During the Galactic Civil War, the High Lord of House Mecetti of Tapani was Bodé Leobund XI. Lord Leobund's grand-nephew was Sir Tazur Pheron.
Bodé Leobund XI, a Human male, was born into the influential Noble House of Mecetti within the Tapani sector during the era of the Galactic Republic. During his early life, his father, the then-High Lord of Mecetti, proved to be an ineffective leader, allowing House Melantha, a rival house, to surpass Mecetti in power. Around 21 BBY, the High Lord was poisoned and subsequently died, paving the way for Leobund to assume his father's position as High Lord. Despite persistent rumors, Leobund was never proven guilty of his father's murder, although he was among the suspected. Leobund wasted no time in consolidating his power, swiftly restoring Mecetti's dominance over Melantha. He forged alliances with House Reena and House Calipsa, securing enough votes in the Great Council to effectively control the sector. Leobund and his three-house coalition maintained their control for at least twenty-four years. During this period, the Galactic Empire rose to prominence and removed House Pelagia, another Mecetti rival, from power. Previously, Pelagia, along with the Republic, had restrained Leobund and Mecetti's influence, but with their removal, the Empire became the new obstacle in the House's pursuit of absolute power.
Knowing that any disruption would provide the Empire with a pretext to seize control of the sector under the guise of "maintaining peace", Leobund refrained from aggressive actions against House Mecetti's rivals. Consequently, he was compelled to preserve peace among the houses while simultaneously keeping them divided to ensure Mecetti's continued supremacy. Around 7 BBY, Leobund enacted a decree nationalizing all businesses on Mecetti-controlled planets, granting him authority over numerous mega-corporations and significantly augmenting his House's assets. By approximately 3 ABY, some within Mecetti began to question this nationalization policy, citing difficulties in attracting external investors. By this time, Leobund had ensured that Mecetti maintained a formidable navy and intelligence network. He entrusted the latter to Lady Estalle Balis. Unbeknownst to Leobund, Balis was secretly affiliated with the Mecrosa Order and deliberately shielded her employer from any information regarding the Order's activities, attributing their actions to other houses in her reports.
The first mention of Bodé Leobund XI occurred in 1997 within the gamemaster guide of Lords of the Expanse. This supplement, crafted by Paul Sudlow and Chris Doyle, was designed for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games.