The noble house of House Mecetti held dominion over the Mecetti Province, situated within the Tapani sector. Among all the Tapani Noble Houses, it gained a reputation for being the most aggressive and haughty.
As one of the most ancient and influential houses in the Tapani sector, House Mecetti's history is replete with tales of predatory ambushes, bloody uprisings, treachery, assassinations, and intense internal power struggles.
Following the events of the Great Sith War, House Mecetti became a patron of the Sith-inspired Mecrosa Order. However, they faced defeat at the hands of the Jedi and House Pelagia during the Cleansing of the Nine Houses.
During the Galactic War, this noble House sponsored expeditions aimed at recovering their lost heirlooms from the Great Sith War.
In the waning years of the Galactic Republic, Count Dooku maintained close connections with this noble house. During this era, House Pelagia and the Galactic Republic kept Mecetti's aggression in check. Despite the setbacks they faced during the Cleansing, House Mecetti remained the most formidable family at the dawn of the New Order, willing to do anything to maintain their power, even if it meant harming the Tapani sector. During the New Order, Mecetti initiated a purge targeting House Pelagia. Yet, fear of the Galactic Empire deterred them from attacking the other houses (especially House Melantha, which had close ties to Imperial Center), even though Mecetti secretly desired to annex the entire sector.
In the decade leading up to the rise of the Galactic Empire, all major industries within the Mecetti Province underwent nationalization. Consequently, the house held shares in numerous megacorporations, including controlling interests in dozens of corporations located in the Core Worlds and the Colonies. The individual families within the house also possessed substantial holdings.
Similarly to House Pelagia, House Mecetti maintained collections of Sith artifact and holocrons within their vaults. This closely guarded secret was protected by blood oaths sworn by those who knew of the artifacts, binding them to secrecy from anyone outside the House. Rumors even suggested they possessed the lightsaber of Darth Malgus.
Two of the house's most crucial industries were starship manufacturing and food production, and Mecetti strived to maintain their competitiveness. However, by the Rebellion era, the command economy began to weaken, state-owned businesses became bloated and less efficient, and Mecetti struggled to attract external investments. The Mecetti Province was largely self-sufficient due to the ability to offset deficiencies in one world with goods and services imported from another.
House Mecetti also commanded a vast and centuries-old intelligence network known as the House Ministry of Inquiry. This network had infiltrated most of the other houses and, by the time of the Galactic Empire, had also placed agents within the Imperial Security Bureau and the Ubiqtorate.
House Mecetti had consistently maintained a formidable house navy, and its collective forces were known as the Mecetti House Guard. During the Rebellion era, the Mecetti Guard Navy comprised 12 capital ships, primarily Victory II-class Star Destroyers refurbished at the Obulette shipyards, supported by numerous picket ships, corvettes, assault boats, and snubfighters.
House Mecetti spearheaded the Mecetti-Reena-Calipsa coalition but lacked genuine allies beyond those of convenience. Its principal adversary was consistently House Pelagia.
- Lord Bodé Leobund XI (High Lord)
- Lord Tritum XI (High Lord)
- Lady Brezwalt III (High Lady)
- Lord Octavian Grant (Imperial Grand Admiral)
- Lady Estalle Balis
- Lady Damara Decrilla
- Lady Brigta Hejaran
- Baron Lucian Hejaran
- Baroness Mellona Gantrolo
- Viscountess Mireya
- Galemus Hejaran
- Themion Hejaran
- Sir Tazur Pheron
- Sir Jared Rutledge
- Sir Nevil Tritum
- Pershon