Quarra Thayn's cousin

The Keshiri woman Quarra Thayn from Alanciari had a cousin of the same gender who held the position of signal officer at the signal station located in the town of Kerebba. This military supply hub, Kerebba, was positioned along a canal that flowed into a bay within the Six Claws, a peninsular region in southern Alanciar. In 2978 BBY, she became romantically involved with Jogan Halder, a fellow signal officer based at the Point Defiance fort on the southernmost peninsula of Garrow's Neck.

Jogan sent her stories via his station's semaphore machine over several months. She then related these stories to Quarra Thayn during a routine visit to Kerebba. Thayn was captivated by Halder's writings and developed feelings for him. Upon her cousin's reassignment, Quarra took the initiative to send signals to Halder via the Uhrar signal station, thereby introducing herself. This marked the beginning of a clandestine three-year relationship, which reached its climax with Quarra's visit to Point Defiance in 2975 BBY, at the same time as the Lost Tribe of Sith invaded Alanciar.

