Darth Glovoc, a Sith Lord of the male humanoid variety, loyally served the Sith Empire of Darth Revan during the Jedi Civil War. As the conflict drew to a close in its final years, Glovoc spearheaded several highly successful campaigns against the Galactic Republic. Despite his reputation as a brilliant commander, he was also considered somewhat unhinged, dedicating most of his leisure time to intense meditation and adopting the self-anointed title of Lord of the Mind's Eye.
After the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War and the demise of Darth Malak at the hands of the redeemed Revan, Glovoc forsook the Sith ranks to seek out the planet of Nyriaan, driven by a vision he experienced during his meditative trances. However, upon their arrival at the remote world, a Republic strike force ambushed Glovoc's forces. In the resulting battle, Glovoc's flagship, known as the Dying Sun, suffered severe damage and crash-landed on Nyriaan. Glovoc and a handful of his crew managed to survive, but they found themselves stranded on the planet.
The Sith Lord then entered a state of stasis within an oubliette, awakening approximately once a century to assess the state of his followers. Over many years, the remaining Sith survivors struggled to survive on Nyriaan, eventually venerating Glovoc's dormant form as their god. In 132 ABY, Galactic Emperor Darth Krayt received reports about the Dying Sun's final resting place and dispatched an agent to investigate Nyriaan; following an encounter between the Sith descendants and the agent, they opted to relocate Glovoc's sleeping form to a more hidden location.
During the Jedi Civil War, Darth Glovoc held the position of Sith Lord and commander within the Sith Empire of Darth Revan. Glovoc proved to be a valuable asset to the Sith during the final years of the war, successfully leading several campaigns against the Galactic Republic. While Glovoc was respected for his command skills, he was often isolated, as many within the Sith forces deemed him to be insane. In hopes of finding the key to the Sith Empire's ultimate victory, Glovoc devoted a significant amount of time to deep meditation, and proclaimed himself to be the Lord of the Mind's Eye.
As 3957 BBY neared its end, specifically during the months when Darth Malak held the title of Dark Lord of the Sith, Glovoc experienced a powerful vision within a dream. In his mind's eye, Glovoc saw a distant world completely shrouded in thick, dark clouds, illuminated by strikes of purple lightning. Upon awakening, Glovoc was consumed by the desire to visit and conquer this mysterious planet. Convinced that the dark side was beckoning him to uncover something there, the Sith Lord resolved to seek out this enigmatic location. Glovoc identified a world within the Luire system that matched his vision and abandoned the war effort, but not before executing those who dared to question his interpretation of the vision.
Glovoc's ship, the Interdictor-class cruiser Dying Sun, engaged its hyperspace drive, setting course for Luire. Throughout the journey, Glovoc continued his meditative practices, hoping to further refine his understanding of the planet from his dream. The Sith Lord's meditation ultimately led him to Nyriaan, a world that aligned with his vision. However, further contemplation failed to reveal what lay beneath the dark clouds, as Glovoc soon discovered that using the Force was challenging in the planet's vicinity. Frustrated by his inability to decipher what had drawn him to this world, Glovoc became even more determined to reach Nyriaan and comprehend his vision.
In 3956 BBY, after the Dying Sun emerged from hyperspace, Glovoc was informed by his captain that they had arrived in the Luire system. The Sith Lord immediately ordered a course toward the fifth planet in the system, activating scanning systems to gather as much information as possible about Nyriaan. Unfortunately, the sensors on the Dying Sun inadvertently attracted the attention of a nearby Republic strike force. Glovoc's focus on his ultimate goal had distracted him, and his forces were caught off-guard by the Republic ships. Despite the element of surprise, Glovoc's crew consisted of battle-hardened warriors who fought fiercely against their Republic adversaries. Consequently, the ensuing battle resulted in heavy losses for both sides. Although Glovoc's forces managed to destroy three Republic cruisers and numerous starfighters, they sustained significant damage from torpedo volleys, which crippled the Dying Sun. The Republic forces, unwilling to incur further casualties, allowed the heavily damaged ship to drift toward the clouded world below, where it would be unable to control its descent.
As the Dying Sun hurtled toward the surface of Nyriaan, several escape pods were launched from the doomed vessel, crashing onto the planet below. The damage sustained by the Interdictor-class cruiser caused Glovoc's flagship to break apart into multiple pieces during its descent. Despite the ship's disintegration, some of the crew survived the crash-landing, remaining within the fragments of the Dying Sun that remained intact. Although their numbers were significantly reduced, the surviving Sith rallied under Glovoc's tyrannical leadership. Unable to escape the isolated world, Glovoc took measures to prolong his life. Utilizing an oubliette, the Sith Lord entered a state of suspended animation. Initially, Glovoc limited his periods of slumber to approximately one hundred years, awakening briefly to assess the progress of his people before returning to the oubliette. As the years passed, Glovoc's Sith disciples—who called themselves the Children of the Tempest—became increasingly twisted and inbred, and their Sith Lord's awakenings became less frequent.

Over time, Glovoc's followers discovered that the planet interfered with their ability to use the Force. While the weather seemed to contribute to this phenomenon, Glovoc's disciples came to believe that something within the world itself was responsible for the interference. The Sith also occasionally encountered Nyriaan natives, who were known to attack anyone who trespassed upon their territory, causing others on Nyriaan to avoid them. Eventually, Glovoc ceased his visits to his people altogether. In perpetual stasis, his depraved followers began to revere him as a sleeping god, referring to him as "the Dying Sun." Glovoc's followers often sacrificed inhabitants of the planet at the base of a stone altar, upon which stood a statue of a humanoid figure.
In 81 BBY, several interested parties, including the Corporate Sector Authority and the Tapani Noble Houses of Reena and Mecetti, established permanent settlements on the planet's surface in an attempt to claim the valuable resources of Nyriaan. Over the years, the growing number of people settling on the world disrupted Glovoc's eternal sleep. His peaceful slumber became more restless, but he was unable to awaken after so many years in stasis. The Sith Lord's followers attempted to rouse him from the oubliette, but their efforts proved futile.
In 132 ABY, during the reign of Galactic Emperor Darth Krayt, agents of his One Sith uncovered rumors regarding the final location of the Dying Sun. Krayt, hoping to discover Sith artifacts, including Sith holocrons dating back to the time of Malak's former Master, Darth Revan, decided to send one of his followers to Nyriaan to investigate. Darth Vurik, using the information provided by his master, located the Sith settlement on the world and encountered the inbred survivors of the Dying Sun. Vurik attempted to find Glovoc's dormant form, but the settlers fiercely resisted him, sacrificing themselves to protect their sleeping god.
Despite killing several of the Sith guarding Glovoc's body, Vurik was prevented from achieving his goal due to the intervention of fugitive Jedi who were hiding on Nyriaan. In the ensuing conflict, Vurik wounded several of the Jedi and killed one of them, but he was ultimately forced to retreat. During the battle, the Sith settlers acted swiftly and moved Glovoc's oubliette to a new hiding place. Vurik, humiliated by his defeat, decided not to immediately report back to his master, hoping that employing bounty hunters would enable him to eliminate the Jedi and finally locate Darth Glovoc.
Darth Glovoc was a male humanoid with light skin. The Sith Lord was a key member of the Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War, esteemed for his brilliance and contributions against the Galactic Republic. However, his loyalty to the cause was secondary to his personal ambitions, as he readily abandoned the war effort upon receiving a vision during one of his many meditation sessions. His obsession with meditation led other Sith to consider Glovoc quite mad. He possessed a volatile temper and unwavering faith in his visions, to the point of immediately executing those who contradicted his interpretation of the Nyriaan vision. When sufficiently enraged, he was capable of subjecting a being to a slow and agonizing death.
After becoming stranded on Nyriaan, Glovoc proved to be a stern but effective leader, guiding his followers through the subsequent millennia. However, his presence corrupted his servants, both physically and spiritually. Over his extended lifespan, Glovoc gradually lost interest in the physical world, entering a perpetual state of stasis within an oubliette. His influence on the Sith was so profound that they eventually began to worship him as a god, even naming him after their destroyed ship, the Dying Sun.
Darth Glovoc possessed exceptional cognitive abilities, leading him to fancy himself as the "Lord of the Mind's Eye." During the Jedi Civil War, he devoted much of his free time to deep meditation, seeking the key to the Sith's ultimate victory over the Republic. Toward the end of the war, he experienced an epiphany in the form of a powerful Force vision, which ignited an overwhelming desire to explore the world he had seen. Despite the vagueness of his vision, he was certain that the dark side was guiding him to something significant. However, upon reaching Nyriaan, Glovoc discovered that his mental probes could not penetrate the planet's cloud layer, as something was interfering with his ability to use the Force.
Darth Glovoc was mentioned in the 2010 Wizards of the Coast resource book Galaxy of Intrigue, as part of the background information for the planet Nyriaan. As Galaxy of Intrigue serves as a supplement to the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, the text acknowledges the possibility of Glovoc awakening from his millennia-long stasis. It is stated that, should he regain consciousness, he will reunite his followers and embark on a mission of conquest. However, as the book does not definitively confirm whether Glovoc awakens, this event is not necessarily considered canon. While the statue atop the sacrificial altar is never explicitly identified as Glovoc, a depiction of the statue in Galaxy of Intrigue bears a resemblance to the Sith Lord.