
Bathos, who held the title of High Lady of Tapani's House Cadriaan, reigned during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Her origins were in one of the less prominent noble families within House Cadriaan, but she ascended the social ladder through a succession of strategically advantageous marriages. Bathos's final husband was the preceding High Lord, who lived long enough for her to establish her own base of power, enabling her to successfully seize leadership upon his passing.

Through her aptitude for forging robust alliances with a variety of organizations and individuals, Lady Bathos preserved her authority. She cultivated relationships with notable titled commoners who held her business acumen in high regard. Furthermore, the High Lady commanded a personality cult within the house's military forces. Nevertheless, she did not enjoy universal favor, and numerous Cadriaan lords and ladies believed their own claims to the house leadership to be more valid. Cognizant of these internal threats, Bathos took precautions to safeguard her position.

On Procopia, the High Lady possessed an extensive garden sanctuary known as the Alaphoe Gardens, situated on Lalos Island. She hosted extravagant gatherings at these gardens, and during Capital Season, virtually everyone of importance, or aspiring to be, sought to be seen at her social events.


  • Player's Guide to Tapani
  • Lords of the Expanse (First mentioned)
