
Janns, a Sith Saber belonging to the Lost Tribe of Sith and a Human, served as a combatant on the Candra. This occurred during the reconnaissance mission to Alanciar led by High Lord Edell Vrai in 2975 BBY. He was one of the few to survive the Alanciari air force's assault that resulted in the destruction of the Candra. Janns, along with four other members of the crew, including their commander Edell Vrai, lived through both the attack and the subsequent crash. He narrowly avoided being shot by Quarra Thayn, the Wardmaster of the Alanciari, who was armed with a ballista to protect her lover, Jogan Halder, a signal officer within the Alanciari Signal Corps. However, Ulbrick, a fellow Saber, did not fare as well and was "euthanized" by Edell. Later on, Janns participated in the Sith survivors' successful operation to seize control of the Alanciari sailing ship and harvester, Mischance. He was also present on the Mischance during its inaugural transcontinental journey to Keshtah Minor, the Tribe's established territory.


Janns belonged to the Lost Tribe of Sith, a community of Human Sith who had established themselves on the planet Kesh during the era of the Great Hyperspace War. He spent his formative years on the continent of Keshtah Minor during the period of the Hilts Restoration. Subsequently, he took part in the Tribe's endeavors to reach and ultimately conquer Alanciar, another continent located in Kesh's southern hemisphere. Janns became a member of the Sith Sabers, a rank within the Tribe that was analogous to the Jedi Knights of the Jedi Order. In 2975 BBY, Janns was involved in the Tribe's expeditionary mission to Alanciar, serving aboard the airship Candra. He was part of a ten-person crew that included Captain Edell Vrai, the uvak-tenderer Peppin, the thoughtcrier Taymor, four other warriors including his fellow Saber Ulbrick, and two Keshiri ambassadors including Tellpah. Edell, his captain, also commanded the Sith expedition and had pioneered the Tribe's airships after discovering that methane from the volcano Sessal Spire could be converted into hydrogen for powering gasbags.

Janns, along with the Sith scouting fleet, journeyed across the Western Sea to the Six Claws, a southeastern peninsular region of Alanciar. Shortly after their arrival, the Sith airships were targeted by black javelins launched from Alanciari ballista emplacements in the Six Claws and were pursued by the Alanciari air force, composed of armed uvak riders. This marked the Sith's initial contact with the Keshiri inhabiting Alanciar, quickly revealing a formidable military capable of resisting invasion. It was later learned that Adari Vaal, a Keshiri geologist who initially collaborated with the Tribe but later attempted to overthrow them, had sought refuge in Alanciar over two thousand years ago. She successfully alerted the Alanciari to the potential threat posed by the Lost Tribe. Consequently, the Alanciari developed a heavily militarized society centered around defense against Sith invasion.

Janns was among the six Sith crew members who survived the crash-landing of the Candra near Point Defiance, a signal station situated on the peninsular of Garrow's Neck. The other survivors included the mission's commander Edell, the uvak-tender Peppin, fellow Saber Ulbrick, and the Keshiri scholar Tellpah. Unseen, the Sith party had dropped north of Point Defiance while the balloon carried the wrecked gondola farther eastward. After traveling for a kilometer, the Sith party led by its commander Edell Vrai climbed a stony tumbledown which led to Point Defiance. His comrade Ulbrick was the first of the Sith party to climb up the summit. As a result, Ulbrick was hit in his right thigh by glass projectiles from a wooden ballista that had been fired by the Alanciari Wardmaster Quarra Thayn, who was protecting her wounded lover Jogan Halder, who had been crushed by the fallen uvak Starboard, who had been tethered to the Candra. Janns managed to dodge the projectile by diving for cover behind a ruined hut.

Following a brief but intense conflict with the Force-sensitive Alanciari woman, Janns and Peppin managed to subdue Quarra, taking her and Jogan prisoner. Quarra also revealed her ability to speak the same language as the Sith, indicating the Alanciari's preparedness for the Sith invasion. Meanwhile, Tellpah, the Keshiri scholar, tended to Ulbrick's injuries, but the young Saber was unable to walk. To prevent the Alanciari from capturing a live Sith prisoner and to warn Quarra that she should cooperate with her captors, Captain Edell euthanized Ulbrick by beheading him. Janns and his Sith companions then entered Point Defiance where they attempted but failed to operate the station's semaphore machine, an Alanciari technology that was unknown to the Tribe.

However, Edell and Tellpah spotted an Alanciari ship in the horizon and decided to hijack and commandeer the vessel. After retrieving their Alanciari captives Quarra and Jogan from the latter's bedroom, the Sith party set out for the southern shore of the peninsula Point Defiance. There, they found a boat which they used to row to the Alanciari ship and seize it. This Alanciari ship turned out to be the fishing trawler Mischance and its crew fought to death against the Sith invaders, whom they had been taught from young to fear and hate. While the Sith managed to capture an Alanciari sailor, he resisted his Sith interrogators even until the point of death. Thus, the Sith gained no intelligence other than the fact that the Mischance had been hunting for crustaceans for the past week and was due to remain in the Southern Passage for a week before returning to port.

Later, Janns was presumably aboard the Mischance when the ship undertook its first transcontinental voyage from Alanciar back to the Tribe's home domain of Keshtah. During this voyage, the ship was captained by Edell's lieutenant Peppin and also carried the Alanciari prisoner Jogan Halder, who recovered from his injuries sustained on the night of the "first contact" and later became the Tribe's "ambassador" to the Alanciari. Halder subsequently convinced the Alanciari to submit to the Sith by claiming they were not a threat to them but were rather the Protectors, powerful gods in Keshiri religion. Meanwhile, Janns' commander Edell Vrai remained on Alanciar with his Alanciari guide Quarra Thayn. These two participated on a ground reconnaissance mission into the continent's interior and capital of Sus'mintri.

Personality and traits

Being a member of the Human Lost Tribe of Sith, Janns possessed Force sensitivity. He was also a warrior within the Sith Sabers, the Tribe's counterpart to the Jedi Knights, suggesting proficiency in lightsaber combat.

Behind the scenes

Janns made his debut as a minor, non-POV character in John Jackson Miller's novella, Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pandemonium. It was initially published on July 24 2012 as part of the paperback collection Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories. This marks his only appearance in the Star Wars Expanded Universe.

