Pelagia Province constituted an area within the Tapani sector and was governed by House Pelagia. Prior to their transfer to House Calipsa following the Mecetti Purge, the systems of Betolio, Dampher, Grella, Lorenz, Kamper, New Javis, Setolio, and Netolio were all part of Pelagia Province. The province encompassed three systems and two worlds capable of supporting life during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
The Shapani Bypass, offering the quickest hyperspace route to Cadriaan, fell under the dominion of House Pelagia. House Pelagia levied substantial tolls on its adversaries, notably House Calipsa, for passage through this route. There was a period when Calipsa faced prohibition from Pelagian territories, effectively cutting them off from the Shapani Run.