High Lord (or High Lady for a female leader) signified the chief of a noble house within the Tapani sector. These leaders were initially kings presiding over warring territories. This changed when Shey Tapani, the High Lord of House Melantha, ascended to become the Emperor of the entire Tapani sector, transforming the kings into High Lords.
- Emperor Shey Tapani of House Melantha
- Lord Tritum XI of House Mecetti
- Lady Brezwalt III of House Mecetti
- Lady Varin Arabella of House Barnaba
- Lady Bathos of House Cadriaan
- Lord Weston Warsheld of House Calipsa
- Lord Bodé Leobund XI of House Mecetti
- Lord Bal Jaset of House Melantha
- Lord Theus Paddox of House Pelagia
- Lord Galen Panos of House Reena