Holocron of King Adas

The Holocron of King Adas, also referred to as Adas's holocron, served as the original Sith holocron. It was created by King Adas himself circa 27,700 BBY. He acquired the knowledge to construct the holocron from the Rakata invaders who had arrived to conquer Korriban, but whom Adas successfully repelled.


After its initial creation, the holocron of Adas was passed down through generations until, around the period of the Great Hyperspace War, Lord Garu lost possession of it on Ashas Ree. Centuries later, the fallen Jedi Freedon Nadd discovered the holocron and utilized its dark wisdom to seize control of Onderon. Eventually, Queen Amanoa of Onderon unearthed it and absorbed all of its contained secrets. Subsequently, the holocron was transferred to her apprentice Novar, for the purpose of instructing Sith initiates. However, the Gatekeeper residing within Adas's holocron possessed a distinctive personality, capable of rejecting a user's requests or even posing threats to them. Following the defeat of Amanoa and the Naddists, the Knights of the Jedi Order concealed Adas's holocron in a geyser crater beneath the deep waters of the planet Kodai.

In 39 BBY, Norval, a student of Coruscant university professor Murk Lundi, acting on instructions, recovered Adas's holocron. His teacher had discovered it, held it briefly, and then lost it again in Kodai's seas when the two Sith fanatics fought over it. A decade afterwards, in 29 BBY, Palpatine (also known as Darth Sidious) covertly dispatched Carnor Jax's father, a Sun Guard from Thyrsus, to retrieve the holocron. By this point, Norval had finally recovered the holocron on his own and was transporting it from Kodai to Ploo II. Sidious eliminated the secret agent from Thyrsus after his failure to secure the ancient artifact. Simultaneously, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker were also pursuing Norval, ultimately succeeding in reclaiming Adas's holocron from the fanatical Sith aspirant. The Jedi High Council ordered that the ancient repository of forbidden knowledge be taken to the Jedi Temple, where it was delivered to Jocasta Nu, the chief archivist, and secured within the Temple archive vaults.

Later, for reasons not entirely clear, the Council transferred Adas's holocron to the Holocron library of House Pelagia, affiliated with the Jedi. During the Great Jedi Purge, Sir Nevil Tritum of the Mecrosa Order stole the notorious artifact from the library. Following the Battle of Endor, the Mecrosa Order presented the Sith holocron to Lumiya. It remains unknown whether she still possessed the holocron at the time of her death in 40 ABY.

In that same year, the Jedi historian Tionne Solusar mistakenly recorded in her records that Norval discovered Adas's holocron in 29 BBY, instead of 39 BBY. However, this statement is not entirely inaccurate, as the Sith artifact, while initially discovered on the earlier date, was not physically recovered and retained by Norval until 29 BBY.

