Oubliette (stasis casket)

Darth Glovoc, within the confines of his oubliette.

A specific kind of stasis container employed by the Sith was known as an oubliette. The primary function of oubliettes was to maintain the life of their occupants for millennia.

Historical Background

To both imprison and torture his adversary Karness Muur, as well as to restrain the mesmerizing influence of the Muur Talisman, the Sith Lord named Remulus Dreypa fashioned an oubliette. In the year 3963 BBY, this very oubliette fell into the hands of Pulsipher, a Mandalorian researcher, who then transported it to his research facilities situated on the frigid world of Jebble. During the Rakghoul plague outbreak, Pulsipher menaced Zayne Carrick with confinement within the Oubliette, aiming to compel him to unveil the capabilities of the Muur Talisman. Following Pulsipher's demise, Zayne Carrick proposed that Celeste Morne be confined within the Oubliette until the Jedi Covenant could devise a method to neutralize the Talisman's impact on her psyche. Once the Oubliette's walls severed the Talisman's connection to the external environment, the Rakghouls were liberated from Morne's dominion and subsequently turned against one another.

Even as Carrick and his comrades escaped Jebble aboard the Moomo Williwaw, Cassus Fett made his arrival at Jebble accompanied by a Mandalorian fleet. (Carrick had earlier informed Fett about the Talisman's peril via a transmitter located on Jebble.) Ignoring Carrick's frantic appeals, Fett initiated a bombardment of Jebble utilizing nuclear missiles. Carrick and his companions were compelled to presume Celeste Morne's death, and they proceeded towards Odryn. Unbeknownst to either the Jedi or the Mandalorians, the Oubliette had, in actuality, endured the assault unscathed. It descended to the seabed of Jebble's newly thawed oceans.

Years afterward, specifically in 3956 BBY, Darth Glovoc transported an oubliette aboard his flagship, known as the Dying Sun, during his voyage to the Luire system with the intention of scrutinizing the planet Nyriaan. However, the Dying Sun underwent an attack and ultimately crashed onto the planet's surface, thereby marooning Glovoc along with his surviving crew members. By means of his oubliette, the Dark Lord induced a state of suspended animation upon himself. Initially, Glovoc restricted these periods of dormancy to roughly a century, briefly awakening to assess the advancement of his followers before reverting to the oubliette. While in a state of perpetual stasis, his corrupted adherents began to venerate him as a slumbering deity, bestowing upon him the title of "the Dying Sun". As a demonstration of their unwavering loyalty, Glovoc's followers frequently sacrificed inhabitants of the planet at the base of his oubliette.

Approximately fourteen centuries prior to the Battle of Yavin—nearly three millennia following its submergence within the oceans of Jebble—Dreypa's Oubliette was unearthed by ice mining personnel. Despite their inability to unlock the container or even ascertain its contents, the miners surmised that such a heavily fortified treasure must possess immense value. One of the miners murdered his fellow workers and absconded with the artifact for his own personal gain.

Throughout the ensuing centuries, the Oubliette underwent numerous changes in ownership and gained recognition among Galactic antique traders as the Jebble Box. According to prevailing lore, the Box purportedly held a concealed treasure belonging to the Jedi Order. Consequently, the Oubliette was typically sold with haste and secrecy, lest the Jedi intervene in the transactions in their pursuit to reclaim their valuable possessions. The enigmatic nature of the Box's contents served to escalate its price with each successive acquisition. Several years preceding Palpatine's proclamation of the Galactic Empire, the Chubbits residing on Aridus engaged in armed conflict to secure possession of the Jebble Box.

Lord Vader attempting to take the Muur Talisman.

In 19 BBY, the crew members of the Uhumele discovered the Jebble Box situated on a battlefield located on Aridus. Haka Hai, an Ishi Tib crime lord, consented to the price stipulated by Captain Schurk-Heren for the Jebble Box. Prior to setting course for Mimban to finalize the transaction, Heren exercised caution by concealing the Box within the icy rings of a gas giant. As Heren had anticipated, Hai attempted to seize the Box without rendering payment. This resulted in a three-way exchange of gunfire involving Hai's enforcers, the crew of the Uhumele, and Lumbra, a turncoat within Hai's own organization. Ultimately, Lumbra managed to secure the Jebble Box, only to discover that it was, in effect, a fraudulent replica containing an armed explosive device. The ensuing detonation claimed the life of Lumbra's ally Gamy and severely damaged his vessel.

Having escaped the clutches of Haka Hai's prisons, Schurk-Heren identified another, more trustworthy prospective buyer: the historian Fane Peturri. Despite Heren's conviction that Peturri lacked any affiliations with criminal elements, the scholar betrayed the crew of the Uhumele to Darth Vader.

Peturri conducted an analysis of the Jebble Box and successfully located a recording produced by Marn Hierogryph approximately four millennia prior. Lacking the means to substantiate Hierogryph's mention of "Lord Dreypa's Oubliette" with any contemporaneous archaeological findings, Peturri reached the conclusion that the Box was a pre-Republic relic.

Peturri harbored reservations regarding the Oubliette's purported ability to preserve life for extended periods of time. Despite his request to conduct further examinations of the casket, Vader proceeded to open it—revealing a Celeste Morne in perfect condition. Upon Celeste's reawakening, she and Vader engaged in a duel, during which Celeste gained the upper hand by succumbing to the power emanating from the Muur Talisman, thereby transforming the surrounding Humans into Rakghouls. Following Vader's withdrawal, she commanded the Rakghouls to obliterate the Oubliette.

In 137 ABY, the Sith Lord Darth Vurik endeavored to locate the dormant Darth Glovoc and the oubliette containing him. However, while Vurik was preoccupied by a contingent of Jedi, Glovoc's Sith adherents relocated the casket to a clandestine location.

