hunched back, Squab was a Keshiri male. In comparison to others of his species, his reactions and movements were notably sluggish. Initially, Squab was a slave serving the family of the Human Varner Hilts, who held the title of Grand Lord within the Lost Tribe of Sith. Sometime before 2975 BBY, Lord Hilts, acting on the suggestion of his wife, Grand Consort Iliana Hilts, reassigned Squab to be an assistant to his rival, High Lord Korsin Bentado. This move was intended to irritate Bentado by forcing him to include a physically imperfect Keshiri among his otherwise flawless Human staff. Despite this, Bentado integrated Squab into his regular entourage as an aide.
During the invasion of Alanciar, the landmass situated east of Keshtah on the planet Kesh, Squab went with Bentado aboard the Ebon Fleet, an invading force comprised of airships. However, the Alanciari, the native Keshiri of Alanciar, brought down the fleet in the Western Shield region. Squab and his Sith master, Bentado, were among the Sith survivors. They then proceeded to the Alanciari capital, Sus'mintri, where the Sith forces managed to infiltrate Vaal Hall, the center of the Alanciari government, and eliminate the War Cabinet. These actions effectively removed the Alanciari government's leadership, allowing the Sith to seize control of Alanciar's highly centralized defense force.
Subsequently, Korsin Bentado betrayed his superior, Varner Hilts, by plotting to assassinate him. He planned to order the Alanciari ballista to destroy Hilts' airship, Good Omen, upon its arrival in Alanciar. His intention was to establish a "Second Tribe" on Alanciar, with himself as its leader. While Squab outwardly appeared loyal to Bentado, his true allegiance lay with Grand Lord Hilts. He utilized Vaal Hall's semaphore system to communicate with Hilts, warning him of Bentado's scheme. Another High Lord, Edell Vrai, also opposed Bentado and had enlisted the help of an Alanciari guide named Quarra Thayn. As Vrai and Thayn fought Bentado and his guards, Squab secretly reversed Bentado's orders to destroy the Good Omen, allowing Hilts' airship to safely land in Port Melephos, a coastal city in Alanciar. Ultimately, Squab personally executed Bentado, informing his master that Hilts had sent his "regards." Following Bentado's demise, Edell took command of Bentado's forces and the signaling devices. Squab and Bentado's former Keshiri servants remained in the signal tower until Grand Lord Hilts' followers relieved them.
During the Hilts Restoration, Squab, a Keshiri man, rendered his services to the Lost Tribe of Sith. As was the case with all Keshiri residing on Keshtah Minor since 5000 BBY, Squab was indoctrinated to venerate the Sith Tribe as descendants of the Protectors, ancient deities in Keshiri belief. He functioned as a servant for the ruling Grand Lord Varner Hilts and his consort Iliana Hilts. In 2980 BBY, Iliana and Hilts tasked Squab with assisting High Lord Korsin Bentado, the leader of the Korsinite League and commander of the invasion force intended for "Keshtah Major," another continent in the southern hemisphere of planet Kesh. In 3000 BBY, Varner Hilts discovered a substantial map at the Kesh Sith Temple, confirming the existence of a second continent. He leveraged this information to unite the Tribe, which had suffered through a millennium of chaos and anarchy.
For the subsequent quarter-century, the Tribe dedicated its resources to developing technology for reaching and conquering this new continent. The Tribe's chief engineer, Edell Vrai, eventually created airships sustained by helium. Despite his displeasure at hiring the hunchbacked Keshiri, Bentado pretended to be pleased and welcomed Squab into his retinue of "perfect" human specimens. As the leader of the Korsinite League, Bentado held the Tribe's founder, Yaru Korsin, and his daughter Nida Korsin, in high regard, considering the Testament of Yaru Korsin as sacred text. The Hilts assigned Squab to Bentado, knowing the High Lord secretly desired to usurp the Grand Lordship from Varner Hilts. Squab was part of Iliana's intelligence network and was tasked with monitoring Bentado for any potential overthrow attempts against the Hilts family. Although Bentado did not treat Squab as an equal, the Keshiri assistant was always by his side.
In 2975 BBY, High Lord Edell Vrai led a reconnaissance mission to Keshtah Major. However, native Keshiri called Alanciari of Alanciar shot down his airships. Despite significant losses, Edell and six crew members survived and captured the Alanciari sailing vessel Mischance, intending to sail back to Keshtah via the Sea of Flames. Additionally, the Sith party captured two Alanciari: signal officer Jogan Halder and his secret lover, Wardmaster Quarra Thayn. Edell and Quarra remained for a ground reconnaissance mission in Alanciar's interior and capital, Sus'mintri, while his crew returned to Keshtah. Edell's thoughtcrier Taymor also managed to transmit a telepathic warning about the expedition's trouble.
However, she was killed before completing the message, leaving Iliana's thoughtcriers with a garbled message of surprise, shock, and confusion. Despite limited intelligence on the Keshiri in Keshtah Major, Squab's liege, High Lord Bentado, insisted on proceeding with the invasion. Accompanied by Squab and eight Korsinite League members, he requested an audience with Grand Lord Hilts. During the meeting, Squab carried a note revealing that Bentado's listeners had intercepted Taymor's call, confirming Edell's discovery of the "hidden land" revealed by Korsin. While Hilts suggested waiting for Edell's return, Bentado emphasized the Grand Lord's promise to strike immediately upon discovery, reminding Hilts of his assembled airships and crew.
Bentado dismissed Iliana's concerns, arguing that Vrai was a talented tinkerer, not a warrior, assuming he awaited reinforcements for the invasion. Hilts reluctantly granted permission. Squab joined Bentado and his followers in kneeling before the Grand Lord, nearly missing the cue. Unbeknownst to Bentado and his followers, Grand Lord Hilts and his Consort secretly planned the Ebon Fleet's doom, viewing Bentado as a potential threat and the invasion as a means to eliminate him.
The Ebon Fleet, comprising sixty airships, crossed the Endless Sea to Keshtah Major. After three days, they reached Alanciar's Western Shield, a rural region with state farms and canals. Squab accompanied Korsin Bentado aboard his flagship Yaru, with a mixed crew of Human Sith warriors and Keshiri servants as translators. However, the Alanciari had prepared for the Sith's arrival for two millennia. In 4975 BBY, Keshiri exile Adari Vaal had fled to Alanciar, warning the locals about the Tribe. Consequently, the Alanciari evolved into a warlike, industrialized civilization built to resist a Sith invasion. Their well-trained military and effective semaphore communications network allowed them to mobilize ballistae units within minutes, firing flaming javelins at the Sith airships, downing many and killing numerous Sith invaders.
Bentado's flagship Yaru was struck in the gondola by several flaming javelins but managed to escape and crash in the eastern highlands. The crew cut the gondola from the burning gasbag before it hit the ridge, saving them from a fiery death. Squab survived, along with Bentado and several Sith warriors and Keshiri servants. Bentado suffered burns and a broken leg. Despite the disaster, Bentado and his surviving crew reached Sus'mintri, the Alanciari capital and headquarters of the War Cabinet. Under the cover of darkness, Bentado and his Sith followers infiltrated Vaal Hall, eliminating all Alanciari politicians, bureaucrats, guards, and signal officers.
They also captured the adjacent signal tower and the "worldwatch," controlling all telepathic and semaphore communications in Alanciar. Bentado controlled Alanciar from behind the scenes, ordering food deliveries and using the signal tower to reunite Sith captives with their comrades. The Sith lured Quarra Thayn, a former Alanciari thoughtcrier, and her Sith captor Edell Vrai into the building. During Edell's reunion with High Lord Bentado, Squab brought parchment to his limping master.
After pleasantries with Edell and updating him on Vaal Hall's capture, Korsin Bentado ordered his Keshiri servants to cancel the alarms, which had been ringing for days. Squab carried the parchment to the signal tower stairs. Within a minute, the shrill whistles above Sus'mintri ceased, affecting the entire continent. He then ordered Squab to prepare the Keshiri servants in the signal tower for the next wave of Sith from Keshtah Minor. When Edell suggested warning the Tribe about the Alanciari threat, Bentado revealed his intention to shoot down the Tribe's airships.
Unable to gain the Grand Lordship with Hilts alive and Iliana protecting him, Bentado decided to create a "Second Tribe" on Alanciar, using its military and industrial might to forge a new empire. He compared the Keshiri on Alanciar favorably to those on Keshtah, dismissing Squab as a "waste of flesh" imposed by Hilts. While Yaru Korsin found sculptors and painters, Bentado encountered a warrior race of builders and armorers. Bentado planned to rule the Alanciari state as a solitary Sith, bending their government to his will, forgetting his followers.
However, Edell refused to support Bentado's plans, reminding them of their loyalty to the Tribe and Grand Lord Hilts. Quarra condemned Bentado for murdering her people's leaders. Bentado ordered his men to seize them, attacking Edell with Force lightning, but Quarra wounded him with her hand-ballista. They escaped into Adari Vaal's secret library, hidden behind a tapestry. Bentado's men pursued them but failed to find them. After resting, Edell and Quarra agreed to stop Bentado for the good of the Tribe and the Alanciari, infiltrating the "worldwatch" via a tunnel.
By then, Grand Lord Hilts' airship Good Omen had arrived off the coast of Port Melephos. Squab was present with Bentado in the "worldwatch" when the Keshiri crew in the signal tower received the message from semaphore operators in Melephos. Bentado ordered Squab to dispatch uvak diamond-flak teams to shoot it down, hoping Hilts would have sent all sixteen remaining airships. However, Hilts had learned about the Alanciari's military capabilities from Edell's lieutenant Peppin and had mounted a grand deception operation, convincing the Alanciari that the Tribe posed no threat, including repainting the airship white and bringing his new Alanciari "ambassador" Jogan Halder.
Bentado was still removing glass shards from his arm. He instructed Squab to order the Alanciari uvak "diamond-flak" teams to engage the aircraft. Upon exiting the tunnel, Edell jumped onto Bentado, driving his head into the map surface. After rolling across the map table, Edell ignited his lightsaber. Shortly later, Quarra emerged and startled Squab. One of Bentado's female followers attempted to aid Bentado, but Edell shoved her aside using the Force. This distraction allowed Bentado to recover and snare Edell's ankle, causing him to fall. Quarra attacked Bentado with Adari's lightsaber, but the High Lord deflected her attack using his higher position on the map table. Meanwhile, Edell recovered and impaled another Korsitinite defender.
However, Squab escaped up the staircase leading to the tower before the two attackers could stop him. To both Bentado and his opponents, Squab appeared to be relaying Bentado's command to destroy the Good Omen but was actually ordering the Alanciari defenders to allow the Grand Lord's airship to land. While Quarra could undo Bentado's grip on Alanciar from the tower, Edell feared that she could bring a host of Alanciari on his head. Before Quarra could pursue Squab, Bentado used the Force to throw her against one of the lower belfies, knocking away her lightsaber. Standing over Quarra, Bentado threatened to kill her unless Edell stayed away. In response, Edell threatened Squab with his lightsaber. The Keshiri servant had already returned from the signal tower and was cowering beside the wooden spiral stair case which led to the signal tower. However, Bentado was unconcerned by the potential harm to his Keshiri servant since he believed that he could find more Keshiri servants on Alanciar.
When Bentado threatened to kill Quarra unless Edell yielded, Edell stood up for her, describing her as a "big help" and telling Bentado that it was rude for guests to kill their hosts. Bentado dismissed Edell as a "fool" and used the Force to throw Edell against a concrete wall. As a result of the attack, Edell dropped his lightsaber and Bentado flung Quarra to Edell's side. After Squab emerged from hiding, Bentado ordered the Keshiri to pick up Quarra's lightsaber while he took care of his two enemies himself. Bentado intended to execute his two wounded opponents but was interrupted by a message from Squab. Squab had received a parchment from another of Bentado's other Keshiri servants which carried the news that Grand Lord Hilt's airship had landed at Port Melephos. When Bentado asked whether the airship had been brought down, Squab confirmed that it had landed safely. Bentado was shocked that his plan to assassinate the Grand Lord had fallen apart.
All this time, Squab had been secretly serving Grand Lord Hilts and had disobeyed Bentado's command to down the Grand Lord's airship. In desperation, Bentado attempted to command Squab to order the Alanciari troops to kill Hilts and anyone with him. However, Squab countermanded this order with a new order from Hilts ordering him to kill Bentado. Squab then used Quarra's lightsaber to stab Lord Bentado through the heart, killing the Sith Lord. This effectively ended Bentado's dreams of creating a "Second Tribe" and killing his rival Hilts. Squab then handed Bentado's weapons to Edell Vrai, who was designated as the new commander of the Sith forces on Alanciar. Following Bentado's death, Edell reasserted control over Bentado's men and the signaling devices.
Under the orders of High Lord Edell Vrai, Squab and all of the other Keshiri servants, who were loyal to Grand Lord Hilts, disarmed Bentado's surviving Korsinite League supporters. Edell was able to force the Korsinites to yield to his authority by threatening to bring all of the Alanciari down upon Vaal Hall if they did not surrender. Edell also communicated a deal from Grand Lord Hilts to the surviving Korsinites, whom he intended to exile or enslave. Due to their heavy losses at the Western Shield and the death of their leader, the Korsinite League was broken and never recovered again. Having established control of Vaal Hall and its signal tower, Edell also used the semaphore machines to communicate with the newcomers at Port Melephos, updating them about the recent developments in Sus'mintri and the defeat of Bentado's mutiny.
While Edell and Quarra Thayn went to meet Grand Lord Hilts and Jogan Halder who had landed in Sus'mintri's parade grounds, Squab and the Keshiri servants occupied the strategically-important signal tower until the arrival of Hilts' white-suited human advisers. Hilts and Jogan were able to convince the Alanciari to submit to Sith rule by claiming to be the Protectors, powerful gods in Keshiri religion. By contrast, the deceased Bentado and his supporters were portrayed as the "evil" servants of the Destructors, malevolent entities in Keshiri religion, who had been expelled from the Tribe. Following the speeches, Edell updated Hilts about Squab's role in helping him defeat Bentado. Hilts praised the Keshiri man as another idea of Iliana. He also joked that whenever a Grand Lord sent his regards, one's life was in danger. Following the arrival of Grand Lord Hilts' forces over the next few days, Bentado's Korsinite supporters were taken into custody and presumably enslaved or killed. Meanwhile, Squab continued serving his Grand Lord and Grand Consort loyally.
Squab was a quiet and unassuming Keshiri male who was able to hide his feelings and thoughts. As an aide, he was literate and skilled in handling parchments and other documents. Above all, Squab was also loyal to the ruling Grand Lord Varner Hilts and his wife Iliana Hilts. While in the service of High Lord Bentado Korsin, Squab was also proficient in the art of deception. While feigning loyalty and obedience to Bentado in public, he actively countermanded and frustrated Bentado's orders to kill Grand Lord Hilts and create his own "Second Tribe" in Alanciar. While it is unknown whether he was Force-sensitive or received any instruction in the Sith ways, Squab still knew how to operate a Sith lightsaber, which he used to slay Bentado, thus ending the latter's mutiny against Varner Hilts.
Squab first appeared as a supporting, non-point-of-view character in John Jackson Miller's Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pandemonium, the last novella in the Lost Tribe of the Sith series. Pandemonium was released as part of the mass trade paperback Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories, which was released on July 24, 2012. This marks his only known appearance in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. According to Miller, Squab was originally intended to be named "Squib" but the author changed his mind after learning that "Squib" was a term for a non-magic individual in the British author J.K. Rowling's bestselling Harry Potter fantasy novel series.