Sith Empire (Pre-Republic)

Whispers circulating throughout the galaxy referred to the Sith Empire as the Kingdom of the Sith. This ancient monarchy predated the rise of the Galactic Republic and was governed by the Sith species from their home planet, Korriban, long before the dawn of the Republic.

Around 28,000 BBY, Adas brought together the disparate Sith nations and tribes on Korriban, declaring himself the sovereign ruler of the planet. Three hundred years later, King Adas met his end while repelling the Rakatan invaders.

Following the king's demise, the Sith Empire fractured into warring factions as numerous warlords vied for the throne. Dathka Graush briefly reunited the Sith people, ruling for fifty years before being assassinated by members of his own council.

Prior to 6900 BBY, the Sith Empire experienced a brief period of reunification under King Hakagram Graush, considered a legitimate successor. However, the arrival of Dark Jedi Exiles soon led to a power shift on Korriban. These Exiles adopted the name Sith and became a sect of Force-sensitives wielding the dark side of the Force.


Before 28,000 BBY, Sith society was characterized by primitive tribal warfare. One Sith, born with prophesied dark skin, sought to unify the people of Korriban into an Empire. He succeeded, establishing himself as the first monarch of the Sith. This Sith King, Adas, was bestowed with the title of Sith'ari, or Lord of the Sith.

King Adas reigned for 300 years until 27,700 BBY. During an invasion of Korriban by the Rakata, he was killed. His death was not without purpose; he and his people had driven the Rakata away. Seizing the remnants of their enemies' spacecraft, the once primitive Sith were propelled into a space age. Armed with mastery of the dark side of the Force, both acquired from the Rakata, they conquered nearby worlds, forming what became known as Sith Space. Key among these worlds were Ziost, Malachor V, Tund, Jaguada, Thule, and Arorua, with their capital relocating from Korriban to Ziost. The peace was fleeting, collapsing into a civil war due to the power vacuum left by Adas's death, with many claiming the title of Sith'ari.

Sometime before the creation of terentatek before 16,899 BBY, the Sith Empire became involved in a war. During this conflict, the Sith enlisted various warbeasts into military service for the first time, including the silooth, the Sith warbird, and the Sith war behemoth, to support their campaign. During the Battle of Kalsunor, a major engagement, the Sith unleashed hordes of mutated silooths on the planet Kalsunor, which devastated the world.

Around 15,000 BBY, the Sith Empire supported uprisings in remote regions of the Galactic Republic. The Republic Fleet Systems was established to develop warships to counter this threat.

By 14,000 BBY, the Sith Empire had abandoned a library-temple that they had built on Krayiss II.

In 7000 BBY, the Sith Empire founded a library known as Veeshas Tuwan on Arkania.

Also in 7000 BBY, Sith sorcerer Dathka Graush seized power through a violent campaign in which he conquered two-thirds of Korriban. Graush was eventually assassinated by his own followers, who deemed him too insane and bloodthirsty to rule, even for a species known for its brutality. Nevertheless, remnants of his reign were studied by Sorzus Syn and the Exiles when they arrived on Korriban roughly fifty years after Graush's death in c. 6950 BBY.

Before 6900 BBY, Hakagram Graush became King of the Sith. However, his reign was brief. Following the Battle of Corbos, a group of fallen Jedi Exiles arrived on Korriban due to Sorzus Syn's search for the legendary Kingdom of the Sith. The Dark Jedi quickly seized control by assassinating the king and impressing the Sith people with their Force abilities. They went on to establish the Sith Order and their own empire.

Behind the scenes

According to Ood Bnar in Tales of the Jedi Companion, the Sith "were not united, preferring to remain in tribal 'circles,'" when Ajunta Pall conquered them. However, Ood Bnar lived in 4000 BBY, 2900 years after Ajunta Pall, while Sorzus Syn witnessed Ajunta Pall meeting and beheading Hakagram Graush. Therefore, this article assumes that Bnar's information was inaccurate.

Originally, when the Exiles' Sith Empire was believed to have been created around 25,000 BBY,[12] it was thought to be responsible for Sith activities before 6900 BBY, such as the "Sith-backed uprisings" that led to the founding of Republic Fleet Systems around 15,000 BBY, the Sith spirits in the library-temple on Krayiss II since 14,000 BBY, Dathka Graush's reign in 7000 BBY, and the establishment of the Sith Library of Veeshas Tuwan in 7000 BBY. However, when the creation of the Exiles' Sith Empire was retconned to 6900 BBY, it implied that Adas's Sith Empire was responsible for all Sith activity prior to 6900 BBY.

