Varin Arabella

Varin Arabella held the position of High Lady for House Barnaba during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Following the unexplained illness and subsequent deaths of her parents, Arabella became the leader of her house at the young age of 17. There are suspicions that House Mecetti orchestrated their demise as part of a scheme to weaken House Barnaba. Although the house high council worried that her youth would compromise Barnaba's standing, Lady Arabella was the obvious choice to succeed her parents. They appointed her with the expectation that they could manipulate her actions. However, Varin refused to be a mere puppet of the council. This led to numerous disagreements with them due to their contrasting political ideologies.

Despite her age, she maintained popularity with the populace and her house did not suffer. Varin proved to be a skilled diplomat, improving relations with House Melantha and secretly initiating steps toward forming an alliance with House Cadriaan.

Personality and traits

Lady Arabella was a Human female characterized by her long, blonde hair. Prior to assuming leadership, Varin served as a member of the House Guard. Even after becoming head of House Barnaba, she maintained peak physical fitness and regularly trained with various weapons. She possessed a compassionate disposition and adhered to a rigid ethical framework, yet she was also assertive and shared her house's penchant for extravagance.

