Weston Warsheld

Lord Weston Warsheld held the position of High Lord for House Calipsa throughout the Galactic Civil War era. Around the Battle of Hoth, he had governed the Tapani Sector House with benevolence for approximately 87 years. By the age of 108, his physical condition had deteriorated significantly. He relied on a repulsor chair for mobility, required constant life support, and depended on the continuous care of an MD-5 medical droid. Consequently, Lord Warsheld seldom left Calipsa, necessitating representation by others at the Great Council.

Warsheld embodied the conservative values of his House. Through skillful business transactions and prudent fiscal management, he carefully guided Calipsa through the numerous crises that followed the downfall of the Old Republic and the establishment of the New Order. During the Mecetti Purge, he oversaw the annexation of eight systems belonging to House Pelagia, significantly boosting the house's financial standing and political influence within the Tapani sector. During this era, some economists speculated that Calipsa might eventually absorb all or part of Pelagian territory, while other analysts considered their powerful position unstable and susceptible to collapse under the right circumstances.

Notwithstanding Warsheld's triumphant leadership of the House, younger, more ambitious factions advocated for his removal. These individuals felt that Calipsa's assets were not being fully utilized and that a more assertive approach would enable their house to supplant House Mecetti as the sector's dominant power.


  • Player's Guide to Tapani
  • Lords of the Expanse (First mentioned)
