Tapani nobility The governing families of the Tapani sector were the Tapani Noble Houses. Initially, upon the sector's colonization, there existed twelve such houses. However, the civil war started by Shey Tapani resulted in the destruction of two houses, and another house appeared to collapse shortly after that. Furthermore, it was believed that two additional houses were eliminated during the Cleansing of the Nine Houses. The houses were intensely competitive, leading to multiple civil conflicts. During the Rebellion era, all noble families within the sector belonged to one of seven houses, which collectively governed the sector's provinces. Among these seven, Mecetti, Cadriaan, and Melantha were the most influential during that era.
During the Rebellion era, nobles of the Tapani sector included Lady Wineth Lastemin, Lady Agatha, Lord Hoall, Baron Balcomb, Baron Bertrum, and Baron Munsk, although their house affiliations remain unknown. Traditionally, a Tapani noble would offer an ulikuo gemstone when proposing marriage.
Leocald VII and Gorgano IV both served as Emperors of the Tapani sector, yet their respective houses are not known.
It is possible that Baron Karoll Cilarnus was a Tapani noble whose house is not known. He oversaw the construction of the starship that would later become known as the Moomo Williwaw.
Captain Andra's family was of very old lineage and was once part of a noble house that was dissolved when the Freeworlds separated from the Expanse.
- Two Rogue Houses (Destroyed) [4]
- House Nidantha (Self-exiled) [5]
Cleansing of the Nine Houses :
- House Barong (Absorbed) [6]
- House Melissus (Absorbed) [6]
Each of the Tapani houses maintained its own standing military force, referred to as the House Defense Force.