In 2975 BBY, during a reconnaissance mission to the landmass of Alanciar, Tellpah a Keshiri male scholar and slave from the Lost Tribe of Sith, was an attendant to High Lord Edell Vrai. He was a crew member aboard Vrai's airship, the _Candra_, a vessel sustained in the air via a helium-filled gasbag and propelled by a pair of uvak, which were winged reptilian creatures used for labor. When the Alanciari air force attacked, Tellpah was one of the few to survive the resulting battle, which destroyed all three of the Tribe's scouting airships and killed 80% of the expedition. Following a landing roughly one kilometer northeast of Point Defiance, Tellpah, along with Vrai and the other five survivors, ascended a cliff leading to the fortified tower known as Point Defiance.
During their ascent, Ulbrick, a Human Sith Saber, sustained a severe thigh wound inflicted by Quarra Thayn, an Alanciari Wardmaster who used a hand-ballista to defend her lover, Jogan Halder. After the Sith had disarmed the two Alanciari captives, Tellpah made Vrai aware of Ulbrick's critical injury. Because the injured Sith warrior was unable to walk without great pain, Vrai chose to decapitate him to prevent the Alanciari from capturing a live prisoner and to keep the group from being slowed down. Tellpah was then tasked with concealing Ulbrick's dead body by disposing of it in a deep cistern. Following this, he accompanied Vrai and Thayn into the signal tower, where they explored Point Defiance's library and discovered the Alanciari boat, Mischance. This vessel was then commandeered by the Sith, who used it to transport Halder back to Keshtah Minor as their prisoner.
Tellpah was present on the Mischance as it made its initial voyage to Keshtah, navigating through the Southern Passage and into the Sea of Flames, a smaller sea located to the west of Keshtah. Simultaneously, Vrai and Thayn initiated a reconnaissance mission on the ground within Alanciar. Tellpah, therefore, played a part in the Sith's conquest of Alanciar. Ultimately, the Sith were successful in conquering Alanciar by using Halder's influence to persuade the Alanciari that the Sith posed no threat to them.
During the era of the Hilts Restoration, Tellpah, a Keshiri man, was in the service of the Lost Tribe of Sith. Like all Keshiri residing on Keshtah Minor, Tellpah was taught to hold the Sith Tribe in high regard, viewing them as descendants of the Protectors, ancient deities in the Keshiri faith. In 2975 BBY, Tellpah functioned as a scholar and translator during High Lord Edell Vrai's reconnaissance mission to Alanciar. He was a member of the crew of Edell's flagship, the Candra, an airship kept aloft by a hydrogen gasbag and propelled by a pair of uvaks, winged reptilian creatures indigenous to the world of Kesh. The other eight members of the Candra's crew included Edell's second-in-command and pilot Peppin, the thoughtcrier Taymor, five Sith Sabers including Ulbrick and Janns, and one other Keshiri scholar.
Taymor and the Sith scouting squadron journeyed across the Western Sea to the Six Claws, Alanciar's southeastern peninsula. Soon after their arrival in Alanciar, the Sith airships were targeted by black javelins launched from Alanciari ballista emplacements in the Six Claws and were pursued by the Alanciari air force, comprised of armed uvak riders. This marked the Sith's first contact with the Keshiri inhabiting Alanciar, quickly revealing the strength of their military and their capacity to resist invasion. In fact, Adari Vaal, a Keshiri geologist who initially collaborated with the Tribe but later attempted to overthrow them, had sought refuge in Alanciar over two thousand years ago. She successfully alerted the Alanciari to the danger posed by the Lost Tribe. As a result, the Alanciari had developed a highly militarized society centered on resisting Sith invasion.
Tellpah was among the five Sith crew members who survived the Candra's forced landing near Point Defiance, a signal station located on the Garrow's Neck peninsula. Unnoticed, the Sith party had been dropped north of Point Defiance, while the balloon carried the wrecked gondola further eastward. After traveling for a kilometer, the Sith party, led by Edell Vrai, ascended a rocky slope that led to Point Defiance. During the climb, Ulbrick, one of the Sith expedition members, was wounded in the thigh by glass projectiles from a hand-ballista fired by the Alanciari Wardmaster Quarra Thayn, who was protecting her wounded lover Jogan Halder. During the fighting, Halder had been crushed by the fallen uvak Starboard, who had been tethered to the Candra.
Following a brief but intense conflict, Peppin and Janns managed to subdue Quarra and take her and her companion as prisoners. Quarra revealed that she could speak the same language as the Sith and that the Alanciari had been well prepared for the Sith invasion. Meanwhile, Tellpah tended to Ulbrick's wounds, attempting to bandage them with a rag. However, Ulbrick's right thigh had been severely splintered by multiple glass projectiles, and his makeshift bandage was completely saturated in blood. Edell approached Tellpah and inquired about Ulbrick's condition before asking the Keshiri what his name was. Tellpah identified himself and informed his captain about Ulbrick's deteriorating condition. Due to the bleeding, Ulbrick was unable to continue walking. After Ulbrick admitted that he would be unable to walk, Edell made the brief decision to euthanize Ulbrick by swiftly decapitating him. This was done to send a warning to the captive Quarra that her life would be in danger if she did not cooperate with her captors and to prevent the Alanciari from capturing a Sith prisoner. Tellpah avoided Edell's lightsaber stroke but his clothes were stained by the resulting gush of blood from Ulbrick's body.
Edell then ordered Tellpah to hide the fallen Sith warrior's body. After that, Tellpah and his captain Edell rummaged through the belfries of Point Defiance, searching for manuals that could help them operate the fort's semaphore machine. Shortly later, the Sith were joined by two more Human warriors who had survived the Candra's crash-landing. The captive Quarra was shocked to see a Keshiri serving the Sith and quickly realized that he had come from Keshtah, the domain of the Sith. Quarra attempted to encourage Tellpah to mutiny against his master by telling him that the Keshiri in Alanciar were free. However, Tellpah merely looked at her and was unable to comprehend the notion of the Keshiri being the masters of themselves. In response, Edell ordered Tellpah to ignore the Alanciari woman and to resume his job of finding the proper signal to send. With Tellpah being unable to find a way to operate the semaphore machine, Quarra offered to show them how to send the "all-clear" code. However, Edell did not trust her since he feared that she would alert the other Alanciari to their presence.
Unable to operate the semaphore machine, Edell smashed the stand containing the signal cylinders against the stone wall, destroying them. Edell and Tellpah then walked out onto the balcony where they spotted a ship in the horizon. This ship turned out to be the Alanciari fishing trawler Mischance. While most of the Alanciari harvester fleet usually worked in the coral banks of the Southern Passage, captains that were behind in harvesting their quotas of seafood were known to cut corners by fishing in the Western Sea, which was a restricted military zone that was patrolled by the Shore Guard, the Alanciari coast guard. Edell decided that the six surviving Sith would hijack the harvester and then use it to return to Keshtah. The Sith also brought their two prisoners Quarra and Jogan with them. Prior to their evacuation from Point Defiance, Ulbrick's body was dumped into a cistern in an effort to hide it from Alanciari reinforcements who had been dispatched from Garrow's Neck.
The Sith party managed to hijack and seize control of the Mischance. During that brief but violent skirmish, all of the Keshiri sailors fought to the death. Edell Vrai's lieutenant also attempted to interrogate one of the Alanciari sailors but he refused to disclose any information to the Sith prior to his death. The Sith also found that the vessel contained several good maps of the currents in the Southern Passage. Edell and his lieutenant Peppin ten decided to use the Mischance to return home to Keshtah and warn the Tribe of the military capabilities of the Alanciari. While the Mischance was merely a lowly harvesting vessel, it was larger and more advanced than any of the seagoing vessels which Keshtah had produced. Having accomplished their mission, Edell and Peppin decided to return home with their new acquisitions. However, Edell was unwilling to return home and made up orders claiming that he had to remain behind on Alanciar for a ground-based reconnaissance mission.
Later, Tellpah was present when his captain Edell Vrai presented the other captive Quarra Thayn with the offer of serving as his guide on a ground reconnaissance mission into Alanciar's interior. Edell wanted to find out more about Alanciar's military government, the War Cabinet, in order to provide the Sith Tribe with more intelligence on Alanciar. He told Quarra that the pair would infiltrate Alanciar through Meori Cove in Garrow's Neck, which was not under military surveillance. They would then travel to Alanciar's capital of Sus'mintri, which he estimated would take them several days to reach. Edell intended for this reconnaissance mission to last for a maximum of two weeks. Edell also lied to Quarra and claimed that the Mischance would remain off the coast of Garrow's Neck until they received a signal that he had returned. Quarra was initially unwilling to cooperate until Edell threatened to kill her lover Jogan by throwing him into the ocean.
Quarra then suggested that Edell use his own Keshiri slave, Tellpah, for this mission. However, Edell reiterated that he wanted a local guide who knew Alanciar. He also explained that the reason why he had brought Tellpah and the other Keshiri from Keshtah was to spread their religion, which was centered around the Sith "Protectors". Edell also wanted to learn more about the military capabilities of the Alanciari. Finally, Quarra agreed to assist Edell in return for them untying Jogan from the ship's and attending to his wounds. Edell agreed to Quarra's demands and ordered Peppin and Tellpah to untie Jogan. After depositing Edell and Quarra at Meori Cove, the Mischance returned to Keshtah. Tellpah was presumably aboard the ship during its first transoceanic voyage to Keshtah.
Under the leadership of Edell's lieutenant Peppin, the Mischance navigated through the Southern Passage and sailed into the Sea of Flames. After two weeks of traveling, the Mischance arrived on the western coast of Keshtah. After landing, Peppin flew ahead to the Sith capital of Tahv with a copy of the Keshtah Chronicles, which the Sith had obtained from Jogan's private library. This book was a popular history book which had been written by Adari Vaal following her exile and provided the Sith with invaluable intelligence on what the Alanciari knew about the Sith Tribe. After staging a grand deception operation in Tahv, Hilts and the other Sith High Lords managed to convince Jogan Halder that the Sith were not a threat to Alanciar but were rather the benign Protectors. As a result, the Alanciari submitted to Sith rule.
Tellpah, like many Keshiri from Keshtah, exhibited a subservient demeanor in his interactions with the Lost Tribe of Sith, the Sith Human rulers of Kesh. He held the Tribe in reverence, worshiping them as the Protectors, benevolent deities in the Keshiri religion who had fought a "Great Battle" against a race of malevolent beings known as the Destructors. Tellpah, like many other Keshtah Keshiri, possessed a lower forehead and a slightly narrower face compared to the Keshiri of Alanciar, who referred to themselves as the Alanciari. His commander, High Lord Edell Vrai, viewed him merely as a slave whose name was of no importance.
During the Tribe's reconnaissance mission to Alanciar, Tellpah served his Sith masters with unwavering loyalty and obedience. He was selected for this mission due to his knowledge and expertise in the ancient Keshiri language, which the Tribe suspected was the primary language of the Keshiri in Alanciar. However, Tellpah did not need to use his linguistic skills since the Alanciari already spoke the same language as the Sith and Keshiri from Keshtah. When Tellpah first encountered the Alanciari woman Quarra Thayn, he was shocked and unable to comprehend the fact that there were other Keshiri on Alanciar who were not subordinate to the Sith but who ran their own lives. However, Edell silenced Quarra and ordered Tellpah to continue with his work of finding out how to operate Point Defiance's semaphore machine. Ultimately, Tellpah's loyalty to the Tribe won out over Quarra's pleas.
John Jackson Miller's novella Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pandemonium, initially published on July 24 2012 as part of the mass paperback Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories, marked Tellpah's debut as a minor non-point-of-view character. This is his sole known appearance in the Star Wars Expanded Universe.