Brue Thayn

Brue Thayn was a male Keshiri. He was married to Quarra Thayn, making him her husband, and the father to their three children. At least one of these children was a teenage daughter. Brue resided in the city of Uhrar, which was located in northern Alanciar. Alanciar is a continent found on the Wild Space planet called Kesh. In 2975 BBY, Brue's occupation was as a glassblowing instructor for the Training Directorate within the Alanciari military. His students were elderly Keshiri veterans. He wasn't fond of his job, but he also wasn't motivated to seek a better one, a fact that greatly annoyed his wife. Brue was content and unmotivated, while Quarra was ambitious and eventually became the top wardmaster and chief military administrator in Uhrar.

Quarra's annoyance with her husband's lack of ambition led her to have an affair with Jogan Halder. Halder was a signal officer in the Alanciari military's Signal Corps, stationed at the remote fort of Point Defiance. Quarra's meeting with Halder happened at the same time as the Sith invasion of Alanciar. Both Keshiri were forced to work with the invaders, who successfully took over Alanciar. During the invasion, Brue moved his children to a safe shelter, where they stayed until the conflict ended. After the Sith "unified" Alanciar and Keshtah, Brue and his family returned home. His wife, Quarra, was considered a hero for helping the "good Sith" defeat the "bad Sith," who had murdered the War Cabinet, Alanciar's military government.


Husband and Glassblower

Brue Thayn was a Keshiri man who called the continent of Alanciar home before the Lost Tribe of Sith annexed it in 2975 BBY. He was married to Quarra Thayn, a Keshiri woman known for her ambition and hard work. By 2975 BBY, she had risen to the position of wardmaster and chief military administrator in the city of Uhrar. Brue and Quarra had three children, including a daughter who was eleven years old in 2975 BBY. Had the Sith not annexed Alanciar that year, their daughter would have been eligible for conscription into the Alanciari military the following year. The family lived in a house in Uhrar. Like all Keshiri in Alanciar, Brue was raised to fear the Lost Tribe of Sith, a group of Human Sith from off-world who had settled on the planet Kesh during the Great Hyperspace War and controlled Keshtah Minor, one of Kesh's two continents.

Brue Thayn worked as a glassblower, specializing in fireglobes. These glass and metal devices were used to provide light in Alanciari homes and buildings. Brue taught elderly veterans of the Alanciari military how to make fireglobes. These veterans were required to contribute to the Great Cause, which involved preparing Alanciar to resist a Sith invasion. These veterans were often unpleasant and used their rank to intimidate him. Brue didn't enjoy his job, but he wasn't willing to put in the effort to climb the Alanciari social ladder for a better-paying and more comfortable position. In contrast, his wife Quarra had worked her way up from a low-level supply clerk to thoughtcrier, then materials supervisor, before becoming wardmaster. Brue was a good father who cared for his children and home, but his lack of ambition was a point of conflict with Quarra.

Quarra's dissatisfaction with her husband, whom she saw as uninteresting, led her to begin an affair with Jogan Halder. Halder was a signal officer stationed at Point Defiance, a coastal fort in the Six Claws region on Alanciar's southern coast. The affair began in 2978 BBY, and Quarra exchanged thousands of messages with Jogan via semaphore machine over three years. Most of these messages arrived at Quarra's office in Uhrar overnight, and she would read them in the morning. For Quarra, Halder's letters provided an escape from the monotony of her work and motherhood. She began carrying the letters with her, reading them whenever she had free time. In 2975 BBY, Quarra traveled to Point Defiance to meet Jogan in person for the first time. Brue was told that his wife was on a week-long trip to the industrial cities of the Northern Slope.

The Sith Invasion

Unbeknownst to Brue and Quarra Thayn, Quarra's visit to Point Defiance would coincide with a major event in Alanciar's history: the Sith invasion. In 2975 BBY, High Lord Edell Vrai led a Sith reconnaissance mission to Alanciar, successfully reaching the continent's southwestern coast. The Alanciari military, prepared for such an event for two thousand years, quickly responded and destroyed the Sith scouting airships. Most of the Sith expedition was killed, but a group of six survivors led by Edell captured Quarra and Jogan Halder, forcing them to collaborate with the Sith. The Sith also captured the Alanciari sailing vessel Mischance and a copy of the Keshtah Chronicles, a popular history book that had taught generations of Alanciari about the Tribe and Keshtah Minor. These assets helped the Sith conquer Alanciar.

The surviving Sith expedition members brought Jogan Halder and the Mischance back to Keshtah Minor, giving the Sith access to Alanciari sailing technology. The Tribe's leadership convinced Jogan that the Sith were not a threat but were actually the Protectors, gods in Keshiri religion. The Sith acknowledged that there had been "servants" of the Destructors among them, but Grand Lord Varner Hilts claimed that the Tribe had exiled these individuals, and one of them had left with his fleet of airships. Jogan believed the Tribe's claims and became their "ambassador." Under pressure, Quarra agreed to guide Edell on a ground reconnaissance mission into Alanciar's interior in exchange for Edell sparing Jogan's life.

During their travels, Quarra and Edell developed a reluctant friendship. Quarra talked about her children and husband, whom Edell learned was not at the Signal station during the Sith invasion. Using his Force powers, Edell read Quarra's mind and discovered her affair with Jogan. Quarra was upset by this revelation, but Edell assured her that he wasn't judging her, noting that the Sith were similar to the Alanciari in this regard. Later, Quarra visited Uhrar to check on her family. She found her three children sleeping in the town's protective shelter. Quarra's staff had evacuated the town's children to the shelter after the invasion. During this brief visit, Quarra did not see Brue, who was presumably called up for duty at a glass ammunition factory due to the increased demand for glass projectiles to support the Alanciari "Cause."

Ultimately, the Sith convinced the Alanciari to submit to their rule through Jogan Halder's diplomacy. Meanwhile, a mutiny among the Sith invasion forces led by High Lord Korsin Bentado was defeated by Edell, Quarra, and the Keshtah Keshiri servant Squab. Bentado and the survivors of a second Sith invasion force, the Ebon Fleet, had killed the entire War Cabinet, Alanciar's military leadership, and taken over Vaal Hall and its "worldwatch," which served as a central hub for signal communications across the continent. To win the "hearts and minds" of the Alanciari, Jogan and Hilts, claiming to be the "Kesh-born minion" of a Keshiri god known as the Bright Tuash, declared that Bentado was a "servant of the Destructors" and a "pariah" banished from the Tribe for his warlike ways. In reality, Bentado had led the invasion force that successfully decapitated the Alanciari military government. Finally, Hilts claimed that Adari Vaal, the Herald of Kesh and a respected figure in Alanciar's history, had been misguided about the Tribe.

The Unification

Brue Thayn and his wife Quarra Thayn survived and benefited from the Sith "unification" of Alanciar. As part of this process, Human and Keshiri Sith relief workers were sent to Alanciar to promote peace and reconciliation. The Sith occupiers also promoted the idea that the past two millennia of Alanciari history had been a period of "collective madness." According to official reports, Quarra was a well-trained Keshiri woman who worked with Edell Vrai, one of the Tribe's secret agents, to defeat the "evil one" Bentado and his followers. Following the Sith "unification," there was an increased demand for fireglobes, as the Sith were fascinated by this Alanciari technology. Brue and other Alanciari glassblowers benefited from this increased demand.

After the events at the capital Sus'mintri, Brue's wife Quarra returned to her family, who remained unaware of her affair with Jogan Halder. The Force-sensitive Quarra had declined Edell's offer to join the Tribe and decided to continue working as a wardmaster to guide her family and people through the "unification" process. When Quarra arrived at their home in Uhrar, she found Brue polishing fireglobes he had shaped. He commented that his wife had a busy vacation and turned off the fireglobes. After discussing work, Brue told his wife that their children were happy to be home and would be thrilled to see her. Promising to surprise them, Quarra knelt to tie her muntok steed to its tether before entering the house. Thus, the Thayn family was reunited after a difficult few weeks.

Personality and traits

Brue Thayn was a good family man who provided for his wife Quarra Thayn and their children, but he had a dull and complacent personality. Unlike his ambitious wife, Brue was unwilling to improve his skills for a better job than his work as a glassblower instructor, which he disliked due to the grumpy attitude of the elderly Keshiri soldiers. Quarra, on the other hand, had taken opportunities to climb the hierarchy of Alanciar's militaristic society. This caused conflict with his wife and led Quarra to have an affair with the Alanciari soldier Jogan Halder. Despite these issues, Brue was still able to relate well with his spouse and their children.

Behind the scenes

Brue Thayn first appeared as a minor character in John Jackson Miller's short story Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pandemonium, released on July 24 2012. Pandemonium was the final novella in Miller's Lost Tribe of the Sith short story series, which ran from 2009 to 2012 and was released as part of the mass paperback Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories. Most of the information about Brue in the story is told from his wife Quarra Thayn's perspective.

