
Ulbrick, a youthful male Human and Sith Saber from the Lost Tribe of Sith, functioned as a combatant on the Candra. This occurred during High Lord Edell Vrai's reconnaissance mission to Alanciar in 2975 BBY. He was among the handful of the Candra's crew, specifically six members excluding captain Edell, who lived through the Alanciari air force's assault. Subsequently, he and the remaining Sith survivors ascended a cliff leading to the Alanciari frontier fortification known as Point Defiance. Nonetheless, Quarra Thayn, an Alanciari Keshiri warrior wielding a hand-ballista, shot and grievously wounded him in his right leg. His fellow Sith managed to subdue Quarra and her injured partner, Jogan Halder. Tellpah, a Keshiri scholar among the Sith crew, tended to Ulbrick's injury, applying a bandage, but could not halt the bleeding. Incapacitated and unable to walk due to his wounds, his commander, Edell Vrai, beheaded him. This action served as a grim warning to Quarra, demonstrating the Sith's resolve, and prevented the Alanciari from capturing a Sith combatant. Before leaving Point Defiance, the Sith discarded Ulbrick's corpse into a cistern.


Ulbrick belonged to the Lost Tribe of Sith, a community of Human Sith who had established themselves on the world of Kesh during the time of the Great Hyperspace War. His formative years were during the Hilts Restoration, a period when he took part in the Tribe's endeavors aimed at reaching and conquering Alanciar, another landmass in Kesh's southern region. Ulbrick became a member of the Sith Sabers, a rank within the Tribe analogous to the Jedi Order's Jedi Knights. In 2975 BBY, he was involved in the Tribe's expeditionary mission to Alanciar, serving on the airship Candra. He was part of a ten-person crew that included Captain Edell Vrai, the uvak-tenderer Peppin, the thoughtcrier Taymor, four other warriors including Janns, and two Keshiri ambassadors including Tellpah. His captain, Edell, also commanded the Sith expedition and had pioneered the Tribe's airships, discovering that methane from the volcano Sessal Spire could be converted into hydrogen for powering gasbags.

Ulbrick and the Sith scouting squadron journeyed across the Western Sea to the Six Claws, Alanciar's southeastern peninsular area. Shortly after their arrival, the Sith airships faced attacks from black javelins launched by Alanciari ballista emplacements in the Six Claws and were pursued by the Alanciari air force, consisting of armed uvak riders. This marked the Sith's initial contact with the Keshiri inhabiting Alanciar, quickly revealing a formidable military capable of resisting invasion. Adari Vaal, a Keshiri geologist who initially aided the Tribe but later attempted to overthrow them, had fled to Alanciar over two thousand years ago. She successfully alerted the Alanciari to the impending threat posed by the Lost Tribe. Consequently, the Alanciari developed a heavily militarized society centered around repelling Sith invasions.

Ulbrick was among the six Sith crew members who survived the Candra's forced landing close to Point Defiance, a signal station located on the peninsular of Garrow's Neck. The other Sith survivors were Edell Vrai, the mission's commander, the uvak-tender Peppin, fellow Saber Janns, and the Keshiri scholar Tellpah. Unnoticed, the Sith party had descended north of Point Defiance, while the wrecked gondola drifted eastward. After traveling a kilometer, the Sith party, under Edell Vrai's leadership, scaled a rocky slope leading to Point Defiance. Ulbrick was the first to reach the summit, resulting in him being struck in the right thigh by glass projectiles from the hand-ballista of Quarra Thayn, the Alanciari Wardmaster. Quarra was defending her injured lover, Jogan Halder, who had been crushed by the fallen uvak Starboard, tethered to the Candra. His comrade Janns narrowly avoided the projectile by diving behind a ruined heart for cover.

Following a brief but intense skirmish, Ulbrick's companions, Peppin and Janns, managed to overpower Quarra, taking her and her companion captive. Quarra revealed her ability to speak the same language as the Sith and that the Alanciari were well-prepared for the Sith invasion. Meanwhile, Tellpah attended to Ulbrick's wounds. Multiple glass projectiles had severely splintered Ulbrick's right thigh, and his makeshift bandage was soaked in blood. The bleeding rendered Ulbrick unable to continue walking. After Ulbrick conceded his inability to walk, Edell swiftly decided to euthanize him by beheading him. This served as a warning to Quarra, indicating the danger she faced if she did not cooperate, and prevented the Alanciari from capturing a Sith prisoner. Before evacuating Point Defiance, Ulbrick's body was discarded into a cistern to conceal it from Alanciari reinforcements dispatched from Garrow's Neck.

Despite Ulbrick's demise, Edell and the other Sith expeditionary members survived their disastrous initial encounter with the Alanciari. They then commandeered an Alanciari harvester, Mischance, using it to return to their continent of Keshtah Minor via the Southern Passage and Sea of Flames. Ultimately, the Sith successfully conquered Alanciar by exploiting Jogan Halder to persuade the Alanciari that the Sith posed no real threat.

Personality and traits

As a member of the Human Lost Tribe of Sith, Ulbrick possessed Force-sensitivity. He was also a warrior in the [Sith Sabers](/article/sith_saber], the Tribe's counterpart to the Jedi Knights, presumably skilled in lightsaber combat. However, his combat prowess was insufficient to prevent him from being fatally wounded by Quarra Thayn during Edell Vrai's mission to Alanciar in 2975 BBY. His severe leg injuries rendered him immobile, leading to his "euthanasia" by his commander.

Behind the scenes

Ulbrick's initial appearance was as a minor, non-POV character in John Jackson Miller's novella, Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pandemonium, initially published on July 24 2012 as part of the mass paperback Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories. This constitutes his sole appearance in the Star Wars Expanded Universe.

