The Mecrosa Order was a dark side coven that served House Mecetti. This powerful noble family resided on Obulette, and the Order was sworn to protect them from any and all threats, even at the cost of their own lives. This group of Force-sensitive assassins had a rich and extensive history, and they were deeply intertwined with the ways of the Sith.
The Mecrosa Order's origins trace back to the Dynastic Era within the Tapani sector's. It began as a group of Force-sensitive nobles from House Mecetti who pledged their lives to safeguard the House from any potential dangers. The Order established its base within an ancient castle on the planet Nyssa. As House Mecetti prospered and grew stronger, so did the Order, both in terms of wealth and membership. They established chapter houses throughout the surrounding systems, creating an intricate network of spies and informants to ensure a constant flow of information.
During this two-century period of growth and expansion, internal corruption began to plague the Order. This attracted the attention of members of the Jedi Order who were allied with the rival House Pelagia. Viscountess Mireya of Vjun, the leader of the Mecrosa Order, was accused of associating with Sith holocrons and delving into the dark side of the Force. It was even alleged that she permitted Sith Lords to possess tax-exempt properties on Nyssa. During the historical period known as the Old Sith Wars, under the leadership of High Lady Brezwalt III, the Mecrosa Order provided financial support to the devastating conflict instigated by Sith Lord Exar Kun, prompting a strong response from the Jedi. In an effort to counter the Sith supporters, the Jedi Order initiated a massive purge of Sith teachings within the Tapani sector, known as the Cleansing of the Nine Houses.
Although the Jedi successfully eliminated many of the Order's Sith-aligned members, the Mecrosa managed to survive in secrecy within the Tapani sector, albeit with a diminished number of Force-sensitive individuals. Abandoning the use of Sith teachings and poisons, the Mecrosa sought out frinka venom and mastered various martial arts techniques. To enhance their resilience, the Order's assassins underwent training to withstand toxic atmospheres, poisons, and diseases by consuming chemical cocktails that provided immunity to their effects. By the time of the Cold War, the Order was still fragmented, and their databases susceptible to unauthorized access. Over the subsequent four millennia, as the secret society recovered, they became increasingly selective about membership. For a considerable period, the Mecrosa remained uninvolved in the conflicts between the Jedi and Sith, until the New Sith Wars, when they aligned themselves with the New Sith Empire. Despite their pledge of loyalty, the Order orchestrated the poisoning of Sith Lord Belia Darzu in response to her intrusion into the Tapani sector in 1230 BBY.

A millennium later, the weakened Order faced a challenge from Mother Talzin, the leader of the Dathomirian Nightsisters. Talzin dispatched three shadow killers to the Pella system in search of rival groups. During the confrontation, only one Nightsister perished, while all Mecrosa combatants were killed. Several years later, Sir Nevil Tritum became a member of the revitalized Mecrosa Order under the Galactic Empire. Although not Force-sensitive, Tritum successfully recovered the lost holocron of King Adas from the library of House Pelagia, eliminating three Jedi Guardians in the process.
The Order maintained a low profile during the Galactic Civil War, resurfacing after the death of the Galactic Emperor. At this time, Lady Estalle Balis, the director of House Mecetti's highly effective spynet, led the Order. Sometime after the battle over Endor, former Emperor's Hand Lumiya visited the Mecrosa. She requested access to their vaults, and the Mecrosa, feeling compelled to assist her in her pursuit of knowledge, reluctantly granted her request.